Popular Tags, Blogs, and Videos about tax debt

Here Is A Good Plan for Dealing with Tax Debt

Author : Vlavladi Vishnu If you are in need of tax debt relief you are part of a growing numbr of people With the economy htiting bottom and the financial world remaining shaky, many pople find it difficult to pay their tax bills For this reasson, it is vitally important to accept and understand that there is inndeed a serious isssue to be dealt with, and then to formulate a “plan of atack” Usually people who are dealimng with tax debt will have failed to file at least one reurn The first [more...]

Date: 2009-09-09 08:29:42

Blog posts (303) | Videos (101)

WSJ: IRS Makes It Harder To Negotiate Tax Debts

Wall Street Journal: Wiping Out Your Tax Debt Gets Tougher; IRS Tightens Rules, as Firm That Acts as Middleman Settles Cases With 18 States, by Tom Herman: It's getting harder for taxpayers in debt with the IRS to negotiate a deal to pay ... in 2007 from 106,000 in 2004. ... Critics say the program needs to be overhauled. In a recent report [more...]

Date: 2008-07-23 16:45:31

This Year, Resolve to Solve Your IRS Tax Problems. Let TRS Be the Special Forces Unit in Your Battle Against the IRS!

I wanted to take a moment to mention some of our remarkable client success stories from 2008. Matt C ... , but our team of expert tax attorneys, CPAs and enrolled agents were able to clear his IRS debt and lift ... you reduce your tax debt today. Visit the Tax Resolution Services web site for a free tax relief [more...]

Date: 2009-01-02 23:46:03

What To Do When You re in Need of Tax Debt Relief

Tax debt relief experts are highly experienced with the IRS They know how to negotiate, and they're almost certain to be better at it and more successful than you would be on your own [more...]

Date: 2009-09-29 08:10:48

IRS Tax Debt

Filing of income taxes start as soon as individual start receiving their W2s ... . But unfortunately to some, they have irs tax debt still to pay to the government. I remember ... , he was devastated when he received a letter from IRS saying that he had IRS Debt because of misfiling [more...]

Date: 2009-01-01 12:43:57

How Tax Debt Relief Companies Can Help You Or Your Business

Author : Vlavladi Vishnu It is important to note, first, that most people are capable of working out thier own tax debt solutions with the IRS No firm, company, or representative is capable of getting a better deal for you from the IRS than you can for yourswelf Any claims to this affect should be thought of as untruths, and the person claiming thse untruths should not be handling your sensitive tax matters The IRS is a goevrnment entity which treats everyone exaclty the same under the laws [more...]

Date: 2009-09-25 05:06:03

IRS Tax levy, Tax Collection, Tax Lien, Foreclosure Debt Foregiveness Rules May Be Amended.

Los Angeles, California - IRS will be improving IRS tax procedures to protect victims of tax-related identity theft and expanding outreach and ... to assist identity theft victims. 3. Cancellation of Debt Income. When an individual or business ... to foreclosure or who default on car loans or credit card debts. Taxpayers may exclude the amount [more...]

Date: 2008-07-22 19:43:56

Get your life back with dept solutions

Desember 31, 2008 at 9:30 am | In general | Tags: dept solutions Most people in this world have a debt ... understand. Yes, debt incurred by credit cards, tax debt, medical bills, old repossessions, personal loans ... that can help you to overcome your dept problems, this service is not a credit card companies. This service [more...]

Date: 2008-12-31 02:30:18

YouTube & Leadpile Lead Exchange

... Business cash advance Credit card processing Equipment leasing Internet marketing services Web design ... repair Debt consolidation Debt settlement Tax debt relief Bankruptcy Student loan consolidation [more...]

Date: 2008-12-17 14:49:18

Introduction to this astounding history by T. W. Hughes

Or do you think you don’t need to know how the Money Power came to be our masters using puppet presidents? ... to get to the real cause of the problem — an economic system designed to enslave people with debt, taxes (indirect debt), prison labor, ”national service” servitude and maintain them measured rations [more...]

Date: 2008-12-01 13:36:38

IRS Plan to Help Distressed Homeowners Falls Short

The Internal Revenue Service has announced a process that is supposed to make it easier for financially distressed homeowners to refinance a ... in the property above and beyond the mortgage debt plus enough to cover the tax debt, the IRS is able ... mortgage or sell a home by providing options when there is a federal tax lien blocking [more...]

Date: 2009-01-07 14:59:28

T3Leads - CPA Network Review

In the ‘make money online’ realm, there are literally hundreds of ways to do so, whether it be through blogging, e-commerce, affiliate marketing, ... ? T3Leads currently deals mostly with the following types of companies: debt settlement, credit cards, home improvement, insurance, tax debt, mortgage loands, payday loans, auto loans, and foreclosure. [more...]

