In a bad economy, where do you make money?
# | In a bad economy, what’s a company to do? While the middle class is suffering, the rich still have plenty of spending to do. So Barclays, a major financial organization, is targeting the rich with it’s latest credit card: the Visa Black Card. And for goodness sake, the thing is going to be made out of carbon graphite [more...]
Date: 2008-12-04 12:33:35
Blog posts
Watch Out for Possible Credit Card Scams
I am constantly amazed by the creativity of thieves when it comes to ways to scamming people ... card. Bad Photography A lady paid by using my Visa Check Card, and the young man behind ... will be so much better. Currently in the United States, the credit card companies take the burden off [more...]
Date: 2008-10-30 15:25:07
Obtain A Second Chance Checking If You Have Financial Troubles
by Steven J. Talrechi If you’ve had financial problems that have made you ineligible for a checking account, don’t despair. You’re not alone ... or Visa credit cards do. If you opt for just the debit card, a voided check will be included in your set ... , as can a bad credit history. If you’ve been reported to one of these systems and you can no longer [more...]
Date: 2008-09-24 19:43:06
Building New Credit For Credit Repair Success
By katie George Build New Credit Now The most common credit repair mistake people make is putting off building new credit ... with MasterCard, Visa, American Express, and Discover. Avoid store cards and consumer credit like furniture ... . If bad financial times have left you without open accounts you must start the rebuilding process [more...]
Date: 2009-01-03 16:29:15
Current Reading/Listening
A few days before Christmas an old friend of mine emailed me to say that God had put on his heart to send me one of those visa pre-paid credit cards ... . Not in a bad way. But it’s all over his music. He too has a some great melodies. picture-21 [more...]
Date: 2009-01-16 13:07:53
Rear in (5th) Gear 09 - Week 2
I am en feugo with my productive self. That probably made no grammatical sense, so if not - mea culpa. Anyway, what started as one task ( ... : - Revise resume - Shop for bed - Cash in credit card points for Visa gift card (to buy bed ... . (I could make a joke here about the 'charity pick-up' that turned into the first bad date of 2009, but I'll [more...]
Date: 2009-01-05 18:54:56
I’ve Become a Victim of the Credit Crunch
I already knew the credit card companies considered me a deadbeat, but I didn’t think I was that bad. Sheesh ... Federal Credit Union Platinum Visa Limit: $20,000 Thoughts: Always nice to have a credit union ... Platinum Priority Visa Limit: $50,000 Thoughts: Since this incident, BofA has been on my shyt list [more...]
Date: 2009-01-08 11:12:43
No Credit Mastercard
Establishments around the globe take both types of no credit Mastercard and although Visa appeared to have a greater number places it could be used, ... bad credit issues, they won’t care about which type of credit card they are granted ... regularly, they will begin to see an improvement in their credit history. With this type [more...]
Date: 2008-12-28 03:41:42
Membership Has Fewer Rewards
For credit card-carrying Americans, the latest news from the economic crisis is good, then bad, then good again ... they had to, since credit card companies raised their interest rates even as personal income and credit limits dropped. Visa, MasterCard, et al., also are responding to the worsening economy [more...]
Date: 2009-01-14 19:00:18
Get 2% Deposited Into Your Schwab Investment Account
I don’t usually write much about credit cards here but this is something kind of interesting. Charles Schwab is offering an unlimited 2% cash back on their Invest First Visa Credit Card ... s $25,000 per year in spending. If you spend more than that, the Schwab card may not be a bad idea [more...]
Date: 2008-12-04 20:48:50
Santa’s Favorite Cupcake
December 12, 2008 at 10:33 am | In cupcakes | Tags: chocolate chip cookies, Santa, tres leche Dear Santa, I can explain ... is. I am not a bad girl. I just have bad tendencies. They usually involve shopping and credit cards. I can’t help it. Its just so easy to bust out my Visa Gold card (I feel so special being a gold card member [more...]
