Popular Tags, Blogs, and Videos about consolidate debt

Debt & Debt Consolidation : About Debt Consolidation

Debt consolidation is the process of combining bills from various institutions or individuals and placing those into a single loan, which consolidates interest rates into a single bill. Consider debt consolidation as an option to help organize debt relief withadvice from a licensed financial planner in this free video on personal finance. Expert: William Rae Contact: www.hbwfl.com Bio: William Rae has been licensed in the insurance and financial fields for over 30 years. Filmmaker ... [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 1 min 39
Added : 04/02/09 18:01
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Videos (45) | Blog posts (4)

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Debt & Debt Consolidation : How to Consolidate Business Debt

Consolidating business debt requires first cutting spending, increasing income, making a list of how much is owed to who, making terms and repaying the debt gradually. Consolidate business debt while building up a more successful business withadvice from a licensed financial planner in this free video on finance. Expert: William Rae Contact: www.hbwfl.com Bio: William Rae has been licensed in the insurance and financial fields for over 30 years. Filmmaker: Christopher Rokosz... [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 2 min 03
Added : 04/02/09 18:01
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Debt & Debt Consolidation : About Debt Relief

Debt relief can come in the form of anyone taking responsibility for someone else's debt, whether it be a private institution, the lender or the government. Understand what debt relief means withadvice from a licensed financial planner in this free video on personal finance. Expert: William Rae Contact: www.hbwfl.com Bio: William Rae has been licensed in the insurance and financial fields for over 30 years. Filmmaker: Christopher Rokosz [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 1 min 42
Added : 04/02/09 18:01
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Christian Debt Relief - New Christian Finance

lordforgives.com God's Will for You Is Financial Freedom....So Why Does It Seem So Hard for Christians to Get Ahead? Christian Financial Freedom Is About More Than Just Giving. - For the First Time...Receive Practical Answers and Methods for You to Follow a complete home study course that covers everything you need to know about: * Practical Steps for Any Christian To Achieve Financial Freedom * God's Step-By-Step Plan for You to Become Totally Debt Free Including Your Mortgage * How to ... [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 1 min 39
Added : 13/04/09 23:29
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Debt & Debt Consolidation : Who Are the Best Debt Consolidators?

The best debt consolidators have the client's interest at heart, as there are many scam artist companies who charge a large amount of money up front. Find a non-profit debt consolidator withadvice from a licensed financial planner in this free video on personal finance. Expert: William Rae Contact: www.hbwfl.com Bio: William Rae has been licensed in the insurance and financial fields for over 30 years. Filmmaker: Christopher Rokosz [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 1 min 59
Added : 04/02/09 18:01
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Get Your Financial Bailout With A Debt Settlement

Get debt relief with a Debt Settlement. Explains Foreclosure Prevention Institute's Debt Settlement Program and why this is the best debt settlement company. Once in a lifetime opportunity to get out of debt for good. Foreclosure Prevention Institute's mission is stopping foreclosure through debt settlement and forensic audit reviews for loan modifications. Rated with the Better Business Bureau. A national company servicing especially Western Michigan, Grand Rapids, Holland, Muskegon, and ... [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 9 min 56
Added : 17/07/09 05:22
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Debt Management : Types of Business Debt Relief

The choices for relieving business debt include debt consolidation, debt negotiation and bankruptcy. Make a payment plan and get lower interest rates to relieve business debt withhelp from a business analyst in this free video on financial planning and debt management. Expert: Terry Kuykendall Bio: Terry Kuykendall is currently a budget analyst for the military in Washington. She is an accountant who has worked at firms helping people deal with personal and business debt. Filmmaker: stephen ... [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 0 min 51
Added : 23/01/09 23:51
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Debt Management : How to Eliminate Debt Legally

In order to legally eliminate debt, a person can use a debt consolidation loan, they could negotiate with creditors and they could declare bankruptcy. Borrow money from a lender to pay off all credit cards at a lower interest rate withhelp from a business analyst in this free video on financial planning and debt management. Expert: Terry Kuykendall Bio: Terry Kuykendall is currently a budget analyst for the military in Washington. She is an accountant who has worked at firms helping people ... [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 1 min 07
Added : 23/01/09 23:51
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Debt Management : How Does Debt Relief Without Bankruptcy Affect Your Credit Rating?

Debt relief without bankruptcy is important because bankruptcy puts a black mark on personal credit. Use debt consolidation instead of declaring bankruptcy withhelp from a business analyst in this free video on financial planning and debt management. Expert: Terry Kuykendall Bio: Terry Kuykendall is currently a budget analyst for the military in Washington. She is an accountant who has worked at firms helping people deal with personal and business debt. Filmmaker: stephen kuykendall... [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 0 min 47
Added : 23/01/09 23:51
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Debt & Debt Consolidation : How to Pay Off Debts Fast

Paying off debts fast requires an organized plan of attack to chip away at each bill gradually. Weigh your assets, sell a car or liquidate other unnecessary possessions to help pay of debt quickly withadvice from a licensed financial planner in this free video on personal finance. Expert: William Rae Contact: www.hbwfl.com Bio: William Rae has been licensed in the insurance and financial fields for over 30 years. Filmmaker: Christopher Rokosz [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 2 min
Added : 04/02/09 18:01
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