Popular Tags, Blogs, and Videos about judgement credit report

All You Wanted to Know of Bad Credit

Martin Henderson is in a fix these days. Because of his failure to repay a loan he had taken a few years back, ... . If not, then they report the matter to the credit reference agencies. Credit reference agencies ... the judgement irrevocable. Individual voluntary arrangements are another form of bad credit [more...]

Date: 2009-01-01 04:58:12

Blog posts (91) | Videos (21)

A Question As To Her Judgement

photo credit-navetscreative commons licenseRemember Wendy Portillo, the teacher in Port St ... or embarrassment to Alex Barton, they said in a report released Thursday there is a question ... , but if she moves on and gets a job somewhere else it will be worth it.The report by the school also said [more...]

Date: 2008-11-23 05:47:00

Trip Report: AFA 2009 Conference

Trip Report: AFA 2009 Conference By stephen | January 7, 2009 Happy New Year! ... . One of my favorite sessions was an AEA session titled Implications of the Credit Crisis for the Regulation of Non ... with him experience and judgement and it was fun to hear his thoughts on the subject. I also got to do a bit [more...]

Date: 2009-01-08 05:25:12

Blog Trends And Statistics: The State Of The Blogosphere 2008 - The Technorati Report

Blogs are not just an opportunity to have a personal online press, or to express one's own thoughts and ideas freely ... -of-the-blogosphere-2008-chart_id1878031_size485.jpg Photo credit: Mario Lopes “From a journalistic perspective: Blogging and other ... skeptical of everything. We need to use judgement, to get more information — and to go outside [more...]

Date: 2008-09-23 09:30:12

The Discoverie of Witchcraft, by Reginald Scot (1584)

One topic that I’ve long had a fascination with is the history of skeptical and scientific thought.  Human beings are naturally endowed with the ability to reason, but that reason is a far cry from a belief in a world governed by immutable natural laws.  This is why I consider scientific education to be very important on a societal level; ignorance and fear combined with credulity can lead to devastating consequences: the bloody period of witch hunting in Europe resulted in somewhere between [more...]

Date: 2009-09-22 19:32:32

Connect the Dots and Win Customers!

Earlier, the American Bankers Association, in a press release, stated that a new "ABA SURVEY: shows that " CONSUMERS PREFER ONLINE BANKING "   But before the online banking community starts popping their champagne, (online banking is more profitable) I thought now might be an opportune time to segue to the results of another study , conducted by ACI Worldwide:  49% of Consumers Worldwide Would Switch Banks if Victim of Card Fraud "49% of consumers across eight countries [more...]

Date: 2009-09-22 22:33:00

Eric Mangini Calling for a “Brown Out?”

Remember those dreaded brown pants that the world was able to see when the Browns were pounded by the New York Giants during last year’s preseason Monday Night Football?  If you forgot, the image to the right may be a quick reminder as the team looked awful during the game, and continued to look pretty bad even after play had stopped.  And if Tony Grossi’s latest report is true, we may be seeing a lot more of said brown pants in the near future.Even worse?  Said brown pants may be paired with the [more...]

Date: 2009-07-27 16:00:04

THE FINTAG NEWSLETTER @ 14 September 2009

FINTAG COMMENT Opinions. Trading the markets involves no emotion. It requires looking at all risks and finding ways to hedge them or more importantly making money from them. Having political views is fine but these must not cloud one's judgement so when we see Obama trying to fix something that is so fundamentally broken, like Wall Street, one must cry internally. Thanks to Bernanke and co, we have bigger banks, banks that cannot fail and banks that are more arrogant than ever. [more...]

Date: 2009-09-14 23:48:10


You know you’re in a housing bubble when bankers privately reveal that 95% of their new mortgage customers finance 95% of their purchases. When almost 100% of new mortgages have the longest approved amortizations – 35 years. When houses with crumbling basement walls but new stainless countertops attract fourteen offers. When the average house price hits an historic high in the midst of a recession. When buyers panic because they think they’ll be priced out. When emotion trumps rational thought. [more...]