Date: 2008-12-12 18:33:00
AccountNow - Prepaid Visa Review
by Dan Moskel The AccountNow Visa is a prepaid credit card. You deposit funds into your account/card and then use your card to pay bills, make purchases and withdraw cash. This visa guarantees approval to everyone. It does not matter how bad your credit [more...]
Date: 2008-11-05 17:25:08
Building Credit While in the Military
Most people who just join the military are in an enviable position of having very little or no established credit ... to get in the beginning are major credit cards like MasterCard, Visa or Discover. These will allow ... . While this may seem like a bad thing, it actually puts you in a great position to build good [more...]
Date: 2008-12-14 20:41:22
Frugal Friday
Frugal Friday Christina Tynan-Wood on Oct 31 2008 | Filed under: Uncategorized The economy is bad, right? ... to my Visa card at a place called Mary’s Sandwiches, it guessed “Dining.” It did a good job, too ... passwords) giving Quicken the log-in information for my credit cards, bank accounts, and loans [more...]
Date: 2008-10-31 18:09:07
Multiple Lines of Credit - Not Necessarily a Bad Thing
by William Blake A line of credit can be one the most important financial products within your life ... with. Having a credit card is almost a necessity these days. Cash is not carried that often by people as it was in the past so having a Visa card is important. If your car breaks down on the side [more...]
Date: 2008-09-17 08:04:01
Camelbackdisplay For All We Needs
It’s a near wedding party of my sister. As her little brother, all I want to do is to help her preparing all the party might need ... if you had VISA credit card. ... . My sister will not be a singer I believe. She was bad for that. What is in my mind right [more...]
Date: 2008-11-24 04:26:07
And yet another sale
Jen at MOMSPatterns is running a quick sale -- 30% off any ONE order valid now until midnight, December 30, ... most major credit cards (Visa, Mastercard, Discover & American Express) for everyone's convenience! I can't get over the ruffled collar on this dress. So gorgeous and elegant. Too bad the lady [more...]
Date: 2008-12-29 15:44:03
how to improve your credit score
Having a bad credit can be detrimental to your financing and places a number of hurdles in front of you when it comes to availing loa ... score. Having a Visa, MasterCard, Sears and/or gas card will show that you can manage short-term ... . Having a poor credit score can ha en to anyone for a number of reaso ranging from not paying [more...]
Date: 2008-11-27 01:52:52
Reality-Defying Futurama Flying Car For Sale On Amazon For A Mere $50,000! [Novelties]
Good news everyone! A recently-launched merchant on Amazon — named Jetson — is offering the "Futurama Flying Car" for the bargain price of only $50, ... up for the Amazon Visa credit card after we added it to our cart - talk about a deal! Hold on, our Nigerian ... .. No more bloody traffic! I cant say a bad thing about it.. It also is compatible with my [more...]
Date: 2008-10-10 20:00:00
No Credit Mastercard
No Credit Mastercard Posted in Finance | January 15th, 2009 Even though there was a difference, commonly in favor of Visa, ... difference between themdifference between the two. To an individual going through bad credit issues, they probably won’t be concerned enough to care about whose credit card they are provide [more...]
Date: 2009-01-16 03:41:24
No getting laid in the NYT
Rob Walker's "Consumed" column in the NYT Magazine on Sunday (9 November) looks at prepaid credit cards, in particular the Prepaid Visa RushCard, "the product of a partnership between Unifund (a Cincinnati company best known for buying up and collecting on bad debts [more...]
Date: 2008-11-12 15:59:03
The current crisis is near the end....
This post is by Jim Fitch of Some Assembly Required. When someone tells you the current crisis is "near the end", ask them which end ... as much credit card debt in June as economists thought possible, increasing their total Visa bill to $2.59 ... struggle to swallow the bad debt it got when it spent $24 billion to buy doomed mortgage lender Golden [more...]
Date: 2008-08-11 13:40:58
First, the Good News...
