Do-It-Yourself Credit Repair
by Bob jones Negative comments on your credit report can cost a lot of money. You do not have to give up though, because it is never too late to repair your credit worthiness. However, bear in mind that credit repair does not happen overnight. It requires serious dedication and perseverance to start a clean slate again. How to Get Started : You should know who the three credit bureaus are and what they are saying about you. [more...]
Date: 2009-09-27 16:11:07
Blog posts
Where has the Bailout Money Gone? Good Billions After Bad
Where has the Bailout Money Gone? Good Billions After Bad Vanity Fair by Donald L. Barlett and James B. Steele As the Bush administration waned, the Treasury shoveled more than a quarter of a trillion dollars in tarp funds into the financial system—without restrictions, accountability, or even common sense. The authors reveal how much of it ended up in the wrong hands, doing the opposite of what was needed. Just inside the entrance to the U.S. [more...]
Date: 2009-09-28 06:17:36
Following Grueling Financial Times You Can Re-establish Your Credit
September 29, 2009 | By Kevin Lynch In Blogging | by Kevin LynchRebuilding credit after a time of monetary hardships, insolvency, repossessions or other monetary damage that blemishes any credit report can be frightening and baffling. For most people these are times of awful pressure. But times change and situations change so don’t let the liberation than comes when the income and cash get back in line be overshadowed by the problems left on the credit report. [more...]
Date: 2009-09-29 17:00:00
Effortlessly and Easily Boost Your Credit Score
Effortlessly and Easily Boost Your Credit Score by Jacob FreemanMany consumers have no idea what a credit score is comprised of. What are they measuring and how does this number relate to my creditworthiness? While common sense tells us that paying our bills promptly is an important factor what else is important when it comes to credit scores?A credit score is just a numerical measurement of certain statistics. It is supposed to tell the lenders about the risk factors of the borrowers. [more...]
Date: 2009-09-26 19:20:25
Obtaining Bad Credit Home Loans
Obtaining Bad Credit Home Loans by Tony KidFinding bad credit home loans isn’t as hard as it once was. With a new administration in place, there are even more possibilities than before. They can get you approved, and make it affordable unlike in times past where only the people with good credit could get approved. Owning your own home is one of the biggest parts of the American dream.For many years, citizens of the U. S. have been chasing the American Dream. [more...]
Date: 2009-09-26 13:12:48
Bad Credit Score: Effective Ways to Repair It
If you're new here, you may want to subscribe to my RSS feed. Thanks for visiting!Having a good credit score rating means everything in today’s world. It is something that you should have in order to live life comfortable and as easily as possible. This is why many people work hard in order to have good credit rating score and prevent them from plunging in to a bad credit rating score.You now ask what kind of things that you can benefit from by having a good credit score. [more...]
Date: 2009-09-27 02:23:32
Need a Payday Loan? Important Tips are Here!
Do you looking for a same day payday loan? The financial help through a no fax payday loan will be a best option for you. Getting a loan on the same day of application is not that complicated because of the increase in payday loans available today. This will help you to manage your unexpected expenses without any delay. You don’t have to waste your time on faxing documents and proofs. If you are not getting approved by one lender, don’t be panic. You can try with other lenders. [more...]
Date: 2009-09-29 18:16:13
Bull Moves in Bear Markets
In high school, I once dated a girl whose father believed the world was doomed to nuclear destruction. While his family lived in a trailer house (as did mine), this man spent a lot of time and money building a bomb shelter in the back yard. He stocked up on food supplies. He warned anyone who would listen about the coming armageddon [more...]
Date: 2008-11-04 12:00:11
Fixing Credit Report - The Good… The Bad… And The Truth
by Tim Beachum Obviously you are interested in the topic of fixing credit. No matter what your reasons are for wanting to repair your credit, the benefits are well worth it. Depending on your situation you can lower your monthly bills, open a bank account, get better rates on loans, the possibilities are endless. Before I begin explaining the fixing credit process, I feel it is important that you have the right mindset before we begin. [more...]
Date: 2009-09-30 08:14:45
What is a Cosigner?
