Telemarketer calling from 714-679-2140 (Santa Ana, CA)
Annoyed reported a Telemarketer (7146792140 from Santa Ana area, CA) . The following comments were posted: Got an unsolicited text message from them "Do you have 10k or more in credit card debt? Our debt relief program CUTS your payments and total debt by over HALF. No upfront fees. May we contact you?" Permalink: [more...]
Date: 2009-09-29 18:08:38
Blog posts
Telemarketer calling from 949-981-0364 (Irvine, CA)
Alphanumericone reported a Telemarketer (9499810364 from Irvine area, CA) . The following comments were posted: Spam text message stating "Do you have 10k or more in credit card debt? Our debt relief program CUTS your payments and total debt by over HALF. No upfront fees. May we contact you? Permalink: [more...]
Date: 2009-09-29 16:12:12
Updated: Nortel Is Bankrupt, More Layoffs Coming
Updated with confirmation, comment from Nortel: In a sign of just how deep the troubles of the troubled telecommunications industry currently run, ... in the last few weeks. Tomorrow it has to make a $107 million interest payment on its debt — ... in debt, and faces declining sales for its gear as operators pause network deployments. To further [more...]
Date: 2009-01-14 13:58:08
In addition to applying money from one paid-off debt to the next on their list, Mark and Joyce could also apply an “Accelerator Payment” to their debt. For instance, should ... on top of each of the accumlated debt payments, decreasing further the time it will take [more...]
Date: 2009-01-14 11:03:44
Debt Management Solutions - Avoid Debt Elimination Scams?
Acquiring a large amount of debt is burdensome. Because of high monthly payments, many people are unable to make minimum payments ... claiming that they can eliminate your debt legally. According to these organizations, credit card ... skipping credit card payments may be tempting, this does not eliminate the problem. In fact, this makes [more...]
Date: 2009-01-10 07:09:34
Thriving on Less - A Guide to Getting Out of Debt
“Debt is the worst poverty.” - Thomas Fuller It was only a few years ago when I was overloaded with debt – so much so that I couldn’t make all my payments and I had numerous debts sent to several collection agencies. I had creditors calling ... payment and make rent. It’s hard to imagine those days now – the unbearable burden of that debt – [more...]
Date: 2009-01-08 15:55:47
Real Change: Thrift and Prudence
We Americans have come a long way from the Great Depression — not that we have learned from it. The Federal Reserve and U.S ... losses, business failures, mortgage foreclosures, inability to keep up with debt payments and other ... are floating on a sea of debt. America’s personal debt, excluding mortgages, is approaching $1 trillion [more...]
Date: 2009-01-15 12:17:53
Managing Debt Wisely
Leading a debt-free life is the best way to provide a secure future for ourselves and our families. Long term debt, when becomes very large, can wreck a persons life. So, it is imperative for everyone to meticulously manage their finances to avoid huge debt payments. It has been proven through research that most people have debt due to their spending habits. So, if there is a need to change our lifestyle to prevent a debt situation in the future, it should be done immediately. [more...]
Date: 2009-09-29 16:41:49
U.K. Banks Weigh Debt Help
By CARRICK MOLLENKAMP and ALISTAIR MACDONALDU.K. banks could pursue a plan that would give faltering companies a way to offload bad debt in order to ... to exchange debt for equity, effectively bringing down debt-payment costs. The U.K. government ... a plan that is in its preliminary stages, these people said that U.K. banks -- possibly [more...]
Date: 2009-01-12 14:35:00
Gospel-Centered Conflict Resolution; Reflections on The Peacemaker
“You can take or extract payments on a debt from others’ sin in many ways: by withholding forgiveness, by dwelling on the wrong, ... is to make payments on the debt and thereby release others from penalties they deserve to pay [more...]
Date: 2009-01-15 02:30:01
Unpatriotic, sucker, short-sighted, or what?
By Thoreau I just made my last student loan payment. I’ve been making more than the minimum payment because I wanted to be debt-free ... for not waiting on payments until the hyper-inflation era means that my student loans have the same [more...]
Date: 2008-11-26 04:38:20
Ten Things to Do With $1,000 (Plus 21 More)
If you’ve suddenly come upon $1,000 you didn’t have the day before, you may get the urge to celebrate ... your student loan debt. This month, I again increased my monthly payment to my student loan debt. This student loan is currently the only debt I have, and I no longer qualify for a tax reduction [more...]
Date: 2008-09-15 12:00:04
Free Debt Snowball Spreadsheet
Vertex42, a site devoted to Microsoft Excel templates, spreadsheets, and calendars, has posted a free debt snowball calculator ... into the worksheet. This file contains two worksheets: A debt reduction calculator, which allows you to list your debts, their balances, interest rates, and monthly payments. A payment schedule telling [more...]