...Jesse Wong's Kitchen's manager called me again to say her programmer did finally find that the gift card had an original $60 value when it was ... basically said it wasn't on her watch and what's past is past. The bad news: she thinks trying to issue a credit on my Visa would cause more trouble, so she's putting the $60 balance back on my JW [more...]
Date: 2008-10-04 19:42:00
Were to Get My seeds
Ive been looking at a few sites, Nirvana and Dr. Chronic. Ive heard plenty of good things and Plenty Of Bad things about these retailers. I dont like that Nirvana has a small selection. I'm thinking of going chronic. I dont have a credit card and I dont want to send a money order. Im thinking of using a Visa Gift Card. I Believe Dr [more...]
Date: 2009-01-06 11:44:56
Earning What You Have: The Mindset I Hope I Never Lose
I think I come from a moderately humble background. My parents are both college graduates, which is a statistical leg up by itself, but my father had to work two jobs until I was 15, and I’m the youngest of my siblings. Mom also started working part-time when I was about 10, and then full-time later on. Suffice it to say we were not showered with gifts, though I only remember one particularly depressing Christmas, when I got a fancy pair of socks from Santa. [more...]
Date: 2009-09-25 15:53:18
Bad Credit Cards – What They Can Do For You
Many of us have been there and if you ask how it happened, some people don’t know. We said yes to a purchase when we should have said no. We broke every rule that our parents taught us including the golden financial rule: Don’t spend it if you don’t have it. Fortunately, even if our credit is in shambles, there are ways to help us rebuild it. You may be somebody who knows how to manage money. You have never made an impulse purchase and the idea of buying something not on sale is foreign to you. [more...]
Date: 2009-09-18 14:47:28
Bad Credit Credit Card - What It Can Do For You
Many of us have been there and if you ask how it happened, some people don’t know. We said yes to a purchase when we should have said no. We broke every rule that our parents taught us including the golden financial rule: Don’t spend it if you don’t have it. Fortunately, even if our credit is in shambles, there are ways to help us rebuild it. You may be somebody who knows how to manage money. You have never made an impulse purchase and the idea of buying something not on sale is foreign to you. [more...]
Date: 2009-09-15 20:12:05
Bad Credit Credit Card – What It Can Do For You
Many of us have been there and if you ask how it happened, some people don’t know. We said yes to a purchase when we should have said no. We broke every rule that our parents taught us including the golden financial rule: Don’t spend it if you don’t have it. Fortunately, even if our credit is in shambles, there are ways to help us rebuild it. You may be somebody who knows how to manage money. You have never made an impulse purchase and the idea of buying something not on sale is foreign to you. [more...]
Date: 2009-09-15 20:15:50
Keeping Credit Cards Secure: Washington Times
"I think the U.S. is targeted because there's more and wealthier people on the Internet and we're more active in e-commerce ," Avivah Litan - Distinguished Analyst at Gartner Research - Quoted in Washington Times Editor's Food for Thought: If the U.S. did bite the bullet and decide to spend $8 Billion Dollars to switch over to Chip and PIN it is NOT going to reduce eCommerce Fraud one iota At least not until we start swiping the card itself. (Replacing the Card Not [more...]
Date: 2009-09-21 21:12:00
Record Credit Card Defaults Signals a Weaker Recovery
According to reports from Moody’s ( MCO ) Investors Service, credit card delinquencies surged to record levels in August. In the first increase of charge-off rates since the rally began in March, credit card issuers wrote off 11.49% of uncollectible consumer debt compared to 10.52% in July. Also loans more than 30-days past due also rose to 5.8%. Moody’s report also suggests that charge off rates are not likely to peak until mid-2010, as unemployment continues to strain many consumers budgets. [more...]