Date: 2009-09-17 01:31:29

And Variant Perception Respond to Iberian Equities

Well, Jonathan Tepper has now written a reply to Iñigo Vega, of Iberian Equities, Izabella Kaminska covers the reply here , on FT Alphaville, and Claus Vistesen has a summary of the whole affair here , on his Alpha Sources blog. And may I remind everyone of a recent quote from the Economist : The new accounting guidelines will help Spanish lenders smooth out the effects of the property bust over time. But the risk is that the problems are merely postponed. [more...]

Date: 2009-09-03 08:40:00

Posts about Foreclosures as of July 26, 2009

Mediation proposed as foreclosure fix – rosiebuyshouses.com 07/26/2009 Center for American Progress urges feds to fund local programsread more Press Release on the HAMP Program – goldsteinandclegglaw.com 07/26/2009 The United States Treasury Deptartment published a press release in March of this year that details the new Home Affordable Modification Program (”HAMP”).  I have written many blog posts with respect to this program and have personally been able to use this program [more...]

Date: 2009-07-26 12:03:27

Left and Right Critiques Of Inside-The-Beltway Journalism…

Conor Friedersdorf does a pretty excellent write up over the Atlantic about conservative perceptions of Inside-The-Beltway Journalism and tries to root out the problems with those perceptions and provide a basic template for “good” and “bad” journalists. He states the basic perception: There is this idea among movement conservatives—especially the rank-and-file—that Washington DC journalism is populated by a lot of disingenuous, careerist sell outs. [more...]

Date: 2009-07-17 17:49:33

Supreme Court rules tainted evidence admissible in ‘minor’ Charter violations

RED ALERT - now charter injunctions against the violations of your civil liberties are optional, if it can be shown they were only violated a little bit. This sort of pragmatic, ‘whatever works’ approach to the principles underpinning a free society is in actual fact the death of your inalienable rights, of principle, and of what charter protections we had in Canada. [more...]

Date: 2009-07-18 04:47:18

Benefits of Secured Home Improvement Loans

Make your house more welcoming and comfortable to live. A heavenly abode, is not a distant dream any more. Online secured home improvement loans help you attain a complete make over of your house. Decision has to be made whether you want to do it yourself or get an expert help to do it. However if your project seems complicated and you don’t have much experience with your home improvements, it is best to leave it to the professionals. [more...]

Date: 2009-08-01 01:06:41

Compounding their error; or, I do indeed enjoy shooting fish in a barrel

Well! You may recall my recent scathing critique of a Confluence post on the mortgage meltdown that I thought was at best buying into tedious old right-wing saws about anti-discriminatory measures. I am flattered to report that, despite her disagreement with me over the admittedly trolly bit at the end, Anglachel has seen fit to cite my post [more...]

Date: 2008-10-03 06:50:31

In The News Today

Jim Sinclair’s Commentary As in the 70s central banks first slowed down their gold sales then turned into gold buyers. The Chinese are already on the buy side now. Gold is going to $1224, $1650 and then on to Alf’s numbers. UPDATE 1-German Bundesbank to keep lid on gold sales this year Fri Sep 25, 2009 1:10pm GMT FRANKFURT, Sept 25 (Reuters) – Germany’s Bundesbank will refrain from big gold sales in the first year ofa new central bank gold sales agreement, it said on Friday. [more...]

Date: 2009-09-25 18:31:20

A Beginner’s Guide To Bad Credit – What Does Your Credit Rating Say About You?

If you’ve ever experienced financial problems in the past then the chances are that any mistakes you’ve made (whether you know you’ve made them or not!) will be recorded on your credit record. In many cases these mistakes will occur as a result of financial problems you may have experienced – but often you can get a bad credit history without really doing anything wrong. The majority of problems that will give you a bad credit record will happen if you have problems managing your finances. [more...]

Date: 2009-07-26 08:41:54

Difficulties of exercising extraterritorial criminal jurisdiction: The acquittal of a Dutch businessman for crimes committed in Liberia

(My thanks to IntLawGrrls for the opportunity to contribute this guest post ) With this post I briefly present my recently published article, "The Difficulties of E xercising Extraterritorial Criminal J urisdiction: The Acquittal of a Dutch Businessman for Crimes Committed in Liberia ". An outgrowth of research on domestic efforts, particularly Dutch efforts, to investigate and prosecute international crimes, the article recently was published in the International Criminal Law Review (left). [more...]

