Popular Tags, Blogs, and Videos about erase debt

Making a Plan to Get Out of Debt

by Ray Lam Debt elimination sounds so good to people with financial problems but can also seem like a unattainable dream ... bankruptcy debt discharge may not completely legally eliminate debt leaving you will a bad credit ... consolidation loan. Although debt consolidations do not erase the debt, they will eliminate credit card debt [more...]

Date: 2008-08-11 07:20:28

Blog posts (7) | Videos (1)

Erase 50% of Your Debts You Owe Legally and Ethically – Beat the Recession!

Fact: It is now legal to erase 50% of your debt that you owe to any financial institution, however Americans have been educated by their creditors and so they stay in debt until they retire. Card debts of $10,000 will take an average consumer 40 years to pay , interest rates are that high. [more...]

Date: 2009-09-15 06:01:19

Obama Want You Out of Credit Card Debt – Legally Erase 50-66% of Your Past Due Debts!

Retirement is a thought that’s comes to our minds and gives us the assurance that there will be a phase of life when we can relax as much as we can. Retirements brings in the feeling of peace and harmony. With no hustles and bustles; retirement sounds like just a calm and relaxed time after working life long. [more...]

Date: 2009-09-21 06:01:40

Obama Wants America Out of Debt - Legally Erase 50% of Your CC Balance!

Too many people in the USA are drowning in credit card debt.The average American family has approximately $10,000 worth of debt and if they fail to keep up their minimum payments they can end up paying of this debt for the rest of their lives with an additional $40,000 worth of interest racked up.Fact: Credit-cards ... [more...]

Date: 2009-09-23 19:14:53

Obama Would Like All People Out of Credit-Card Debt – Legally Erase 50-60% of Your Past Due Debts

Are you plagued by your financial troubles? If so, how would you like to have your debt legally erased? You can! Little-known tactics along with consumer protection laws have enabled many Americans, just like you, to erase past due balances. The end result is a decrease in stress and an elimination of those past due balance letters from creditors.Last 5 posts by In the News - Sears Remodels US Army Veteran's Home - September 24th, 2009Don't Miss This Great VA Loan Benefit - No Penalty For Prepayment [more...]

Date: 2009-09-25 06:01:12

Why Debt Consolidation Is Doomed To Fail

http://www.TheCreditCardSolution.com and view FREE videos by Bob Lindsey on a remarkable plan that has helped thousands of debtors eliminate their ... credit card debt without bankruptcy debt arbitration debt settlement attorney lawyer debt erase ... credit card debt. Debt consolidation agencies are not the answer. This approach is 100% legal [more...]

Date: 2008-12-01 16:41:48

Obama Want You Out of Credit Card Debt – Legally Erase 50-66% of Your Debts Now!

How would it feel to have your debt legally erased? There are little-known tactics and consumer protection laws that have enabled many Americans to erase their past due balances without having to worry about another demand letter from their creditors. [more...]

Date: 2009-09-20 06:02:31

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