Where's The Title - Debt Buyers' Problem When Suing Alabama Consumers
Consumer lawyer John Watts discusses the critical problem debt buyers face when suing in Alabama - not being able to show ownership of the debt they are suing you on. While debt buyers want everyone to just believe and accept that they own the debt without offering a shred of proof, we have found it helpful to make the debt buyers meet their burden of proof that they own the debt. It sounds so simple but it is a requirement in our judgment to prove this. If you would like more information ...
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: 3 min
: 02/06/09 15:00
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Blog posts
Consumer Counsel Group exposes abusive debt collection practices on CBS news.
Watch more at www.consumercounselgroup.com As seen on CBS Evening News with Katie Couric, Consumer Counsel Group's attorney Amir Goldstein exposes abusive debt collectors for their deceptive tactics. Stop debt collection abuse. If you are being harassed by debt collectors, you can do something about it. Defend your rights. To find about free lawyers who will fight for you and sue the debt collection agencies take a look at www.consumercounselgroup.com...
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: 2 min
: 25/08/09 19:56
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First Time Homebuyer Workshop #5
Settling bad debts can be done by either entering into a program where you make a monthly installment or you can settle them immediately by employing someone like myself. In most cases we can settle debts for 25 cents on the dollar ... "Settling bad debts" "Settling collections" "Settling repo's" "Debt Settlement Programs" "Consumer debt" "Too much consumer debt" "Repair credit"
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: 2 min
: 30/06/09 00:27
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Assembly Democrats Commentary on the "New Jersey Fair Debt Collection Practices Act"
In this video press release, Assemblymen John J. Burzichelli (D-Gloucester), Paul D. Moriarty (D-Gloucester) and Wayne P. DeAngelo (D-Mercer) discuss their legislation to protect consumers from abusive debt collection practices. The "New Jersey Fair Debt Collection Practices Act" (A-2493) would eliminate abusive debt collection practices in the state while providing consumers with a vehicle to dispute and validate debt information.
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: 1 min
: 04/06/09 19:47
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Alabama Consumer Discusses His Experience With Being Sued By Debt Buyer LVNV
An Alabama consumer discusses his experience with being sued by a debt buyer LVNV and working with us at Watts Law Group, PC. If you would like more information you can go to our main website at www.alabamaconsumer.com or our suit devoted to debt collection lawsuits at suedbyadebtcollector.com You can request our free report on Debt Buyer Secrets. We wish you the best of success! John Watts
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: 0 min
: 25/07/09 18:20
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Pittsburgh Consumer Attorney, Jeff Suher helps consumers fight debt collectors!
News story about a consumer who sued a debt collection company and won! Debt collectors can be forced to pay you. Debt collectors are supposed to abide by the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, but sometimes they just don't care!
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: 2 min
: 20/02/09 18:56
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Jeff Suher - Stop Debt Collection Abuse
Pittsburgh Attorney Jeff Suher wants to help consumers like you who have been harassed by unruly and abusive debt collectors. If you have an unpaid credit card or any old debt that has been sold off to third party debt collectors than you might need legal help. Do they call you non-stop? Do debt collectors threaten to garnish your wages or take you to court. This may be against the law.
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: 3 min
: 20/02/09 18:37
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Dave Ramsey - Credit Card/Debt Collectors are SCUM
My hero, Dave Ramsey, tells of abusive practices and the violation of Federal law incorporated by debt collectors - particularly credit card debt collectors. Most people do not know that they have rights guaranteed to them by the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) and debt collectors knowingly and habitually break these laws in order to frighten them into paying. IT IS NOT AGAINST THE LAW TO OWE MONEY! Do not allow yourself to be lied to (example: "You're going to go to jail if you ...
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: 5 min
: 14/04/09 08:21
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Examples Of Illegal Third Party Contacts By Debt Collectors
Consumer Attorney John Watts discusses examples of how abusive debt collectors violate the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) by contacting third parties. Some of the typical ways the FDCPA is violated by bill collectors is asking neighbors to take a message to the consumer, asking if the consumer is feeling ok, etc. If you would like more information, please contact us by phone at 205-879-2447 or visiting our website at www.alabamaconsumer.com If you would like our free report "How ...
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: 2 min
: 03/06/09 01:10
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You can negotiate a payment settlement with a debt collection agency
In this consumer advocacy video I share information with you that you can negotiate a payment settlement with a debt collection agency. Also, I provide you with the URL to get a completely FREE credit report with no opt in programs or strings attached.
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: 6 min
: 02/02/09 01:02
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