Where Can I Find Debt Consolidation Information - And How Can I Get Started?
Millions of people find themselves in debt every year ... consolidate debt” and so forth. Depending on the state of your credit rating or credit score ... with you and your creditors to find solutions. Often a credit card company will agree to reduce the amount [more...]
Date: 2008-12-31 00:24:32
Blog posts
Catch Up For Cheap Auto Insurance
Monday, January 12, 2009 Wondering, when do I have my own car ? After so long I used to catch public transportation, now I'm want for my own vehicle ... No matter how bad is my credit score or excellent credit, theautofinder.com could guide me into find [more...]
Date: 2009-01-12 05:51:00
Credit Repair Tips and Tricks
The best part about finding a third party credit counselor to tackle your credit repair is that you won’t feel so alone ... a larger portion of your available credit. Last off, look at getting what is known as “good debt,” ... , you should work at boosting your score to at least 700. Reduce your credit card balances down [more...]
Date: 2008-11-24 18:27:25
Do you need Credit repair?
In these hard economic times, the credit cards seem to get a little more use than usual ... to improve credit scores, or repair credit. It can't hurt to read and get information if you think ... recently was Repair Your bad Credit, it looked to have a ton of info on the subject. I find it helpful [more...]
Date: 2009-01-13 21:48:00
Benefits of Acquiring Bad Credit Auto Loans through Sub-prime Car Lenders
Amazon.de Widgets The world economic recession has created a different set of dynamics before the lenders and primers. With pink slips and instability in the job market borrowers are finding it hard to maintain regularity in repayment. Unavailability of unsecured loans has also added to their worries. This is no less a turbulent time for lenders too. With increased number of bad credit borrowers they are forced to relax their good credit score while approving new loan plans. [more...]
Date: 2009-09-29 07:45:12
Benefits of Acquiring Bad Credit Auto Loans through Sub-prime Car Lenders
Amazon.de Widgets The world economic recession has created a different set of dynamics before the lenders and primers. With pink slips and instability in the job market borrowers are finding it hard to maintain regularity in repayment. Unavailability of unsecured loans has also added to their worries. This is no less a turbulent time for lenders too. With increased number of bad credit borrowers they are forced to relax their good credit score while approving new loan plans. [more...]
Date: 2009-09-29 07:45:12
How Can REALTORs Find More Buyers, in 2009 ?
I asked this question, on LinkedIn, two weeks ago. Here's what I heard: Danilo Bogdanovic Real Estate Consultant, Realtor, Blogger, ... his buyers accumulate a down-payment, perhaps working with them to improve their credit score at the same ... out there with great incomes but lousy credit -- more every day. If an investor -- or ordinary [more...]
Date: 2008-12-18 20:14:41
The Secrets Of How To Consolidate Debt
If you find yourself facing a mountain of monthly payments and see your outstanding loan balances hovering at the exact same amount for months or ... consolidation method is to transfer high-rate credit cards to a lower-rate card. However, consumers ... even years, you may be wondering how to consolidate debt in a way that protects your credit score [more...]
Date: 2009-01-15 01:32:23