When Banks Increase Profits In A Falling Market
While we have all seen the headlines about debt problems in the UK, falling house prices, etc, you would have thought that the banks would be struggling to make money. Think again! The only real way in which banks can lose money, from their traditional banking operations, is by writing off bad debts. You may find this a little curious because surely as interest rates fall, their profit from each loan, each mortgage and other instruments will fall – not always. [more...]
Date: 2009-09-25 02:04:09
Blog posts
Payday Loans - Sometimes They Are Your Only Choice
The financial crisis that is currently gripping the UK stemmed from a reliance on ‘bad’ debt ... institutions creaked at the strain of bad debt. The negative effect of the bad lending rippled ... hundreds of thousands of dollars to people who were simply unable to pay off the debt. Initially [more...]
Date: 2008-12-19 07:23:56