Date: 2009-08-16 10:02:00


By Mr. Ahmad  SubhaniVisit any TV channel or go through the print media, the hot topic under discussion is Pervez Musharraf’s trial for breaching the Constitution. Most vocal in this campaign is Mian Nawaz Sharif and his coterie. The pertinent question that comes to mind is, that it was not the first time that it has happened, quite a few dignitaries before him had also done the same. [more...]

Date: 2009-09-01 19:53:28

Internet 1, Print Media 2, the winner in the Tenth Medieval Incredulity Contest

I love the Internet, obviously. Quite apart from its social function and its various commercial and academic possibilities ( ... , I invite someone to set it to their students for extra credit by the hundred words they can produce ... it there so the printed paper wins this one. How often have you wanted, when reading a site report or even [more...]

Date: 2008-12-22 16:57:17


Jennifer Aniston Has No Clothes First of all, I'd like to apologize to all you fans of Jennifer Aniston out there who continue to find solace in this woman's wooden acting and lackluster films and her now four-year crusade to let Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt know she's nonplussed about the whole cheating/marriage break-up thing [more...]

Date: 2008-12-12 15:43:39

Property Management Guide – The Eviction Process

by Steve Zappa The Notice of Termination is the first step in the tenant eviction process. You can evict tenants who are on a month-to-month lease simply by giving your tenant 30 days or 60 days advance written notice. The form is called a 30-Day Notice or a 60-Day Notice. In some states 30 days is required, in other states 60 days is required. Laws differ in various states regarding what is an acceptable circumstance under which a 30 Day Notice can be served. [more...]

Date: 2009-08-27 10:23:36

A World to Win

Notes for an introduction to perspectives by Rob Petersen This article was presented to a forum in August last year iand was forwarded to History matters by one of our readers. It present a very interesting perspective on the world and South African situation and we hope that you will enjoy read on. 1 [more...]

Date: 2009-01-08 05:56:02

Home Rental Guide - How To Handle A Tenant Eviction

by Steve Zappa The first stage in the eviction process is to serve the tenant with what is called a Notice of Termination form. Tenants who are on a month to month lease can be evicted with a 30 days or 60 days written notice. In some states 60 days is required while in others only 30 days is required. You need to check your locality. The form you use is called either a 30 Day Notice or a 60 Day Notice. A 30 Day Notice can not be served on a tenant under some circumstances. [more...]

Date: 2009-08-27 10:25:26

How can my hubby and I rent after a rental judgement?

Sep.02, 2009 in UncategorizedMy hubby had a judgment placed as a public record on his credit report March of last year. Its only for 0 but were scared to try and rent again because ot it. If we pay it will it be taken off or what’s the best option? Thanks.We tried to apply for some apartments in August of last year but were declined and haven’t applied again since.Tags: apartments, credit report, hubby, judgment, public record [more...]

Date: 2009-09-02 08:23:39

London Banker Repost ~ What We Value Is What We Save In a Crisis

“When a woman thinks that her house is on fire, her instinct is at once to rush to the thing which she values most ... to guarantee credit to SMEs (small and medium enterprises) and exporters. China is introducing controls to limit bank credit to over-extended speculative sectors, accelerate rebuilding in the regions affected [more...]

Date: 2008-11-29 22:58:59

Biden v. Palin (III)

Sarah Palin plans to go on the attack in tonight’s debate, hitting Joe Biden for what she will call his foreign policy blunders ... , but you are then compelled to give Biden credit for working alongside your running mate in pursuing these policies ... is to show Biden’s poor judgement, in almost every instance this will highlight all of [more...]

Date: 2008-10-02 21:24:41


Dear Readers: Governor Patterson in his "State of the State Address" stood before the legislature and said "It is has been reported that today's children will not live as long as us because of obesity. When parents find that out they will come to Albany and say why didn't you do anything about this?" Were I the governor, I would say, me? [more...]