Date: 2008-08-26 19:51:18
How Much Is Debt Costing You in Opportunity?
Photo courtesy of Afroswede While perusing my ever growing backlog of feed reader favorites I ran across an article that caught my eye from One Caveman’s Financial Journey. He makes the point so many of us who have been paying off debt ... ! As I sit down to pay bills each month, and schedule yet another debt snowball payment, I just cringe [more...]
Date: 2008-10-30 11:00:05
Debt Consolidation Advices
Many people are burdened with too much debt that their monthly salaries are not enough to cover their monthly loan payments, ... some advice from debt consolidation companies which offers good solution to debt problems. They will help you consolidate your credit card balances and various loans into one single loan which [more...]
Date: 2008-12-17 14:27:00
Money Match #5: Erin, Nashville Female Seeking Friends
It's been a while since we had any Money Match posts-- mainly because I totally flaked out and let a couple entries languish in the depths of my ... . This of course is my only form of debt, 54k in student loans. I have no credit card debt, no car payment, etc ... have me showing up on her front porch if I lived in Nashville! Email me at openwallet1 at [more...]
Date: 2008-10-28 13:17:00
FINTAG COMMENT Plastic Ono Bank. Bank of America is having trouble packaging up its credit card receivables and flogging them on. You see, to get a decent FICO score you need debts that are likely to be paid back but BoA seems unable to throw any into the mix. I made the error yesterday of stating Mastercard and Visa were in trouble and rightly so I was shot down for they are payment processors not debt holders. I was using a metaphorical term but it didn't work. [more...]
Date: 2009-08-25 23:35:00
‘The Hobbit’ and James Bond Need a Bailout
The recent economic downturn has had a ripple effect across the economy and now it’s threatening two of our favorite film prospects : The Hobbit and James Bond. In a conference call to bondholders studio Metro Goldywn Meyer sought funding to shore up the rest of the year and get projects on track. As money dwindles from MGM , management made a desperate plea to creditors : “…with a request, or forebearance, to waive interest payments on MGM’s $3.5 billion killer debt until February 2010. [more...]
Date: 2009-09-28 20:15:20
3 Little Known Reasons To Stay Away From Debt Consolidation Loans
A debt consolidation loan is often said to be a good way to reduce your debt. The common theory is that you can lower your interest rate, particularly if you’re consolidating credit card debt, and wind up with a smaller payment. This theoretically lets you get the debt paid [more...]
Date: 2008-08-26 20:52:46
Why 2009 Will Be a Fantastic Financial Year For Me
J.D. is on vacation. This is a guest post from Katrina Ramser, a freelance writer who contributes to various websites, newspapers and magazines ... credit card and student loan debt. Inspired by Ramsey’s toughness, I made $450 monthly debt payments [more...]
Date: 2008-12-29 13:00:35
Debt consolidation Loan/Credit Card?
I have a bunch of credit card debt and am looking to consolidate it ... ( over 21% for one of them). The problem is being in a lot of debt i dont get enough credit ... with a perfect payment history but hight debt to available credit ratio can consolidate? It is nice [more...]
Date: 2009-01-07 12:21:12
Understanding Financial Statements and Annual Reports (3)
Accounting is the language of business. It is the vehicle for communicating financial information about a company to many different groups of people: managers, owners, creditors, investors, customers, suppliers, government agencies, economists ... is liquid enough to make debt payments and solvent enough to repay the loan principle if the business [more...]
Date: 2009-01-02 02:49:55
What’s next for Lee?
Although its stock has been pummeled to pennies per share and its auditors have stated the company is in danger of defaulting on $1.4 billion in debt, Lee Enterprises still produces a larger operating profit, percentage-wise, than ... to make a $142.5 million debt payment due this spring.Because Lee is unlikely to have the cash to pay [more...]
Date: 2009-01-05 04:15:00
3 Things You Need To Do Before Consolidating Debt Widgets Consolidating debt is a process whereby you combine all your debt into one, easy to manage, loan or payment, in order to get into the right position to start to consolidate credit debt there are some steps you must take first.Many people are facing terrible financial situations due to the global economic crisis and a great number of these people are looking at ways to ease the pressure on themselves, both mentally and financially, but how can they do this effectively?Well, up [more...]
Date: 2009-09-27 20:46:53
Tribune's bankruptcy strategy unclear
The New York Times has posted a new staff story on the reports about Tribune's internal preparations to possibly file for bankruptcy protection ... not comment on Sunday. skip Rating agencies say Tribune’s short-term problem is not in making payments on its debt. Instead, the company is struggling to comply with a requirement that its main debt [more...]