Date: 2009-09-24 14:40:21
Spotify Premium now available using Paypal
Have you been holding off grabbing a Spotify Premium account because you haven’t got a credit or debit card? Good news – Spotify has just announced that it will support Paypal for users in the UK. Paypal accepts payments from Visa, Mastercard and American Express among others but it’ll also link directly to your bank account. That’s good news for people who want to plonk down £9.99 a month for endless tunes but haven’t been able to so far. [more...]
Date: 2009-09-30 14:30:56
23 Powerful Tips and Tools to Eliminate Debt
H ere is one of the most frequently asked questions in all of personal finance: "How do I get out of debt?" At one level, eliminating debt is simply about following a few steps: Stop going into more debt Spend less than you make Pay off debt with the difference If you follow these steps, eventually you'll be debt free. The problem is that following these steps isn't always so easy. And to make matters worse, there is a lot of "help" out there that can make matters worse. [more...]
Date: 2009-09-17 10:48:15
Things To Remember In Choosing A Credit Card
by Eric Jilson If you have a low credit rating, you will most likely not be offered an unsecured low interest credit card. This requires faith on the part of the credit card company that you will repay your debts on time. People with good credit are able to get these cards because their credit history shows that they have been capable of paying on time in the past. If you have good credit and plan to continue making timely payments, then you will probably qualify for these low-interest credit cards. [more...]
Date: 2009-09-28 09:44:37
Black Empowerment: The rapid decline of South African Airways.
by Arthur Kemp This is pretty scary reading for someone that regularly travels with SAA, like myself... The South African government holds out its airline as a shining example of black empowerment, which carries the name and symbolism of the “new” South Africa far and wide. Indeed, for decades, South African Airways ( SAA ) was famous as one of the best airlines in the world, consistently winning industry awards for service. [more...]
Date: 2009-09-21 21:16:00
Credit card marketing intensifies as consumer try to avoid debt
photo credit: Andres RuedaMarketing of credit cards by banks has intensified as more consumers try to avoid the risk of incurring greater personal debt and opt for the greater sense of financial control offered by debit card schemes.Consumers are being bombarded with advertisement and brochures for credit cards offering everything from no annual fees, to reduced interest rates, increased credit limits and more rewards points.At the same the use of debit cards, which work like an EFTPOS card but [more...]
Date: 2009-09-27 11:21:03
Know And Compare Credit Card Offers
by Eric Jilson If you have a low credit rating, you will most likely not be offered an unsecured low interest credit card. This requires faith on the part of the credit card company that you will repay your debts on time. People with good credit are able to get these cards because their credit history shows that they have been capable of paying on time in the past. If you have good credit and plan to continue making timely payments, then you will probably qualify for these low-interest credit cards. [more...]
Date: 2009-09-21 10:18:41
bank of america credit card Widgets Understanding credit card terms and conditionsSeveral banks, among them Bank of America and Chase, were inspired by Wilmington’s flexible laws to relocate at least their credit card companies to Wilmington. The ability to charge more interest meant that they could offer credit to less credit-worthy customers. Though big banks moved their credit card companies, the response was even greater than DuPont at first estimated. [more...]
Date: 2009-09-24 19:24:39
My hardware store is part of a cooperative organization that is regularly ranked in the top ten businesses in America for excellent customer ... me know that although they knew on December 19th that some criminals had stolen my Visa Debit Card number ... from my account. Then Visa canceled my card. At that point it was personal to them. Visa claims [more...]
Date: 2009-01-11 04:46:26
More retail stores are offering rewards cards
As most people know store credit cards are often a bad idea because they charge high interest and offer little benefit. Retail stores today, however, are branching out into a new market: rewards credit cards. A number of stores are actually offering credit cards that earn rewards that can be redeemed for in-store merchandise, discounts and more. This change is good news for consumers because it gives them a chance to be rewarded for store loyalty. [more...]
Date: 2009-09-16 21:03:22
Merchant Services Charge-back Horror: Why Paypal Ia The Only Way:
_3248 Creative Commons License photo credit: David Boyle in DC There are reasons why I had the outrageous gall to re-start my online marketing ... ), those customers can decide to lie to the banks at any time, about an e-check, or a credit card payment ... to our merchant account when that happened. As if it wasn’t bad enough that people stopped [more...]