A person who is allowed to legally sign loan papers or documentation with another person who is having difficulty for obtaining a loan, or sometimes getting a lease for an apartment or rental unit is referred to as a cosigner . Being a cosigner, the person makes a legal agreement that he or she would be jointly responsible for repayment of the loan if the first signer fail to pay debts in a timely fashion. [more...]
Date: 2009-09-27 17:00:15
Credit Repair! You May Have A Bad Credit Rating And Not Even Know It
When we talk about credit repair, most of us believe that repairing our credit rating is directly related to our mis management of our finance s, and in most cases that is true! However, many of us don’t realize that thousands of men and women every year find out they have bad credit due to credit fraud, and if you’re not 1% sure on how this happens, it’s a method by criminal organizations that are stealing your identity and using it for financial criminal activities. [more...]
Date: 2009-09-30 14:31:03
Macro: Under Construction
One of the reasons, I think, that it's been so difficult to understand this latest financial crises is that people are trapped in particular ... me--so far, anyway--is just how little criminal activity we've uncovered during this crisis ... to get out of their bad positions and stay solvent.When every law is followed, but the system [more...]
Date: 2008-12-02 07:02:12
Finding Bad Credit Home Loans
Sep 26th, 2009by Tony Kid. by Tony KidObtaining bad credit home loans is just not as hard as back in times past. There are loads of new programs available to help people with less than stellar credit. You have many options if you fall into the bad credit category today, and help is there if you look for it. You may not think you can get approved for a loan, but if you’ll seek it out, you may find that you’re perfect for the programs that have been put in place today.For many years, citizens of the U. [more...]
Date: 2009-09-26 13:14:42
WCB: We're Hosting Again!
Hi everyone. My personal assistant hasn't been posting a lot here about my exploits, because she's sort of sick ... be a little annoyed when she found out how much it would cost to repair it. But, those people ... scrunchies, eye drops, bras, panties, or credit cards and hide them under the sofa 7.) Don't pee [more...]
Date: 2008-07-07 03:28:35
Pernicious Nonsense
(updated below) The emerging right wing narrative about how our country came to be embroiled in the current economic crisis is not only completely ... Reinvestment Act, they punished banks that didn't make enough loans to people who do not have the credit ... risky loans. Moreover, the law only applies to banks and thrifts. As Tim Westrich points out: W [more...]
Date: 2008-10-02 22:03:39
Demanding Hackability
This article was written by Jeremy Faludi in November 2006. We're republishing it here as part of our month-long editorial retrospective. [ ... power adapters is bad. Standard connecters shall have pinouts defined. If it snaps shut, it shall ... for all perpetuity at Ease of repair shall be a design ideal, not an afterthought [more...]
Date: 2008-09-10 21:42:00
From Baku to Russian-Occupied Georgia
“Russia can have at its borders only enemies or vassals.” – George F. Kennan, United States Ambassador to the Soviet Union “You must draw a white-hot iron over this Georgian land!…You will have to break the wings of this Georgia! Let the blood of the petit bourgeois flow until they give up all their resistance! Impale them! Tear them apart! [more...]
Date: 2008-09-10 08:22:34
In the Clutches of a Cyberstalker
(our comments in DARK BLUE - Fighter)The ‘gentle soul’ Jemma Rayner met through internet dating soon started menacing her with e-mails and calls. Days after his conviction, she reveals her chilling struggle to shake him off.Anyone entering the pizzeria would have picked him out immediately as an arty middle-class type: shaven head, lanky body, [more...]
Date: 2008-12-28 00:27:00
2008 Year in Review - A Look Back (1 of 3)
What follows are excerpts of posts from 2008. It was a busy year.George Bush and Karl Rove were masters of politics and the two stooges of policy, a frightening reminder that voters can be easier to seduce than reality.-----------Why not build the Escher Expressway – build all roads to slope downhill as a means to improve gas mileage? [more...]
