Popular Tags, Blogs, and Videos about debt payment

Auto Loan Advice : How to Get Rid of Car Payments

Ways to get rid of a car payment include refinancing a high interest rate car loan at a lower rate or borrowing money from a friend or family member to pay off the debt. Knock out high monthly car payments by obtaining a second mortgage and rolling the car note into it with tips from a credit repair specialist in this free video on auto loans. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 1 min 12
Added : 29/10/08 19:07
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High Car Payments

Another video from our series of educational videos to help you learn more about handling your finances and being a more well informed consumer. Credit Counselors Corp, is a credit & debt management company that is dedicated to helping you get out of debt. Contact www.cccindy.com call 1-800-937-9030 for a consultation. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 3 min 53
Added : 26/11/08 16:28
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Mortgage Refinance and Debt Consolidation Presentation

Mortgage refinancing and debt consolidation are great ways to reduce your monthly payments, save money on interest, and free up money to spend on the things you need and want. Regina mortgage broker Miles Zimbaluk (http://www.saskhomebuyer.com) provides this presentation. If you're a Canadian home owner, you can apply online with Miles for mortgage refinancing at http://www.saskhomebuyer.com/apply.html. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 8 min 04
Added : 29/01/08 19:53
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Unmanageable debt causes stress, anxiety and worse. It can cause arguments, leading to the breakdown of relationships. It can ruin family life and homes can be lost through it. Reduce Your Debt Our experts can negotiate with your creditors and reduce the amount you pay back. This is paid through one affordable monthly payment. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 0 min 47
Added : 11/06/08 22:26
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Money Merge Account Testimonial Mo Sanford

Here is yet another excited Money Merge Account client by United First Financial. Pay off your mortgage, and all debt, in up to 1/3 the time with NO payment changes and NO refinancing required! FastestDebtEliminator.com JarrettHolmes.com Senior Branch Manager United First Financial jarrett@jarrettholmes.com (336)558-5277 Independent Agent#828688 [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 9 min 08
Added : 18/09/08 20:09
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Bankruptcy, not so easy after all! You have to go through Me First! Debt Settlement/Debt Management!

I will explain how its not easy to file for Bankruptcy any more. You have to go through a Debt Settlement / Debt Managament Program to qualify! Please, if I am wrong, correct me! I help reduce people's Unsecured Debt 25-50%, we give them a FREE Analysis and a structured payment plan! Guillermo A. Cervano CMPS, Debt Settlement / Debt Management Specialist! 973-441-5287 [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 2 min 42
Added : 13/01/09 18:49
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Ethans FTM vlog #5: Debt, and feeling outted at a themepark

I'm poor as piss so I thought I'd rant a bit ha (but I DID set up a payment plan with one of my bill bastards and I gave them $40 today so REALLY have about $10 to my name ugh) And also WTF is up with ValleyFair. ass. (but my and my gf have a inside joke now about needing to be topless when you don't want to and need to wear a shirt when you want to be topless haha. yeah) [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 6 min 51
Added : 18/08/08 21:33
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Get out of debt fast!

Pay off all your debt and mortgages in 1/3 to 1/2 the time with no payment changes and no refinancing of an existing mortgage with the Money Merge Account by United First Financial. Call today for your FREE analysis! Jarrett Holmes.com Senior Branch Manager 336-558-5277 Independent Agent #828688 [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 1 min 39
Added : 24/11/08 02:17
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Debt Management Tips : How to Use a Credit Card to Save Money

Use a credit card to save money by transferring any smaller balances to a higher-limit card with a low interest rate. Avoid struggling with credit card minimum payments by consolidated balances to have one monthly payment with insight from a certified public accountant and credit counselor in this free video on debt management. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 0 min 38
Added : 30/10/08 01:37
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Debt Collection Scam! Don't pay what you don't owe

The South Carolina Department of Consumer Affairs is warning consumers to be on guard for a new telephone scam snaking its way through the state. The scam plays on consumer fears by threatening incarceration for past debt, but dont be fooled. Its simply the latest scam con artists have invented to rip you off. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 1 min 43
Added : 12/06/09 16:59
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