There Are Worse Things In Life Than Student Loan Debt
by William Blake The negative effects of student loan debt on recent college graduates have been well reported on ... people may present opportunities to you, giving advice on how to eliminate all of your debt related ... organizations and speak to one of their debt specialists. They can help you with consolidation loans [more...]
Date: 2009-01-15 10:47:03
Blog posts
Colleges Offer a Helping Hand to Struggling Students
It seems like every day brings unhappy news about the recession–but happily, today is not one of those days for college-bound students! ... 200,000 potential applicants, but also set up a video on their financial aid site about the Stafford loan. So as you prepare for upcoming college bills, don’t forget to do your homework! Call [more...]
Date: 2009-01-14 18:34:48
Colleges Offer a Helping Hand to Struggling Students
It seems like every day brings unhappy news about the recession–but happily, today is not one of those days for college-bound students! ... 200,000 potential applicants, but also set up a video on their financial aid site about the Stafford loan. So as you prepare for upcoming college bills, don’t forget to do your homework! Call [more...]
Date: 2009-01-14 18:35:08
Higher Ed Roundup: Week of July 14 - July 18
Dept. of Ed Requests Emergency Survey on Credit Transfers Few Colleges Join TEACH program New Repayment Program for Borrowers May Not Help All ... turns in to a loan if students fail to meet their commitment to teach for four years following graduation. The change from grant to loan can occur even while students are teaching if their schools move [more...]
Date: 2008-07-19 00:31:00
Help a Reader: Funding College
Here's a question I recently received from a reader: Should I take a new Stafford Loan for school, or just put it on a credit card? CC rate is 5.9% Student Loan is 6.8% Each 6 month term will be around 3k. I'm looking at 4 terms to finish. The tax benefits of the Student Loan are interesting, but I'm not sure how great they will really [more...]
Date: 2008-08-26 19:46:10