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Latest News in Credit History and Jobs - May 1, 2009

House clears bill reining in credit card practices to protect … - Minneapo… 30 Apr 2009 at 12:29pm It was written that Cornelius Vanderbilt learned early in his adulthood that personal vengeance makes for good business. I’ve never missed ? read more a credit card payment since I’ve had them - years. [more...]

Date: 2009-05-01 08:08:06

Blog posts (4) | Videos (3)

Focus Of Financial Meltdown Blame Shifts To Barney Frank (D-MA)

FRANK-LY DISGRACEFULCongressman's Key Meltdown Role Increasingly Clear*** NEW: ... loans to people with poor credit histories in the name of "social justice". Frank was at the very ... that making some bad loans was just another tax., a cost of doing business as a regulated company [more...]

Date: 2008-09-27 19:12:00

The Good Deals Available Here - Cheapest Car Loans

You don’t need the IQ of a nuclear physicist to find the cheapest car loans but they’re not exactly handed out free as you’re walking through the local shopping precinct either. Let’s be clear - most people who can show regular income and a relatively stable credit history should be able to find a loan providing the amount they’re looking for bears some relationship to their income. [more...]

Date: 2009-06-18 10:01:29

Save the Paper! Should Newspapers Steer Clear of the Web?

By Tommy De Seno Attorney/Writer It’s time for an end of the year wrap-up of the news delivery biz ... ? This past year was arguably the worst in history for American papers. The New York Times owes approximately $400 million on credit lines and is ... [more...]

Date: 2008-12-30 17:22:40

4 Results