Popular Tags, Blogs, and Videos about debt consoliation

A Nail In The Coffin In California

The LA Daily News reports from California. “For weeks, mortgage banker Ben Marsh has been swamped with questions from clients worried about losing their homes in this bad economy. ‘What should I do? What should I do?’ they have asked Marsh, who has offered up several options, including renting out a room to help cover the mortgage [more...]

Date: 2008-11-08 16:40:24

Blog posts (15) | Videos (7)

Monetizing Your Website With Google Adsense Is Easier Than You Think

This site is specifically created for those who don’t want to waste time searching for ‘the best solution’ to earn money online ... Debt Consolidation Endowment Purchase Online Student Loan Consolidation Pop Up Displays California ... Mortgage Refinance Rates Accident Helpline Lenders Tree Acorn Stair Lifts Ambulance Billing Secure [more...]

Date: 2009-01-02 00:57:08

Quake could balloon Calif. foreclosure woes

A new insurance risk report on natural disasters by insurance Aon/Benfeld suggests that a large earthquake could severely rattle California’s ... up to $400 million in mortgage defaults due to foreclosure expenses, property repair costs, lost ... of earthquake insurance in California and a lack of credit available to homebuyers -– a natural disaster [more...]

Date: 2009-01-06 08:01:01

California Needs Governor Schwarzenegger’s Signature on AB 1830 to Prevent Future Mortgage Meltdowns and Help Restore Our Once-Vibrant Economy

By Norma P. Garcia Senior Attorney Consumers Union Consumers Union, the non profit publisher of Consumer Reports urges Governor Schwarzenegger to sign AB 1830 ... of the failed mortgage loans in California and elsewhere. Tragically, consumer advocates’ efforts [more...]

Date: 2008-09-25 13:46:02

california home loan mortgage second

Your kids are growing and your house is getting smaller. Thinking big? ... . You won’t regret it. You don’t need any equity, and this loan program will actually allow ... offered with a fixed interest rate for 15, 20 or 25 year repayment terms. If you have credit card [more...]

Date: 2009-01-14 05:07:26

The Brakes Are Not Working In California

The LA Times reports from California. “A record 10% of the nation’s mortgage-burdened homeowners fell behind on their loan payments or were in foreclosure during the third quarter, according to a survey released Friday by the Mortgage ... driven by these job loss factors,’ said Jay Brinkmann, chief economist for the Mortgage Bankers [more...]

Date: 2008-12-06 18:15:59

Two clubs for small mortgage banks; Freddie pushes back 10/1 changes; GMAC steps in to TBW role

  Out here in California, some in the business have been following the case of 28-yr old Garret Gililland III. Originally from the Sacramento area, he was just captured in Spain and brought back to California to face charges of a $100 million mortgage fraud ring. In yet another example of what seems to make the headlines for mortgage brokers, Gililland fled in June 2008 with at least $250,000 in cash. [more...]

Date: 2009-09-28 14:40:26

It Was Getting Like California

The East Valley Tribune reports from Arizona. “The mortgage crisis is emptying out East Sierrita Road ... with an adjustable rate. ‘There are just all these little loopholes that, at the time, you don’t pay attention [more...]

Date: 2009-01-09 15:18:09

RealtyTrac Foreclosure Activity Report Released: Laws and Programs to Prevent Foreclosures Ineffective

Irvine, California-based online real estate company, RealtyTrac, ... on "cramdown" legislation affecting bankruptcy judges' powers regarding mortgage loan modifications ... percent in 2008 Bankruptcy Cramdown Mortgage Loan Modification? Key Banks Approve Possible Legislation [more...]

Date: 2009-01-15 22:24:28

Advice when Facing Foreclosure in California

by Aaron Marcelli California foreclosure has been a recurrent topic in the media over the last 24 months for this reason residents of CA should take special care to recognize financial issues prior to their unfortunate arrival. California as a state entity functions under a term of trust sale meaning that a home owners mortgage company can start the process of foreclosure once you become delinquent (receive a notice of default). [more...]

Date: 2009-09-27 14:55:31

The Home That Was To Be Their Nest Egg

ABC 7 News reports from California. “Monday was just another day at Marsh Creek Elementary in Brentwood ... , his business decreased and his mortgage reset, doubling from $1,800 to nearly $3,600. He’s sure ... what officials say is a ‘bold economic recovery plan’ to address area foreclosures and the mortgage [more...]

Date: 2008-12-03 18:28:57

Democratic Rep. Won't Subpoena BofA Over Records That Could Damage Him

California Republican Representative Darrell Issa is another public figure hot on Bank of America's tail. And this time it doesn't have anything to do with the Merrill acquisition, which is what most folks are concerned with. His concern is Countrywide's old and controversial "VIP" program, which channeled sweetheart loans to influential figures.  Issa is looking to subpoena the bank to see if there are recordings between Countrywide and some of the politicians who may have received the mortgages. [more...]

Date: 2009-09-28 09:48:00

Pre-Foreclosure Walkaways

From AP Mortgage law experts say the incentive to walk away from a home loan is highest in states that have anti-deficiency statutes, ... collection on an unsecured debt that can be readily dismissed. The bottom line really amounts ... , California, Connecticut, Florida, Idaho, Minnesota, North Carolina, North Dakota, Texas, Utah [more...]

Date: 2008-12-19 00:29:58

Wednesday morning links

#fullpost{display:inline;}TOP STORIESGMAC loosens credit to make vehicles easier to buy - APFed to start buying mortgage securities next month - MarketWatchChinese shares end 2008 down 65 percent - APMadoff Will File List of Assets Today, Lawyer Says - BloombergCreative borrowing catches up with California cities - LA TimesJames K. Galbraith [more...]

Date: 2008-12-31 14:19:00

New Legislation Merely a Speed Bump for California Foreclosures

New Legislation Merely a Speed Bump for California Foreclosures 14Jan09 ... the problem, according to a new report from ForeclosureRadar.com. Notices of Default, which slowed ... t fix this problem.” SB 1137 simply requires mortgage lenders to attempt to make contact [more...]

Date: 2009-01-14 08:02:47

15 Results