Dumb Law Alert: South Carolina
Saw this over at Slashdot: "It looks like in an act that defies common sense, ... ." Here's the actual text of the Act: TO AMEND THE CODE OF LAWS OF SOUTH CAROLINA, 1976, BY ADDING [more...]
Date: 2009-01-16 01:15:06
Blog posts
Dow Jones money: a stable future economy
I began to write this text in October when Ben Bernanke and his friends followed the laws of string theory (a Reuters blog) ... reparametrization invariance of the string.To repay Bernanke's debt, I will look at the situation [more...]
Date: 2008-11-27 08:00:00
RoboCops: Professional Policing of Political Protest - An Insider’s Viewpoint
Dandelion Salad Sent to me by the author, thanks William. by William Coxhttp://www.thevoters.org Sept. 9, 2008 The following text is an Insider’s Viewpoint based on forty years experience as a Los Angeles Attorney and law enforcement officer. William Cox provides an analysis of the increasing militarization of local police forces in response [more...]
Date: 2008-09-10 01:46:29
Text: President Bush Statement on Whitehouse Bailout Deal with U.S. Automakers | December 19, 2008
(Source: White House Press Office) 9:01 A.M. EST THE PRESIDENT: Good morning ... provisions of our bankruptcy laws — and provide federal loans to keep them operating while they try ... certainly lead to disorderly bankruptcy and liquidation for the automakers. Under ordinary economic [more...]
Date: 2008-12-19 16:46:58
Four Michigan US Senate candidates endorse Ron Paul’s Campaign for Liberty four point agenda
The Natural Law Party in Michigan has endorsed Ralph Nader for President. The Taxpayers (Constitution) ... of foreign policy, privacy, the national debt., and the Federal Reserve. The full text of the “ [more...]
Date: 2008-10-24 15:58:40