Popular Tags, Blogs, and Videos about credit rating

Credit Limit And Credit Score - Does It Affect Credit Rating

http://www.JustCardOffers.Com Reliant on credit cards to help pay monthly bills reducing borrowing limits which then can lead to lower credit scores. Hence credit limit and credit score are correlated [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 5 min
Added : 15/09/08 18:47
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Videos (4) | Blog posts (6)

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Debt Management : How Does Debt Relief Without Bankruptcy Affect Your Credit Rating?

Debt relief without bankruptcy is important because bankruptcy puts a black mark on personal credit. Use debt consolidation instead of declaring bankruptcy withhelp from a business analyst in this free video on financial planning and debt management. Expert: Terry Kuykendall Bio: Terry Kuykendall is currently a budget analyst for the military in Washington. She is an accountant who has worked at firms helping people deal with personal and business debt. Filmmaker: stephen kuykendall... [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 0 min 47
Added : 23/01/09 23:51
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Reaction: Reining in credit card rates

Is it fair for credit card companies to keep rates steady or raise them while the Federal Reserve is lowering them? Are you being affected by rising or high credit card interest rates? Do you think the federal government is doing enough to help the American people? [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 1 min 46
Added : 17/12/08 20:37
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Credit & Debt Consolidation : Cost of Credit

Credit comes at a cost. Costs are determined by credit card companies, banks and mortgage companies. Learn about factors that affect the cost of credit from a registered financial consultant (RFC) in this free personal finance video. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 1 min 19
Added : 11/10/08 18:37
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