Popular Tags, Blogs, and Videos about college loans

Student Loans : How to Go to College Without Student Loans

Going to college without student loans is still possible with help from parents, winning the state lottery, being an academic or athletic superstar to get full scholarships or researching other private organizations offering grants and scholarships. Discover the options available for higher education without the use of student loans with financial advice from a guidance counselor in this free video on student loans. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 1 min 50
Added : 13/12/08 03:19
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Videos (10) | Blog posts (1)

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Student Loans : About Government Student Loans

There are a variety of government student loans available to students, with the most commonly used loan being the Stafford loan. Find out what the Grad Plus and Parent Plus loans are withhelp from a financial aid officer in this free video on student loans. Expert: Brooke Kramer Contact: www.argosy.edu Bio: Brooke Kramer is the financial aid officer at Argosy University in Salt Lake City, Utah. Filmmaker: Michael Burton [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 1 min 01
Added : 08/06/09 16:04
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Overture Student Loan Marketplace

Student Loan Marketplace, Overture Technologies one-stop shop for private student loans, provides students and parents with a place to learn about and compare reliable loan terms from multiple lenders. Using one site, consumers will have key facts and information needed to evaluate college financing options. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 4 min 19
Added : 01/12/08 21:23
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Dara Duguay - Tips to Beating College Student Debt

Personal Finance Specialist and author of "PLEASE SEND MONEY" gives straight advice to parents and college students about student loans, credit cards, debt, budgets and teaching financial independence. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 3 min 51
Added : 08/08/08 19:48
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About The Money: College Costs

http://www.kcts9.org/atm "About the Money with Josephine Cheng" Tuesdays 7:30 p.m. on KCTS 9. A look at the rising cost of college and advice for college-bound students and their parents. Airdate: Jan. 15, 2008 [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 12 min 01
Added : 04/12/08 00:18
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Campus Door "Washing Machine"

One of three commercials tailored for Campus Door. These spots were shown at kiosks in Six Flags Theme Parks in order to target college students and their parents. The finished spots combined high end motion graphics to invoke a national look. See some examples of the high production value that goes into the execution of every one of our clients' commercials & campaigns. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 0 min 30
Added : 14/01/08 22:40
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College Tuition Rising As Economy Sinks

College tuition is expected to increase for the upcoming academic year and loans are becoming increasingly harder to come by. The declining economy has college-bound students and their parents worried about how they'll pay for school. (Dec. 1) [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 1 min 47
Added : 02/12/08 18:51
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Be financially savvy when it comes to going to college

Just discussing common misconceptions when it comes to scholarships, loans, grants, and "free money". Put your time to good use, be informed. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 9 min 53
Added : 19/09/08 01:35
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Colleges See Spike In Government Loans

The stock market fallout and the housing crunch are stretching to area college students and their parents. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 2 min 04
Added : 17/09/08 17:00
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Credit Card Debt - A Student's Story

Do you know the real cost of using a credit card? Robyn Beck does - now. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 3 min 03
Added : 04/06/08 15:53
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