Date: 2008-11-01 17:55:10
Best of Times for Worst of Crimes
By Dennis McDougalSo I’m parsing the morning news, waiting for the coffee to kick in as I tend to do, and I see where Chicago crime novelist Laura Caldwell has been mugged while jogging past Lincoln Park in a scene oddly similar to a scene directly out of one of her books. The cynic in me immediately leaps to: “Hey, GREAT publicity ploy [more...]
Date: 2008-11-19 17:33:00
5 Ill-Advised Celebrity Endorsements
Those crafty marketing executives know exactly what makes us tick: they take a picture of whichever ‘celebrity’ tosspot they think is currently ‘hot’ and slap it onto the advert for whatever overpriced piece of crap they’re trying to sell and like lobotomised, star-struck automatons we scurry along to the nearest sterile, [more...]
Date: 2008-10-09 14:26:38
Benefits of a Prepaid Credit Card
by Mary Bush Anyone who has bad credit due to some misfortune at one time or another in their life knows the difficulty that comes with trying to get a credit card. Even if they are currently in a great job, making payments on time to everyone ... credit card has been almost a saving grace to many. If you can’t qualify for a regular card [more...]
Date: 2009-01-04 17:36:50
Benefits of a Prepaid Credit Card
by Mary Bush Anyone who has bad credit due to some misfortune at one time or another in their life knows the difficulty that comes with trying to get a credit card. Even if they are currently in a great job, making payments on time to everyone ... credit card has been almost a saving grace to many. If you can’t qualify for a regular card [more...]
Date: 2009-01-02 15:54:00
GWAS Latte Post
Your regular dose of Monday morning snippets to read, click and skip over with brekkie and a cuppa...Crunch month... and we're not talking Kellogg's ... shaping up as a crunch month for many families as Christmas credit card bills fall due, report Jessica Irvine and John Huxley in The Sunday Telegraph. Credit card company slashes limits! In a case [more...]
Date: 2009-01-11 20:00:00
MansionPoker Rip Off
Back in September MansionPoker changed to the IPoker Network and, as I already had two accounts on this network, I decided to cash out ... license or government ID card. 2. A utility bill or bank statement clearly displaying your current residential address (dated less than three months). 3. A copy of the front and back of all credit [more...]
Date: 2008-10-26 23:10:51
We just got really close to carrying a balance
I felt like we dodged a bullet tonight. I was checking balances on some of my accounts and I loaded up the balance on our primary checking account ... through. It actually popped in my head that we could just not pay our full credit card bill next month ... . Getting into credit card debt, of course, is way easier than getting out of it. (Just ask [more...]
Date: 2008-09-28 07:10:59
Simple Cards
Have you ever seen an ad for the Jitterbug phone . It is a mobile phone that does something remarkable; it only makes telephone calls. It offers no instant messaging, no web browsing, and no cameras. The idea is that many people, myself included, only want to use their phone to call people, and are happy using their cameras and computers when they want to take pictures and use the internet. [more...]
Date: 2009-09-18 00:00:17
Projection at its finest ...
Tonight Jack told me that his office thinks I'm this irrational nutcase because I've dared to speak to him on the phone. I think he omitted mentioning to them how many times he's phoned me or sent me IMs or emails during the day, to the extent that I seriously needed to consider getting the IT guys at work to block his phone number and account [more...]
Date: 2008-12-27 05:51:00
Holiday Scam - Be Aware
Yet another scam is on the loose! My husband received this at work, and I wanted to share it. There are some evil people in the world.. ... for your card number; they already have it. This information is worth reading. By understanding how the VISA & MasterCard Telephone Credit Card Scam works, you'll be better prepared toprotect yourself.One [more...]
Date: 2008-12-09 21:55:00
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