Popular Tags, Blogs, and Videos about credit card

The Jam: Ep. 42: Credit Card Blues (PeopleJam)

We all know credit card debt is out of control in this country. Some of us may only have a couple of hundred dollars racked up, while others have thousands more. The bottom line is we need help. Host Bridget McManus comes to the rescue in this episode of "The Jam" with help from PeopleJam member VTCastle's blog post, "How to Cope with Credit Card Debt You Can No Longer Pay Down." [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 3 min 04
Added : 12/11/08 15:09
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Videos (176) | Blog posts (146)

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Credit Scores & Credit Cards : How to Choose a Credit Card

When choosing a credit card, factors include reward points, low interest rates on cash, annual fees and low introductory rates. Discover more about choosing credit cards with tips from the vice president of a bank in this free video on credit counseling. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 2 min 25
Added : 19/09/08 21:24
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CapitalOne secured credit card canada

www.SecuredCC.com CapitalOne secured credit card canada http www.canadian-money-advisor.ca Alot of people ask me about how to improve their credit rating on the Canadian-Money-Advisor website They're applying for a car loan, credit card, or mortgage and they have "bad credit" or even "new credit". Let's talk about this for a moment NEW CREDIT New credit means that you've never had credit that's reported to the Equifax and/or TransUnion credit bureaus before. This could be because you're a ... [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 1 min 59
Added : 10/02/09 19:07
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Credit Card Industry Defeated for Now

Hidden penalties, sudden interest rate hikes, and deceptive language are just a few of the questionable tactics used by credit card companies to extract money from increasingly stressed consumers. Now, some on Capitol Hill are trying to regulate the more abusive practices. With bills actually moving through both houses of Congress, the credit card lobby is finding itself on the defensive, and turning out in force to oppose the legislation. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 5 min 40
Added : 07/04/09 15:21
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Money Management : Tips for Getting Credit Card Consolidation Loans Through Banks

When an individual has various credit cards with amounts due and payable, it can be helpful for them to consolidate their loans into one payment. Prepare an appropriate financial planning statement when consolidating credit cards withhelp from a registered financial consultant in this free video on money management and financial advice. Expert: Patrick Munro Contact: www.northstarnavigator.com Bio: Patrick Munro is a registered financial consultant (RFC) with outstanding sales volume of ... [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 1 min 18
Added : 09/02/09 22:01
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Avoiding the Hazards of Credit Card Debt

www.americanprogress.org “At a time when American people are being asked to come to the rescue of financial services all over the country how can we say ‘we know that practices are unfair, but you must wait a year to fix them?’” asked Representative Carolyn Maloney (D-NY) at a Center for American Progress Action Fund event Wednesday morning. At the event, CAPAF Executive Vice President Sarah Wartell presented a new report by Tim Westrich ... [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 83 min 01
Added : 05/02/09 21:26
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Credit Card Debt: Danger in Your Wallet - ASK THE EXPERT

http://www.americanprogress.org/issues/2008/09/avoiding_overdrafts.html Has the economic downturn affected Americans' credit card use? Is credit card debt more harmful than other types of debt? Can we protect consumers from falling too deeply into credit card debt? Tim Westrich of the Center for American Progress weighs these questions in the latest installment of CAP's ASK THE EXPERT series. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 2 min 42
Added : 05/09/08 16:20
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Credit Card Processing- payment processor conflict of interest for debit cards?

Debit cards can have the lowest cost credit card processing fees, but as a merchant, are you getting the advantage of those low costs? Pin based debit and signature debit costs are discussed, plus how banks are promoting more costly signature debit to consumers. Any sizable retail merchant with lots of debit or any merchant who wants to know who gets the money they pay in merchant fees should view this video. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 3 min 33
Added : 09/01/09 05:43
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Corrupt Banking System 01/05

This highly informative and easy to understand film covers just about everything that isn't taught in school regarding the corrupt banking system. It explains how these institutions get away with robbing the unsuspecting public by creating monetary policies designed to enslave society, while keeping the system in a perpetual state of rising debt. _______________________________________ Additional keywords (tags): tyrranyofsouls tyrannyofsouls [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 10 min 57
Added : 28/05/08 23:19
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How to Negotiate a Better Credit Card Deal

Certain factors should be considered when negotiating better credit card deals, such as interest rates, annual fees, damage waivers and special introductory rates. Find out how to negotiate a better credit card deal with tips from the vice president of a bank in this free video on credit counseling. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 1 min 38
Added : 19/09/08 21:24
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