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Using credit rating migration and Merton to solve for equity

There are two big steps: 1. The firm expresses a risk attitude (orientation) and uses the credit rating migration/transition matrix to derive an implied target probability of default (PD); 2. The Merton model is used to infer a target equity cushion given the target PD [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 9 min 16
Added : 09/08/08 20:37
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Videos (2) | Blog posts (9)

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Finance & Investment Tips : Home Equity Line of Credit Interest Rates

A good way to find a low home equity line of credit interest rate is by contacting a financial broker or by checking Bankrate.com. Discover how home equity lines of credit are a higher risk area for banks due to the credit line being in the second position to the primary mortgage with tips from a registered financial consultant in this free video on finance and investment. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 1 min 08
Added : 16/11/08 22:07
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