Date: 2009-01-02 07:53:00
Blocking, Tackling & Running: Leveraging a Crisis Into Real Change
There's a fairly well known cartoon of two scientists working out a problem on a chalkboard covered with complex equations and down in the circle is a little circle with the key step inserted in small print - "and then a miracle occurs". Wouldn't it be nice if we could take the same short-cut to fixing the horrendous shopping list of significant [more...]
Date: 2009-01-16 20:07:11
Bad Credit Unsecured Personal Loans – Credit Score Repair Helps
Bad credit unsecured personal loans can greatly assist you in making ends meet financially. The one thing that most borrowers worry about when it comes to personal loans is the interest rate. To lower your interest rate credit score repair greatly helps. It is very surprising how many borrowers attempt to get a personal loan without even knowing their credit score. To increase your credit score the first thing you need to do is to actually find out what your credit score is. By not knowing [more...]
Date: 2009-09-29 22:33:44
Subsidizing Failure: How The “Big 3 Paid Billions to Keep Downsized UAW Members on Payroll”
By Dave Mendoza, Muckraker at large SixDegrees Continues it’s Commitment to exposing its research: how political hacks, ... of the credit markets to show for the first 700 billion dollars. Now each and every industry argues before ... in a world gone mad when all the while government intervention throws good money after bad policy [more...]
Date: 2008-12-12 04:04:57
Over the Edge (1979)
Synopsis Walking through the planned suburban development of “New Granada,” 14-year-old Carl Willat (Michael Kramer) and his buddies - Richie White (Matt Dillon), Claude Zachary (Tom Fergus) and Claude’s mute brother Johnny (Tiger Thompson) - debate whether a girl that Carl likes named Cory (Pamela Ludwig) is a “fox” or stuck up [more...]
Date: 2008-12-10 04:36:33
Survival Of The Weakest
There was a very interesting pair of articles over the weekend on the New York Times by Michael Lewis and David Einhorn called How to Repair a Broken ... that if you don’t prop up these banks you risk an enormous credit contraction — if they aren’ ... up failed banks and extending them huge amounts of credit has made business more difficult for the people [more...]
Date: 2009-01-05 17:48:00
Some excellent gold commentary at Minyanville
As regular readers probably know, Kevin Depew of Minyanville was taken to task here the other day for parroting all the other talking heads on TV who ... in the credit markets that will dwarf the inflationary mask of (formerly surging) food and energy costs ... and repair balance sheets. The initial asset price inflation and central bank reflation efforts [more...]
Date: 2008-08-15 20:06:00
Party Favors: Hail! Hail! Chuck Berry
BAHAMA — Why would any sane person be standing in front of an outdoor stage as Tropical Storm Hanna takes aim on their town? Two words: Chuck Berry. Add a third: Free! In order to celebrate another overpriced and unnecessary convention center in America, the city of Raleigh barricaded off the downtown area [more...]
Date: 2008-09-23 07:54:35
Russia and Georgia - An Economic Mistake
A recent Wall Street Journal article titled “Borrowing Costs Increase Sharply for Russian Firms” lays out ... significantly for Russian borrowers, as reflected by sovereign and corporate-credit spreads, which ... companies with low credit risk scramble for funding. Now add to this the fact that Russia seems [more...]
Date: 2008-09-02 01:55:51
Latest Pajamas Media Column (’Very Different Economic Times in Red vs. Blue States’) Is Up; Some Follow-ups
It’s here. I will post it at BizzyBlog Saturday morning (link won’t work until then) under the title “One State, Two State, Red State, Blue State ... resolved until 9 PM last night, thanks to a partially botched repair job), I wasn’t able to give Pajamas ... ) down. Money grafs – It was the Bush administration that wanted to rein in the madness in the cr [more...]
Date: 2008-09-18 10:12:49
The One Thing You Can't Afford to Blow Off
I have lots of friends who are entrepreneurs ... resources. Not our checkbooks or credit cards (although sometimes those too), but our creativity ... you that delicate equipment is a lot easier and cheaper to maintain than it is to repair. How to get anything done [more...]
