Popular Tags, Blogs, and Videos about college loans

Federal College Loan Payday Loans - 6 Month Payday Loans Signature Loans? Small Pay Day Loans

Are you short on rent this month? If you are worried about an eviction, don't wait until it happens. The disruption that an eviction can have on your life is not worth the headache, stress or interruption to your life. If you can borrow money from your family or friends, do so. If this is... [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 5 min 07
Added : 25/05/09 02:55
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Videos (23) | Blog posts (9)

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Are You Paying Too Much for College?

After paying for tuition, room and board, books, loans, and other expenses, college may cost too much. Bill Quain, Ph.D., Joe Corabi, Ed.D., and Jack Krutsick, D.A.D., show you how to save money, and get more out of college. http://www.collegesuccessforless.com [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 7 min 45
Added : 24/02/08 04:10
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GI Bill Video - No Student Loans for Soldiers

http://studentloanwatcher.com Video that gives the history of the GI Bill. This bill would make it possible for soldiers to get an education without student loans. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 2 min 12
Added : 02/07/08 16:19
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Dave Ramsey on the 529 Plan

Watch Dave answer viewer's questions on student loans, 529 plans, getting out of debt and graduating college at the top of your class - without loans. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 6 min 45
Added : 18/08/08 20:24
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New Hampshire College Tour

Kal Penn, Olivia Wilde, and Justin Long traverse the Granite State for Barack Obama, making sure NH students are registered to vote and turning out this fall. Visit http://NH.BarackObama.com today to get involved. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 2 min 55
Added : 19/10/08 20:53
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ACE-ing College Admissions with Reecy Aresty

The competition for an admission ticket has never been more intense. High GPA's and test scores are no longer enough to guarantee acceptance to the college of your choice. College funding icon, Reecy Aresty, offers his expert advice on how to get the all-important edge in the admissions process... [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 2 min 27
Added : 21/09/07 22:24
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"Education cost" (movie preview)

a young group of students get rejected for a college loan and end up creating a new type of drug to sell on the streets of Michigan [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 1 min 15
Added : 10/06/08 05:19
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Dave Ramsey on College Planning

Dave Ramsey talks about college planning, paying off students loans and getting the degree debt free on Fox Business Networks "Money for Breakfast." [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 4 min 20
Added : 18/08/08 19:59
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College Success for Less Part 3- Money Saving Tip- Financial Aid

Negotiate a better deal on college. Get more financial aid. Bill Quain, Ph.D., shows you how to turn loans into scholarships. Learn how to read a financial aid offer. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 9 min 23
Added : 19/02/08 23:34
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Local Student Needs Passed Budget To Get College Loan

Many of us may be frustrated that the state budget hasn't passed, but for one student it could affect her future. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 0 min 44
Added : 17/08/07 20:09
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