Popular Tags, Blogs, and Videos about debt uk

11 Secrets to Paying Off Credit Card Debts

The current growth of UK debt is £1million every 8 minutes and we all contribute a Stonking £263 million in interest a day. There is currently 27 ... card debt in the UK for September 2008 was £55.7 billion and the average adult in the UK ... consolidation is the solution of last resort unless it is the only option available to you due to the lack [more...]

Date: 2008-12-19 03:01:13

Blog posts (5) | Videos (12)

Credit Debt Advice - The Solution Needs to Suit Your Circumstances

Credit Debt Advice in the UK is so widely available but it’s difficult to tell if it applies to your circumstances ... . If you are UK resident, are worrying about these testing times and maybe have that awful sinking feeling that payments to credit cards & unsecured loans etc are not getting any easier to meet, ... [more...]

Date: 2009-01-14 06:30:18

Is Debt Management the only solution?

by Phillip Evans Are we in the UK drowning in Debt? According to the insurer AXA, some 11.6 million people (25 per cent of the adult population) ... are reported to be struggling to cope with mounting credit card bills and just over a million people ... respectively. The credit crunch could be blamed for the increase in corporate and personal insolvency [more...]

Date: 2009-01-09 13:18:26

Loan Packager Expands Service To Debt Management

Over the course of the past few years, many individuals in the UK have built up a significant level of personal debt through things such as credit ... . As a result, many people in this situation have applied for a debt consolidation loan to combine ... service, through their partner company TCF Debt Solutions. Andy Moody of Loan Options said “Consolidati [more...]

Date: 2008-11-25 16:31:11

Folly of relying on corporate banking sector for money supply into society

The following letter by Alistair McConnachie, editor of Prosperity UK was the lead letter in The Scotsman newspaper on Monday 12 January 2009, ... people, in order to provide our economy with new money, demonstrates the reality of our debt-based ... into our society (”So what if nothing works?” 9 Jan).The real solution lies in enabling the Bank of England [more...]

Date: 2009-01-15 14:55:54

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