Popular Tags, Blogs, and Videos about credit score

6 Step To Improve Your Credit Score Now

Your credit score is probably the single most important number in your financial life ... who hasn't? Lenders aren't that much different. Pay Down Debt 30% of your score is based on the how much [more...]

Date: 2008-12-02 17:06:27

Blog posts (7) | Videos (2)

Benefits of Acquiring Bad Credit Auto Loans through Sub-prime Car Lenders

Amazon.de Widgets The world economic recession has created a different set of dynamics before the lenders and primers. With pink slips and instability in the job market borrowers are finding it hard to maintain regularity in repayment. Unavailability of unsecured loans has also added to their worries. This is no less a turbulent time for lenders too. With increased number of bad credit borrowers they are forced to relax their good credit score while approving new loan plans. [more...]

Date: 2009-09-29 07:45:12

Benefits of Acquiring Bad Credit Auto Loans through Sub-prime Car Lenders

Amazon.de Widgets The world economic recession has created a different set of dynamics before the lenders and primers. With pink slips and instability in the job market borrowers are finding it hard to maintain regularity in repayment. Unavailability of unsecured loans has also added to their worries. This is no less a turbulent time for lenders too. With increased number of bad credit borrowers they are forced to relax their good credit score while approving new loan plans. [more...]

Date: 2009-09-29 07:45:12

Financial Goals for 2008: Reviewing Our Progress

A year ago I wrote up a list of financial goals for 2008. Today, I thought I’d take a look back at them and see how we did ... on our credit scores. As far as account consolidation goes, we still have a number online savings ... successful, in that we dropped down to two main credit cards (Amex Blue Cash and Chase Freedom) while [more...]

Date: 2009-01-02 22:28:10

Buying the Auto Industry when Everyone’s Selling

Now is not the time to be in the car business. As the stock market plunged in October, car sales followed suit ... the heat. Credit is tight, meaning prospective car buyers will need a better credit score if they want ... , either. Ford Motor Co. execs are predicting industrywide December sales numbers to drop by 35 [more...]

Date: 2009-01-15 19:57:40

692: What does this number represent?

Is it… a) Cans of hair spray Dolly Parton uses each day b) Jillian Michaels’ peak testosterone level c) ... your new Ford Focus starts falling apart e) Joan Rivers’ age in dog years f) The cost (in dollars ... none of the above. 692 represents the average US credit score. Other posts on Pophangover:Other [more...]

Date: 2009-01-15 23:58:07

One of These Coordinators is Doing Something Different

Dick LeBeau: I coached the number one defense in the NFL this year ... to still be working in this league. And we’re alive. I deserve some credit for that. STOP CALLING ME PEDERAST! I GET IT! THE NAME IS CLOSE, BUT I’M NOT A KIDDIE TOUCHER! LEINART SCORES ALL THE UNDERAGE [more...]

Date: 2009-01-15 16:26:08

7 Results