Popular Tags, Blogs, and Videos about credit history

When you go through a bankruptcy with credit card holders at what point do have to stop using the cards?

using credit cards Musicman asked: I am in a situation where I am having to use my credit cards more and more for day to day necessities but ... difference. Thanks, Tags: rebuilding credit, citi credit card, high risk lenders, no credit history Share and Enjoy: Digg Sphinn del.icio.us Facebook Mixx Google De.lirio.us [more...]

Date: 2009-01-17 02:39:16

Blog posts (2) | Videos (2)

Tribute - Revision

The Tribute MasterCard uses help to rebuild a score of the low credit often. It is a non protected card ... for the years. He/it can help to increase your score. It is because with on time monthly payments you will create a history of the positive payment on your report. There is not a price [more...]

Date: 2009-01-05 11:16:30

2 Results