Date: 2009-01-11 09:00:42

Taxpayer Advocate’s Recommendation: Go Easier on Taxpayers Experiencing Economic Hardship

Nina Olson, the National Taxpayer Advocate, has released her Annual Report to Congress (PDF) ... having difficulty paying their tax debts. 2. Simplify “Cancellation of Debt” Rules for Foreclosures Simplify the “cancellation of debt” minefield that many taxpayers who default on debts must navigate [more...]

Date: 2009-01-08 02:37:42

Mortgage Quotes

Are you looking for some information about mortgages? ... , debt consolidation, and tax debt loans. If you want to know more about this site just check them ... it to one site to another. They will compare the mortgage loan rates to others if they can get it quick [more...]

Date: 2008-11-16 04:13:19

ACORN Owes Millions in Taxes

by Amanda Carpenter, Townhall An intrepid researcher has discovered more than 200 tax liens totaling more than $3 ... for Reform Now for unpaid taxes since the late eighties. A tax lien is issued when a person or organization fails to pay taxes and that tax debt is considered seriously delinquent. A lien is only issued [more...]

Date: 2008-10-28 20:29:35

Debt Management Services - Helps in Making an Aura without Debt

Given a choice that we have to choose debt or free life, there’s none who will go for debt simply because it’s taxing ... not to indulge yourself in any more unnecessary debt. Also, reduction in credit card and store card use ... a perfect debt management program also becomes an essential task and in this, debt management services [more...]

Date: 2008-12-19 05:09:00

Why Obama’s tax cut plan is a crock

His claim is he’s going to cut taxes for 95% of American families ... unless he’s going to smilingly stack another trillion plus in debt on to the 5 trillion "official" debt ... you that corporations are tax collectors not tax payers? Who would pay those corporate taxes? 100 [more...]

Date: 2008-09-19 06:05:07

How to Make Deals with the IRS on Taxes Owed - Reduce Tax Debt Including Interest and Penalties!

I recently blogged about offer in compromise settlements and my guest appearance as the tax expert on Strictly Business on BlogTalkRadio ... to get a streamline installment agreement. And what they do is take the debt you owe divide it by 60 and that’ [more...]

Date: 2008-12-30 01:56:07

When Wage Garnishment Is Used for Tax Debt

If this is ignored, they issue another “final” notice with a last opportunity for the taxpayer to formally address their tax debt through an approved approach This notice gives the taxpayer only ten more days to act [more...]

Date: 2009-09-29 08:10:48

Handling Your Debt - What Tax Implications Are There?

by William Blake Sometimes when considering different ways to handle debt some fail to consider how some options may have a better tax benefit than ... to finance just about anything - an auto purchase, repayment of credit card debt… you name it. Even if your home equity loan has the same interest rate as your credit card it is still the better [more...]

Date: 2008-09-18 18:16:28

How to Get the Tax Debt Relief You Need

Author : Vlavladi Vishnu A "little" tax probelm can become a huge financial and legal nighhtmare in just a short time Many thins can cuase you to have tax prbolems You might have made a mistake when you fled, thinking that everything was fine A few months later you get a letter from the IRS that tells you that you owe a substantial amount of mooney What are you gooing to do? [more...]

Date: 2009-09-26 07:31:07

The Pros and Cons of Loan Modifications

As announced by this new press release , my law firm has begun offering loan modification services in addition to tax debt resolution. As the country’s economy continues to lag, and more and more jobs are being cut, thousands of families are turning to loan modifications to stay in their homes. Unfortunately, there is a lot of confusion in the industry, so to help my blog readers who might be considering a loan modification I have put together the following list of pros and cons. [more...]

Date: 2009-09-02 00:14:00

Taxes on Short Sale, Loan Modification & Mortgage Foreclosure 7 Nov08 Bankruptcy & Insolvency

Tax on 1099C, Cancellation of Debt Income; Short Sale, Loan Modification & Foreclosure. Exception; Mortgage Forgiveness Debt Relief Act, Bankruptcy & Insolvency. Go To RealEstateMarketingThisWeek.com Part 7 (Excerpt) Beware of grandiose claims when dealing with a loan modification firm. You know I am glad that were back, when we went to the break we were talking amongst ourselves about some of these concepts, I really want to bring this back down to the listeners. [more...]

