What To Do If You Are Refused A Personal Loan
It has become increasingly difficult for individuals to be accepted for personal loans or other form of credit, as banks, ... and repair their credit record, giving them a better chance of success in three months time, when they re ... been accepted for credit in the past, are now finding that they are being rejected when they apply [more...]
Date: 2009-01-05 16:55:20
Blog posts
Debt Management Programs– best way to get out of debt.
A debt management program collectively takes all the loans of various amount and interest rates and forms into a new loan which is released to you. After that, only a single installment is required to be paid every month on a fixed rate of interest. This process is known as debt consolidation. Usually, debtors opt for bill consolidation scheme from the fear of bankruptcy. The problem originates with the use of many credit cards or taking multiple loans from various banks for personal or investment purposes. [more...]
Date: 2009-09-08 05:51:11
Make Use Of Loan Calculator In Assessing The Loan
Availing of a loan can sometimes give you headache. If money isn’t really a need, people would rather not borrow money at all. But life can be really unfair at times. In order to survive, some people resort to borrowings in the form of loans. There are different kinds of loan like housing, car, personal and others [more...]
Date: 2008-11-27 08:44:52