Date: 2009-01-10 22:43:00

Tierra Maria Estates Scam - still hiding the truth . . .

MAKE SURE YOU VISIT THE TALE OF GRISLY McGOO . . .03/01/09Here's a composite of a site connected to Noemi Dado (one of many in actual fact) - let's see if my comment gets deleted - or whether she is prepared to expose a little of what she's up to . . .31/12/08 - Before I forget, or get sidetracked - A Happy New Year to all my readers [more...]

Date: 2008-12-31 20:24:00

MIND MELD: How Does Blogging and Social Networking Affect the Publishing Industry?

First it seemed like everyone was writing a blog. Then it seemed like everyone was getting a MySpace page. Now it seems like everyone is hopping on the FaceBook and Twitter trains. We asked this week's panel about it: Q: How has blogging and the emergence of social networking changed the face of publishing? How has it affected you personally? Read on to see their responses... Kristine Kathryn Rusch Kristine Kathryn Rusch is on Facebook and Twitter ( @Kristinerusch ). [more...]

Date: 2009-08-19 06:29:00

Hillary Clinton Re-Imagined

Hillary Clinton Re-ImaginedHillary Rodham Clinton will serve in a non-partisan role as secretary of state, which may provide her an opportunity to recast her legacy.Hillary Rodham Clinton's confirmation hearing today in front of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee marks a turn in the legacy of a family that has dominated Democratic politics for [more...]

Date: 2009-01-13 20:05:21

China Olympics, Russia-Georgia and Barack Obama’s Foreign Contributions

Culture Watch, vol. 28 Nancy Morgan RightBias.com August 18, 2008 Finally, a celebrity who earned it. Michael Phelps is demonstrating the best of America as he continues racking up gold medals in the China Olympics. Check out these awesome photos of his split second win. China, on the other hand, appears to be cheating [more...]

Date: 2008-08-18 22:13:46

What Papers Can You Get Rid Of?

photo by The Container Store As we tackle our paper pile, the motto for the day is: Do not organize what you can toss! ... it. Bank or Credit Card statements I’d say this one is a personal judgement call.  Most statements ... your mail over the recycle bin.  Opt out of credit offers, and remove your name from catalog mailing lists [more...]

Date: 2008-09-19 09:56:32


AUDC is again teaching a studio at Columbia this fall. This time our topic is evil. Evil Advanced Studio V Fall 2009 Kazys Varnelis
 Robert Sumrell AUDC Columbia University Graduate School of Architecture, Planning, and Preservation Arguably the entirety of architectural production in the last forty years has been dominated by the problem of complexity. [more...]

Date: 2009-09-08 15:57:08

JFK - Rush to Judgement & Final Judgement

The 45th anniversary of the assassination of John Kennedy is almost upon us. Nov. 22, 1963 is one of the most important dates in our history. It could be argued that it was the day the last vestige of hope for America died.For those who like to burn audio book CD's, here's an interesting 1967 recording of 'witnesses' interviewed by Mark Lane [more...]

Date: 2008-11-12 20:49:00


Even Barack Obama's supporters realize that there is nothing to him. He is the quintessential "empty suit," a sort of portmanteau candidate into which his admirers are invited to pour all of their hopes and fantasies, rather than evaluate what is really inside his mind, his character, and his record [more...]

Date: 2008-06-07 00:53:23

Malegaon Blast Case - ATS Credibility not Hindutva on Trial

4th update - There are now 4 contradictory versions on the origin of this transcript. CNN-IBN says its a tape, NDTV says its an eyewitness account of a phone conversation, Indian Express says its a hearsay account of conversation in a room in Ujjain where, apart from Ramji and the Sadhvi, a third person was present, who is now a witness [more...]

Date: 2008-11-03 12:28:46

2008 In Review

Quite a year, quite a year.* We started the year with our own sitting Democratic governor brought down when it was revealed in a prostitution scandal that Spitzer was 'Client 9', hooking up with expensive hookers when away from home. He managed to avoid prosecution under the Mann Act for transporting hookers over state lines, [more...]

