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Afshin Rattansi talks to Danny Schechter about Paulson

U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson said he was backing away from buying troubled mortgage assets using a $700 billion bailout fund, instead favouring a second round of capital injections into financial institutions that would match private funds. "This is bringing uncertainty into the market, creating a sense that the Treasury doesn't know what it's doing," said Philippe Gijsels, strategist at Fortis in Brussels. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 9 min 49
Added : 12/11/08 20:14
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Peter Schiff 1/6/09 - CNBC Reports

In this video Don Luskin (Trend Macro CIO), Dennis Kneale (CNBC Media & Technology Editor), and Peter Schiff discuss Obama's stimulus plan. Luskin and Kneale say that debt isn't a problem. Luskin says that stocks are cheap at these prices. Peter says that you can't cut taxes without cutting spending or Americans will pay through inflation. He also says that the entire U.S. Treasury is a ponzi scheme. Analogies used: jumping off empire state building. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 9 min 09
Added : 07/01/09 17:51
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The Great American Giveaway

CNN Lou Dobbs-- Foreign countries are gobblinp up strategic key US assets; meanwhile Congress plays the good guy when they took the money and lined their own pockets. This is an outrage; meanwhile, the average yuppie is self asorbed in illusions! You better wake up fast or your home will soon owned by China, Dubai, etc. Visit theblackpacket dot com [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 2 min 41
Added : 27/09/07 22:44
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Economic Weather report

Panel 1 Economic Weather report Retail sales weak Volumes weak Extended recession Stressed consumers High debt, interest rates November 13, 2008 Panel 2 Manufacturing slump Output contracting Treasury advises Key Economy weaker Jobless rate 5.7% GDP down NZ$15 bln Deficit NZ$5 bln bigger November 13, 2008 Panel 3 Interest rates falling 100bps cut in OCR Possible on Dec 4 Short mortgages better Long term deposits better November 13, 2008 [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 3 min 07
Added : 13/11/08 04:23
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I Want My Bailout Money by Michael Adams the Health Ranger

I Want My Bailout Money is a new hip hop satire song by Michael Adams (the Health Ranger), editor of NaturalNews.com. It's a strong commentary on the failed fiscal policies of the Federal Reserve and the U.S. Treasury which have plunged the U.S. into seemingly irreversible debt, and possibly even an approaching era of hyperinflation. Download ringtones, MP3 files and more songs from Michael Adams at http://www.naturalnews.com/I_Want_My_Bailout_Money.html [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 3 min 14
Added : 07/01/09 08:53
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Paulson's $700B sales job

Sep 22 - Treasury Secretary Paulson heads to Capitol Hill where he hopes to convince lawmakers to back a $700 billion financial rescue plan. The hastily assembled plan would give the US Treasury sweeping powers to buy up toxic mortgage-related debt from strapped financial firms, including the American branches of foreign banks. Deborah Lutterbeck reports. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 2 min 13
Added : 23/09/08 05:57
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Regulators Gone Wild - September 18, 2008

In the guarantee of Fannie & Freddie debt the US Treasury and Federal Reserve broke two laws. Even the Fannie Mae web site still says that there is no guarantee. The FDIC can help, but are in denial. Lower yields and higher gold are clear warnings. The Dow monthly chart is the key at month end in confirming a multi-year BEAR MARKET. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 4 min 45
Added : 19/09/08 15:31
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Treasury Secretary Paulson evasive on raising sinking dollar (2008)

Bush's Treasury Secretary had two chances to explain how he would strengthen the sinking dollar that is now worth half the Euro, pushing gold to a record $1,000+ an ounce and oil over a record $111 a barrel. Both times, he gave long and rambling answers that did nothing to explain what they intend to do... followed by my analysis as to just why. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 3 min 58
Added : 17/03/08 03:51
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Federal obligations exceed world GDP! (Does $65.5 trillion terrify anyone yet)?

to $59.3 trillion while the total federal obligations under GAAP accounting now total $65.5 trillion. The $65.5 trillion total federal obligations under GAAP accounting not only now exceed four times the US gross domestic product, or GDP, the $65.5 trillion deficit exceeds total world GDP. "In the seven years of GAAP reporting, we have seen an annual average deficit in excess of $4 trillion, which could not be possibly covered by any form of taxation," Williams argued. "Shy of the ... [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 7 min 52
Added : 14/02/09 23:12
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Debt & Delusion - The Monetary System

Debt & Delusion - The Monetary System It simple doesn't matter how much intervention that takes place in the markets the system is now under so much pressure that the inevitable change into a new era has started and will bring about change. In this video we look at this downturn and also start to explore the idea of new communities following the economic collapse. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 9 min 42
Added : 28/11/08 14:11
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