Date: 2009-09-29 17:30:06

Weekly remarks: GOP sees more taxes, debt in healthcare reform; Obama sees progress at UN

Weekly Republican Remarks by Rep. Johnny Isakson of Georgia, as provided by the Republican National Committee Hello, I'm Senator Johnny Isakson from Georgia. First, I want to send my condolences to the families of those who have lost their lives in the floods that have devastated my home state this past week. I am working with Senator Saxby Chambliss , Governor Sonny Perdue and the administration to bring federal assistance to those who have suffered damages. [more...]

Date: 2009-09-26 10:00:00

Rite-Aid: Bewildering Optimism

When considering a company for investment purposes, investors must be wary of managements that over promise and under deliver ... release, management noted reduced profit expectations going forward from an already negative $500 ... % EBITDA increase over prior year (as if debt, taxes, and depreciation are meaningless, all of which [more...]

Date: 2009-01-14 13:53:19

ABA Tax Section Awards

The ABA Tax Section yesterday announced the winners of its two inaugural Public Service Tax Fellowships (blogged here): Laura Newland (J.D ... and benefits, as well as law school debt assistance, by means of charitable contributions ... residents in the area of affordable housing (tax lien foreclosure), debt forgiveness, bankruptcy matters [more...]

Date: 2008-12-16 14:01:08

Common Reasons Taxpayers get into Debt

My team shot another video last week for out tax tips video series. In this episode Edward Lester discusses some common reasons taxpayers get into tax debt. You can watch the embedded video below and be sure to head over to my YouTube channel and subscribe to my videos. [more...]

Date: 2009-09-29 20:42:00

The IRS Now Willing to Help

Credit issues have never concerned the IRS – unless you were trying to deduct interest on personal debt, ... their tax liens to a different asset. Until now, getting approval from the IRS to complete what is known ... to be more understanding in hardship cases. IRS agents will now have grater authority to suspend tax-collection actions [more...]

Date: 2009-01-13 21:38:24

Bears Next Target: Bubble in Treasury Bonds

There's a bubble in US Treasury bonds. Here's the explanation: 1 ... is carrying more debt while taxes are declining and government spending is increasing, thus signaling even more debt and greater difficulty in repaying it. 3. Consistent with Austrian business cycle theory [more...]

Date: 2009-01-15 17:09:11

Agriculture incomes are rising and investors are bullish as AgChoices conference nears

Alberta farmers and ranchers will gather in Red Deer on February 11th to discuss new opportunities and ideas in agribusiness ... instruments, like asset-backed debt, become increasingly complex and, as it turns out, worthless, a certain ... , understand that inflation is an irresistible tool of government even when compared against taxes and debt [more...]

Date: 2009-01-12 05:54:40

a stimulus plan you’ll never see

http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/instapund… If the Government wants to stimulate the economy, ... you have with fiscal stimulus. People will save some of the tax cuts, but people need to pay down debt too ... then why not just declare a payroll tax holiday immediately? It’s fast to turn on, fast to turn [more...]

Date: 2009-01-13 14:16:16

From Unpaid Council Tax To Bankruptcy

debt-demand Unpaid council tax should indeed be chased down ... councils are turning hundreds of pounds of debt into a five figure sum through legal costs [more...]

Date: 2009-01-08 14:06:00

That is the one question we are asked every single day.  Homeowners are confused with their options (or in some cases, their lack of options) ... is not doing the same tax relief as the federal government.  You may have a state tax liability ... the entire debt (on your first and second loans [more...]

Date: 2009-01-15 21:07:27

Old Debt Settlements Can Come Back to Haunt with Large Tax Bite

Q. I settled a debt in 2007 for less than owed, paying $15,000 on a $22,000 debt ... you for being so singled out)! Most of the time if you settle your debt with credit card companies ... as a result of cancellation of debt. The amount of forgiven debt will count as income. According to the IRS [more...]

Date: 2008-12-01 14:54:03

“turn assets into tax relief” by selling crown assets, paying down the debt and applying interest savings toward tax relief, ... of the attempted elimination of the $2-(or so)-a-vote subsidy to major political parties [more...]

Date: 2008-11-28 02:38:25

Loany Bologna

Monday night (January 5th) the Sioux Falls city council will vote on an ordinance that would allow the city to borrow $38 million for needed ... tax to repay debt of municipality or political subdivision.  Any city, county, town, school ... for the collection of an annual tax sufficient to pay the interest and also the principal thereof [more...]

Date: 2008-12-31 22:16:21

The Borg’s (B)rough ride to the top

From today’s Crikey email: Queensland Liberal National Party leader Lawrence Springborg - often accused by his Labor opponents of being a policy ... have the solution to all Queensland’s problems in the key domains of health, education and transport ... about low taxes and the evils of debt. But actually the game is being played this way because the [more...]