Date: 2008-12-08 02:54:19
Emerging Economies Risk Being Crowded Out As First World Steps Up Borrowing
There has been some discussion of the possibility of buyer revulsion eventually reaching the Treasury market as a burgeoning calendar bumps up ... rates...” Brazil, Russia, India and China face external debt payments of $205bn, $605bn, $257bn and $2,437bn respectively, but can rely on large foreign exchange reserves to help meet bills [more...]
Date: 2008-12-29 04:02:28
I’m In Debt - What Are My Options?
“I’m in debt. How do I get out of it?” It’s a common question these days, and a problem that’s made no easier by today’s economic troubles ... consolidation loans; IVA and Trust Deeds. To some people, they’re just names – but to others, they’re a path ... consolidation loans. Rather than struggling to keep up multiple payments to multiple debts, many [more...]
Date: 2009-01-15 03:23:18
"How to Design a Bank Bailout that Works"
Johm Hempton disagrees with me and others that the problem in financial markets is fundamentally one of solvency, i.e. lack of adequate bank capital ... guarantee of all sorts of bank debt" is needed to get bank credit flowing again from financial wholesalers ... debt payments: The Brad DeLong question - and how to design a bailout that works, Bronte [more...]
Date: 2008-11-24 22:27:17
How Much Can You Afford?
Source: Yahoo! Real Estate If you’re like many first-time homebuyers, ... -to-income ratio. This is the figure lenders use to determine how much mortgage debt you can handle ... (Debt-to-income ratio) = $2,340 (Total allowable monthly debt payments) Next, add [more...]
Date: 2009-01-01 12:27:26
(untitled) Widgets If you want to take a loan to repay others, debt consolidation is the best bet. For paying down credit cards the most easiest way is to try a credit counseling program. One of the most assured measures to lower all your debts swiftly is here. Stop being at stake with striking debts, put them together into one debt consolidation program to have one low monthly payment. This can even help you control your monthly payment structure and keep you within a budget. [more...]
Date: 2009-09-15 23:43:02
Top 10 Ways To Save Money - Number 2 - Live On A Budget
Let’s take ten minutes and create your new budget for December. Write down your expected monthly income. (Use your take-home pay.) ... , mortgage, insurance, food, clothing, gifts, miscellaneous, cell phones, credit card payments, etc. Need ... ! This is the amount that you can budget for extra savings or extra debt reduction payments. Did [more...]
Date: 2008-11-29 21:41:51
The Advantages Of Non Profit Debt Consolidation
These days, credit problems can affect anyone. With economic issues becoming a problem for more and more consumers, effectively managing your debt can be a challenge. If you are having difficulties in handling your monthly payments, you may consider a debt consolidation arrangement one good way to help [more...]
Date: 2009-01-13 22:32:51
Lee auditors issue ‘going concern’ warning
With Lee Enterprises unlikely to have the cash required to make a $142 ... publishers, loaded up on debt to fund acquisitions in the expectation that it could repay the loans ... .5 million debt payment due this spring, there is “substantial doubt about its ability to continue [more...]
Date: 2009-01-01 19:31:00
Ask the Readers: Twenty-Something Needs Help!
In general, when I share reader questions, I try to keep them as broad as possible ... is $100/month. I pay an additional $200 in debt payments to my grandfather for a loan for school ... currently, and have taken drastic steps to save money, but I never have enough to last till payday [more...]
Date: 2008-10-30 19:14:53
Surprise, Nortel Files for Bankruptcy. Not really!
Well, it’s been some hectic years for our trusted friend from the north - Nortel, but as we all know there’s been more downs than ups ... before Nortel was due to make a debt payment of $107 million. Facing a sharp drop in orders ... . As of its last quarterly filing, Nortel had $4.5 billion in debt and $2.4 billion in cash. Nortel said Wednesday [more...]
Date: 2009-01-14 22:41:58
Two Financial Goals - Less Debt, More Income
This article is part of an M-Network group writing project, the 12 Days of Christmas - Personal Finance Style ... beast which can be incredibly difficult to slay - especially credit card debt, which can have interest ... up your credit cards and stop spending more than you earn. Accelerate your debt payments. After [more...]
Date: 2008-12-02 11:10:55
Bush Fiscal Promises vs Bush Fiscal Legacy
I’ve been looking back to the Bush Administration’s first budget (for fiscal year 2002) and sighing (heavily) ... time. It achieves the maximum amount of debt reduction possible without payment of wasteful premiums ... is compassionate… This new approach is also responsible: It will retire nearly $1 trillion in debt over [more...]
