Popular Tags, Blogs, and Videos about college loans

Student Loans : How to Go to College Without Student Loans

Going to college without student loans is still possible with help from parents, winning the state lottery, being an academic or athletic superstar to get full scholarships or researching other private organizations offering grants and scholarships. Discover the options available for higher education without the use of student loans with financial advice from a guidance counselor in this free video on student loans. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 1 min 50
Added : 13/12/08 03:19
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Videos (17) | Blog posts (1)

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Financial Aid : How to Get a Stafford Loan

Stafford loans are federally regulated student loans that can be obtained directly from the government or through the Family Federal Education loan program. Complete the FAFSA application before applying for a Stafford loan withhelp from a financial aid officer in this free video on student loans and financial aid. Expert: Brooke Kramer Contact: www.argosy.edu Bio: Brooke Kramer is the financial aid officer at Argosy University in Salt Lake City, Utah. Filmmaker: Michael Burton... [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 1 min 07
Added : 26/05/09 19:18
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Student Loans : Student Loan Consolidation

Student loan consolidation is a great way to get a lower interest rate, as a reputable consolidation company will buy each loan off of the original lenders, lump it into one loan and offer lower interest and even deferment plans. Consolidate student loans to get them paid off more quickly with financial advice from a guidance counselor in this free video on student loans. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 1 min 51
Added : 13/12/08 03:19
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Personal Finance & Money Management : What are Stafford Loans?

A Stafford loan is a government-backed loan given to students for college tuition. Get approved for a Stafford loan by applying through the government financial aid Web site with help from an investment consultant in this free video on college loans. Expert: Roger Groh Bio: Roger Groh is the founder of Groh Asset Management. Filmmaker: Bing Hu [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 1 min 58
Added : 12/02/09 20:01
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Student Loans : About Student Loan Consolidation

Consolidation of student loans is something that almost every student can do after they graduate. Find out how to make one payment on multiple student loans, and how to make the terms longer, withhelp from a financial aid officer in this free video on student loans. Expert: Brooke Kramer Contact: www.argosy.edu Bio: Brooke Kramer is the financial aid officer at Argosy University in Salt Lake City, Utah. Filmmaker: Michael Burton [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 1 min
Added : 08/06/09 16:04
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Student Loans : How to Get My Student Loan Discharged or Forgiven

Getting student loans discharged or forgiven is not common, but it is possible by majoring and working in a certain field, spending a certain amount of time in the military or having an undue hardship that forces bankruptcy. Discover the ways that student loans are forgiven with financial advice from a guidance counselor in this free video on student loans. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 1 min 18
Added : 13/12/08 03:19
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F r e e T a m m y . c o m : P a r t O n e

Part I: Tammy is taken hostage by the student loan people who are demanding payment for the loans she acquired during undergraduate and graduate school. Struggling to break free, she is eventually gagged and bound by the student loan people. She desperately needs your help in order to be set free. . . For more info, go to www.freetammy.com. (To be continued) [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 0 min 38
Added : 03/06/07 07:53
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Student Loans : Paying Off Student Loans

Paying off student loans requires making timely monthly payments, paying extra on top of the principle whenever possible and finding a good consolidation company to get the lowest interest rate possible. Get student loans paid off slowly with financial advice from a guidance counselor in this free video on student loans. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 1 min 24
Added : 13/12/08 03:19
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Student Loans : About Government Student Loans

There are a variety of government student loans available to students, with the most commonly used loan being the Stafford loan. Find out what the Grad Plus and Parent Plus loans are withhelp from a financial aid officer in this free video on student loans. Expert: Brooke Kramer Contact: www.argosy.edu Bio: Brooke Kramer is the financial aid officer at Argosy University in Salt Lake City, Utah. Filmmaker: Michael Burton [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 1 min 01
Added : 08/06/09 16:04
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Federal Student Aid I'm Going: Caitlin

Each year, Federal Student Aid disburses more than $100 billion in federal aid to eligible students and their families for education beyond high school. This message is brought to you by the US Department of Education. ... financial aid free money for college students scholarships Pell FAFSA grants education loans consolidation afford PSA college.gov [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 1 min 01
Added : 06/02/09 19:40
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