Popular Tags, Blogs, and Videos about tax debt

Now's the Time to Invest!

OK so the government seems to think they can fix everything by printing money. That's what the bailouts are all about ... has to do is announce an across the board tax cut. That means cutting corporate taxes, import taxes, sales ... some Pesos. We are already 1 Trillion+ in debt and they want to double that. What that boils down [more...]

Date: 2009-01-15 15:08:20

Blog posts (9) | Videos (1)

Why Should I Incorporate?

Benefits of Incorporating(A) Separate Legal EntityThe act of incorporating creates a legal entity called a corporation, commonly referred to as a " ... , go into debt, enter into contracts, sue or be sued. A corporation's money and other assets belong ... is generally lower than the individual tax rate, incorporation may offer you some fiscal advantages [more...]

Date: 2009-01-08 21:03:00

Are They Seriously Delusional?

By Chuck Butler, Editor of Currency Capitalist www.worldcurrencywatch.com This is getting ridiculous. Reuters reported last night that the U.S ... , when nothing but Fed rate increases, and the tax amnesty for U.S. Corporations doing business overseas propped ... plans, their money supply injections, their guarantees on debt, the fact that they taking [more...]

Date: 2009-01-15 19:22:48

A growing financial burden By John Schenkenfelder Mr ... to revive America's economy. In the short term, we can easily justify massive tax cuts, corporate ... this nation has selfishly failed to balance its budgets and reduce debt. When the economy is back [more...]

Date: 2009-01-15 20:44:03

America is crumbling

John and I have recently made the decision to start being more frugal with our money ... debt is being socialized, while profit is being privatized. The American people are being screwed. The middle class continues to shrink, while corporate fat cats rake in our tax dollars [more...]

Date: 2009-01-15 12:06:00

Wednesday morning links

#fullpost{display:inline;}TOP STORIESRetail sales slump 2 ... to Sell Debt as Losses Erode Funds - BloombergPension Losses Could Whack 2009 Corporate Profits ... recycling - Christian Science MonitorSome States in a Pinch May Raise Gasoline Tax - NY [more...]

Date: 2009-01-14 14:02:00

Forgiven Debt Really is Income

There was a pretty good post over at WiseBread yesterday on how if a credit card company forgives some of what you owe, what was forgiven is income you have to pay taxes on. On the one hand, this is a point worth repeating because it seems to surprise most people. On the other hand, the post neglects to mention an important exception, and, moreover, feeds into the belief that this is an irrational fluke of the tax code. It isn’t. It makes sense. You owe Credit Card Corporation (CCC) $5000. [more...]

Date: 2009-09-23 15:59:00

Japanese Rating Agency Chief Recommends Marshall Plan for US

In part because the Japanese corporate bond market is no where near as deep and large as its US counterpart, ... . Treasury yields, which are near record lows, may fall further without debt relief, making ... . And they have met their Kyoto agreement greenhouse gas reduction targets too . When one mentions tax cuts [more...]

Date: 2008-12-24 04:44:28

Why Obama’s tax cut plan is a crock

His claim is he’s going to cut taxes for 95% of American families ... unless he’s going to smilingly stack another trillion plus in debt on to the 5 trillion "official" debt ... you that corporations are tax collectors not tax payers? Who would pay those corporate taxes? 100 [more...]

Date: 2008-09-19 06:05:07

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