Popular Tags, Blogs, and Videos about financial debt

Assumable Accounts

consumer credit advocacy firm that extends the opportunity to individuals to take over debt and pay down the balance. This allows individuals to wield greater financial leverage in their future activities in the economy. ... "Trade line" "Primary Tradeline" "Account Assumption" "Assumable Accounts" Assumableaccounts.com debt solution "debt restructuring" "how to get rich" "financial leverage" "credit repair" "credit restoration" "debt forgiveness" economics "how to fix the economy" "debt ... [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 5 min 19
Added : 23/07/09 15:31
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Videos (3) | Blog posts (4)

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Looking for Debt Relief

http://www.debtconsolidationupdates.com/2352/credit-card-debt-negotiation-is-always-advantageous/ With the economy in trouble and more layoffs being announced every day, many people are looking for ways to stay out of trouble with credit card debt. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 3 min 37
Added : 14/01/09 08:07
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The Power of Leverage

http://www.changingtheworld2gether.com This describes how our team is building a business that leverages our time and efforts to become 100% debt free within 12 months while earning a serious monthly income. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 8 min 32
Added : 28/10/08 20:14
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