Date: 2009-01-15 20:25:01
Debt Consolidation – Helps You Improve Your Credit Score
Whenever people are surrounded with debts, they depend only on professionals who have some knowledge in this field to let them get out of their ... their credit score by applying for a debt consolidation and their monthly payment also gets lowered ... by reading books that are related to finance and implementing it in their real life. Debt [more...]
Date: 2009-01-16 02:06:32
The Gasoline Tax And The Renaissance Of The Bicycle
With the rise of the US automobile industry, the bicycle almost disappeared as a means of transportation in America ... -guzzling ways." It's better to use the money for mortgage payments, credit card debt, or a rainy day ... American public roads in good repair. They determined that the deficit between revenue and expense [more...]
Date: 2009-01-02 00:31:42
Today in Russian Business - Dec 29, 2008
In trading on Monday, the Russian ruble again fell to a record low against the euro as the Central Bank again widened the band to loosen its defense ... payments from the debt-burdened group, which could cause another shake up between Oleg Deripaska ... is expected to suffer its biggest decline in 60 years, with a big reduction in orders hitting Russia's [more...]
Date: 2008-12-29 16:19:41
Most of the people have some kind of debt nowadays ... a debt consolidation loan. It is usually a great option if you are paying several minimum payments per month on high interest credit cards or loans. If you are behind on any payments, debt consolidation [more...]
Date: 2009-01-14 23:04:08
FHA Credit Guidelines
FHA Credit Guidelines which borrowers and lenders must follow in order to obtain FHA financing for purchase and refinance loans ... of blemish, how old is the derogatory credit, what caused the late payment or collection & alternative ... recent debt to find out if is being used toward the cash required for the down payment. Also, any [more...]
Date: 2009-01-02 17:18:26
A Mercy by Toni Morrison
I’m sort of at a loss when it comes to writing about Toni Morrison’s books ... the two have a happy marriage. On their land they do have ‘help’ in the form of Lina, a Native ... takes as payment for a debt. Together they try to build a home for themselves, fighting against a harsh [more...]
Date: 2008-12-22 22:02:51
Recent Bankruptcy? It’s Not Impossible to Obtain a Home Loan
Because the new bankruptcy laws go into effect on October 17, 2005, more Americans than ever are filing for relief using the federal bankruptcy laws ... discharge. Ironically, some those that would not previously qualify for a mortgage do qualify after ... payments. The DTI* (debt-to-income) ratio of this person is 81.25%. Since his credit score is low [more...]
Date: 2009-01-15 00:11:26
consolidate debt and climb out from underneath your bills
It’s really sad when I get gas for $2.82 a gallon and think, “Gee, that’s cheap! ... credit card bills need to consider debt consolidation to lower payments or cut interest rates. Creditors ... their costs down as well! has a neat debt consolidation center that will help you figure [more...]
Date: 2008-10-22 22:54:11
Are You Suffering From Budget Avoidance Syndrome?
Over the last few weeks I’ve caught myself reverting back to some old bad habits ... old You aren’t quite sure when your next debt payment is due (you have an idea, but the exact date ... known cure for B.A.S. is to simply fight through your anxieties dive headfirst into your finances [more...]
Date: 2008-12-02 14:14:50
Nortel files for bankruptcy
Nortel Networks, once a high-flying telecommunications equipment maker, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection overnight ... has also put some of its assets up for sale in an attempt to survive. But mounting debt payments ... for the Toronto, Ontario-based company is paying the interest on its US$3.8 billion in bond debt. Nortel faced [more...]
Date: 2009-01-14 22:39:02
Savings and Investment (2) - Consumers
Artificially low interest rate interest rates cause dislocation in the economy. Households respond by reducing saving and increasing consumption ( ... go up again, personal debt becomes a burden and interest payments take an ever greater share of disposable ... payment of interest. Any surplus not used on interest is not available to fund additional [more...]
Date: 2009-01-15 22:52:00
Minn. StarTribune Files for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy
Many in the Minneapolis area call the paper the RedStarTribune for its often overbearing leftist point of view, ... its debt and lower its labor costs. Like most newspapers, the Star Tribune has experienced a sharp decline in print advertising. Its earnings before interest, taxes and debt payments was about $26 million [more...]
Date: 2009-01-16 03:44:50
Daily Tidbits: Delicious gets some 'intelligent' competition
ZigTag, a social bookmarking tool that has been in the works for years, has finally launched to the public ... with debt create and manage a plan to pay it down. According to the company, allows users to enter debt information, interest rates, and payment schedules into the app. Once input, it delivers [more...]
Date: 2008-12-29 17:28:00
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