Date: 2009-01-09 04:43:08

Can Wesley Snipes's Evil Genius Lawyers Help You Live the Tax-Evading Hollywood Dream? [Celeb Jurisprudence]

We've heard of (and often tried) a lot of ways to ladder-climb in Hollywood, but "superstar tax-evasion defense attorney" ... a "good-faith" offer to defray his tax debt on three misdemeanor charges — unprecedentedly dropped ... the attorneys up to have their historic cake and eat it, too. And to hear Bernhoft and Barnes tell [more...]

Date: 2008-10-21 18:20:07

Income Taxes? "No Constitutional Basis or Law"

“In 1913 America was a free country. Then a band of powerful bankers achieved their fathers' and great grandfathers' goal ... , that is direct apportioned tax or indirect uniform tax. The IRS claims that the 16th Amendment allowed ... solely by interest on the federal debt. All individual income tax revenues are gone before one nickel [more...]

Date: 2009-01-14 15:26:00

Affiliate Program Review: T3Leads.com

It seems that new affiliate programs are popping up all the time, ... are in niches including: Debt Settlement Credit Cards Pay Day Loans Insurance Tax Debts Mortgage [more...]

Date: 2008-12-15 05:04:37

No Graft?

From Megan McArdle a STIMULUS PROPOSAL: If the Government wants to stimulate the economy, ... you have with fiscal stimulus. People will save some of the tax cuts, but people need to pay down debt too ... . And a critique: The main problem with a payroll tax holiday is that it minimizes Congressional [more...]

Date: 2009-01-14 02:33:57

Everything You Wanted to Know About MUD But Were Afraid to Ask

For a bit of background on the district at issue is NAMUDNO, ... , grants, and freedom from limitations (such as limitations on tax and debt) imposed on general purpose ... solutions to specific problems. Though special districts have tripled in number over the last fifty [more...]

Date: 2009-01-13 05:12:11

Short sale debt forgiveness not to be taxed

The state Department of Revenue, reversing an earlier stand, says sellers do not have to pay real estate excise tax on debt forgiven in a short sale. [more...]

Date: 2009-01-15 18:03:00

Where Does All the Money Go?

So I've been asked to talk about the debt, taxes and the economy more... boring I know... but I live to serve! See some specific concerns and my replies to them below: 1) Where(when) did this debt come from (U.S. debt overtime)? But its not fair to compare George W's debt to Andrew Jacksons. Perhaps to put [more...]

Date: 2008-11-14 02:00:25

Minn. StarTribune Files for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy

Many in the Minneapolis area call the paper the RedStarTribune for its often overbearing leftist point of view, ... its debt and lower its labor costs. Like most newspapers, the Star Tribune has experienced a sharp decline in print advertising. Its earnings before interest, taxes and debt payments was about $26 million [more...]

Date: 2009-01-16 03:44:50

A Plan to Be Debt Free in 2009

Considering the current state of the economy, it’s likely a smart thing to try and rid yourself of any excess debt right now ... out your latest credit card statements, auto loan statements, student loan statements, etc ...  are a bit lower, and are also tax deductible. debt-payoff-plan Some people decide that it’s easier [more...]

Date: 2009-01-05 16:10:27

Barack Obama Vows Future Budget Restraint

To a public wary of government spending, President-elect Barack Obama is offering a salve with his massive economic stimulus package: ... to embrace deficit-reduction goals even as he promotes a spending and tax-cutting plan — expected to cost ... debt that we have," said Rep. Dennis Moore of Kansas, a member of the congressional Blue Dogs [more...]

Date: 2009-01-07 11:35:48

Growing numbers avoiding or delaying paying tax

Growing numbers of people and businesses are avoiding or delaying paying taxes as the "credit crunch" bites, ... . The auditors estimate that up to 1.5 million working adults had a personal or business tax debt in April ... , introduced risk profiles on taxpayers to target those who could be bad payers and tailored debt collection [more...]

Date: 2008-11-20 08:28:37

IRS is willing to cut taxpayers some slack this year

IRS is willing to cut taxpayers some slack this year Jan 12th, ... out. The agency also launched a five-point plan to help those who are behind in past tax debts, giving IRS agents the ability to suspend collection actions, adjust payments for back tax bills and provide lenient [more...]

Date: 2009-01-12 04:21:16

When It Is Time to Buy Instead of Lease

I spoke with Karen Klein, writing for BusinessWeek, last month about owning property versus leasing ... commercial property builds equity in an appreciable asset that offers both tax advantages and income ... on substantial debt, subleasing, and supervising property maintenance is not for every entrepreneur [more...]

Date: 2009-01-10 21:25:41

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