Date: 2009-01-01 04:59:00

The Meltdown is Upon Us…Now What?

You MUST survive. That does not mean you hide. The crash is upon us. We are in the middle of it ... . I agree with Gregor here and it’s what makes buying this dip horrifying. This credit crisis ... these late ‘SUPERDUMB’ and now I have to question my own judgement. Gold should be absolutley screaming [more...]

Date: 2008-10-06 03:01:32



Date: 2009-01-14 00:21:00

Gates of Vienna News Feed 11/22/2008

An important story to watch concerns the BNP in the UK. After a list of BNP members was leaked on the internet, the government began persecuting people whose names were found on the list. A backlash has already begun — the British hate bullies and tend to support the underdog — so the BNP is bound to gain in strength.Thanks to Aeneas, Archonix, C [more...]

Date: 2008-11-23 04:51:00

Could Sulzberger Stupidity Cause NYT Collapse?

Although the New York Times circulation  has been plummeting like a lot of other newspapers due to readers switching to the Internet for their news ... judgement in almost every major business decision. The prime culprit of Sulzberger stupidity is the Times heir, Arthur Ochs ("Pinch") Sulzberger Jr. although it seems that lack of  judgement is also [more...]

Date: 2008-10-08 12:49:42

Private delusion

Private delusion (Sunday 14 December 2008) JOHN LISTER JOHN LISTER looks at why the health privateers need NHS work. "THOUSANDS of patients a month" are opting to have their treatment in private hospitals paid for by the NHS rather than use their local trust That's according to a BBC News report which tried [more...]

Date: 2008-12-15 11:44:08

Obama Cabinet Report Card - Part One

Thought I was going to bag it, didn't you? Honestly, I considered it ... (by some, at least) report card post is the fact that the term hasn't started yet so we can't really judge ... University's Stephen Walt presents a reasonable case for witholding judgement on Obama's foreign policy [more...]

Date: 2009-01-07 17:59:00

Guarding Your Wallet Against Internet Thieves

by Mike Lazear, PICurrent Assistant Producer Not everybody online is trustworthy ... on her blog. Never give out your social security number, address, or credit card numbers online except ... your inbox. There are other things you can do to protect yourself, of course. Use your best judgement [more...]

Date: 2008-12-17 14:04:50


Dear Readers: What are the qualifications that the person who replaces our current Senator, Hillary Clinton, must posses? According to their spoken and voting records of the names mentioned they... 1) must be willing to spend tax dollars with abandon. 2) [more...]

Date: 2009-01-03 15:39:00

Zaki: Two retired judges suspected to be corrupt

Two retired judges were suspected to be corrupt, Chief Justice Tan Sri Zaki Azmi said yesterday. “God helped me because when I came (into the judiciary), they were gone. No, I didn’t dismiss them, they retired,” he said at a convention on “Integrity, the Catalyst for Sustainable Development” here. He said he knew the two judges personally [more...]

Date: 2008-11-08 06:25:37

The Top Nine Things About the 90’s, Part One

The Top Nine Things About the 90’s, Part One Yep, this has nothing to do with technology, get over it. I’m in another nostalgic mood, and for some reason was thinking about the finer times in life. That;s right, the 90’s. I scrounged up a list of my favorite things about this decade of glory, some of which you may or may not have partaken in [more...]

Date: 2009-01-12 20:55:55

Gates of Vienna News Feed 11/9/2008

Don’t miss Bill Ayers’ op-ed in the Toronto Star.Also worth looking at: the “Axis of Evil” countries love Obama. Kenya is expecting a quid pro quo from its favorite son. Corzine is rumored to be in line for Treasury. And the recession hits China.Thanks to Abu Elvis, C [more...]

Date: 2008-11-10 04:33:00

Reichert: On Borrowed Time Pt. 2

Yesterday, I reported that KOMO had given $180,000 worth in TV ad time to Rep. Dave Reichert on credit, an oddity in political advertising ... for me that KOMO had given Reichert the time on credit, explaining the arrangement to me like this: Her firm gets its TV time for all its clients, political and commercial, on credit. Media Plus is a big [more...]

Date: 2008-10-21 19:02:23

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