Popular Tags, Blogs, and Videos about debt settlement

What is Debt Settlement Video

What does "debt settlement" mean? The term "debt settlement" means negotiating with a creditor to reduce the amount of a delinquent debt down to a lower amount, that the debtor can then pay in order to fully satisfy (or pay off) the debt. The primary benefits of this strategy are to help you become debt free sooner, pay your debts on terms structured to your specific budget, avoid bankruptcy, and pay less than you would by making the minimum monthly payments.... [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 0 min 29
Added : 30/06/09 23:01
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Videos (23) | Blog posts (11)

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Effective Debt Settlement Program

Debt can happen to anyone. Don't let outstanding debts or credit card balances control your life. Debtcaretaker.com services can help you take charge of your finances and eliminate debt fast. Debt settlement is a method of eliminating debt for less than the amount actually owed to creditors. In this process, you stop paying your monthly payments to creditors and instead save some money. When you have saved at least 50% of the total, you start to negotiate with your creditors for a refund ... [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 0 min 42
Added : 25/05/09 03:48
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Can your stop interest, fees, and/or penalties or freeze my account balances?

assessing them. Of course, if your creditors continue adding these charges, then your account balances will keep growing until we are able to negotiate settlements. But remember, even if you were able to continue making the minimum monthly payments, these charges would be added. Also, even with these additional charges, we are going to negotiate a lump-sum final settlement, and this amount is typically far less than the total balance due. Therefore, in the long run, these charges don't ... [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 0 min 45
Added : 02/07/09 19:24
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Debt Settlement - Why Pay A Debt Settlement Company

www.2SettleMyDebt.com provides the user with secure internet access to databases and preformatted letters that allow individuals to negotiate directly with their creditors without retaining a debt settlement company. The entire process was designed with the consumers ease of use being the overall concern. The website also enables the consumer to avoid the signup fees, maintenance fees and other fees associated with retaining a debt settlement company. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 1 min 48
Added : 12/06/09 05:14
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Painless Debt Settlement

www.curadebt.com Debt settlement is a process which is based on negotiations between creditor and debtors or debt settlement companies. Debt settlement is used to help consumers in repayment of there debts. With debt settlement consumers get more time for debt repayment with lower interest... [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 5 min 16
Added : 31/01/09 20:45
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Debt Settlement Overview Movie iPod

Learn how to turn your debt into a saving opportunity. The Debt Settlement Solutions program offer professional debt negotiation that saves our clients tens of thousands of dollars of principal and interest and dramataically reduces monthly payments to creditors. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 9 min 58
Added : 25/01/09 18:40
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Credit Card Debt Settlement Program

snipurl.com You're probably wondering how we can help you? If you're concerned about you're debt your definantly not alone. Millions of Americans have debt problems ... If you become a client you will be referred to a firm that specializes in debt negotiation. These people work on your behalf, not the creditors to dramatically reducing your debt by negotiating your balances down. In some cases your total debt may be cut in half. The flexibility of the law firm allows them to tailor your ... [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 1 min 05
Added : 05/08/09 17:46
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Debt Negotiation Jim Gruler

Jim Gruler, designated broker of Hunter James Properties, presents Debt Reduction Store's Negotiation Store, a financial service that works directly with creditors to negotiate discounted debt settlements. Both home buyers and sellers benefit by reducing the debt load; people can save many thousands of dollars with smaller debt repayments, some debt repayments are only 50 cents on the dollars. www.jim.debtreductionstore.com [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 1 min 21
Added : 01/07/08 20:17
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Collection companies and Debt Settlement

Why are my creditors saying that they won't work with you? Most likely the person who is telling you that is a paid collector who is self-interested and makes commissions or bonuses on what they receive from you. They may tell you they won't work with us just to get you to send money directly to them. Once you become a client, you will direct all creditor calls to the law firm. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 0 min 18
Added : 30/06/09 22:33
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If Credit Card Companies Sue You During Debt Settlement

www.CreditCardReliefFormula.org What happens if a credit card company sues you during debt settlement? It is easy to settle your own debts often for a dime or two on the dollar. Creditors do not often sue you. But if they do, here's what can happen...and you will be absolutely shocked. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 5 min 56
Added : 29/01/09 18:30
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