Date: 2008-06-25 03:33:14
300 Trust Quotes
In this world, who or what can you trust? One big red flag for me is the delivery of any critical information that begins with the naked assurance “trust me” or ends with “I know what I’m talking about.” Accepting empty declarations of credibility, without more, is like playing Russian roulette with your understanding of the world [more...]
Date: 2009-01-08 01:35:15
Guest Commentary: If We Don't Learn from History. . .
By Marilyn Barnewall To whom should we listen about banking, the stock market, the economy? There are so many differing analyses right now, it is difficult to know. One opinion is that Wall Street is sitting on $50 plus trillion in leveraged assets and the United States government has a $5 to $6 trillion gross domestic product ( [more...]
Date: 2008-11-29 09:15:20
Simplify Your Life With A Credit Repair
by Dina Salinas Having bad credit can be a nightmare for most, because we live in a world that is fast-paced, costly, and always requires credit. It goes without saying, credit repair can make your life simpler if you’ve had some problems with your credit. The manner in which you use the available credit at your disposal is plain for creditors to see when they check your credit score. [more...]
Date: 2009-09-27 18:20:07
The Cars We Choose to Keep
By Ryan Douthit Driving Sports TV Short of any new cars to review this week, I’m going to go ahead and talk about one of my own cars, ... that moved to Los Angeles after high school, presumably to try his hand at becoming a big Hollywood star ... , the chassis is creaky and the interior is worn beyond any reasonable repair. The same could be said [more...]
Date: 2008-12-16 15:42:25
The First Steps Away from Paycheck-to-Paycheck Living
Out of all of the blessings that have come into my life over the last two and a half years or so ( ... . Whenever something bad happens, like a car breaking down or a child needing emergency dental work ... . Dreaming of a big family vacation? How about a new car, or a new house? If you’re living paycheck [more...]
Date: 2008-07-10 20:00:05
Guilty By Association
Many years ago, I used to run my sites out of an office building in an industrial part of Richmond. There were two other tenants in the building ... of association. The commentators asked me how many people I know who never run a Credit Card balance ... between good debt and bad debt. I don’t hang around people who are financially irresponsible [more...]
Date: 2009-01-04 23:45:11
Doomed Romance: Two Weeks of Love Gone Wrong
And you thought you had problems.When it comes to broken hearts I've got one that was shattered and thrashed, along with my psyche, self-confidence and pride. February 19, 2002 I write in my journal these words:It was like he moved into my brain and started redecorating. A few throw pillows here, hate your parents there [more...]
Date: 2008-08-18 13:33:00
The Psychology Of Gambling
Check out my Big RSS Subscriber Contest after reading this article. This might seem like an odd post for this blog, but stick with me for a bit. Over the last couple of days, I’ve read some stories about people in positions of some type of authority that have been caught stealing money from their organizations and using that money to support [more...]
Date: 2009-01-17 19:44:58
Essential Credit Repair You Need Know For Successful Self Credit Repair
Credit Repair The DIY Way . Credit repair is a great way to improve your credit scores and get a fresh financial start. However many people cannot afford the cost of a credit repair service. The good news is that you can do credit repair yourself and get the same results as a credit repair company would, you just lose the convenience of not having to do anything. This article will discuss a few important DIY credit repair tips that you can use to get started. [more...]
Date: 2009-09-28 06:50:28
Credit Repair Can Make Your Life Stress Free
by Dina Salinas Having bad credit can be a nightmare for most, because we live in a world that is fast-paced, costly, and always requires credit. It goes without saying, credit repair can make your life simpler if you’ve had some problems with your credit. The manner in which you use the available credit at your disposal is plain for creditors to see when they check your credit score. [more...]
Date: 2009-09-27 18:18:14
The Poverty Business
Sorry if this appears to be an older article, and not latest headlines, just thought it was interesting - loki The Poverty Business Inside U.S ... into Byrider, Tsosie drove off, jubilant, in a 1999 Saturn subcompact she bought entirely on credit ... access to credit has put cars, computers, credit cards, and even homes within reach for many [more...]
Date: 2009-01-15 00:45:24
Want to come upstairs and see my credit score?
When should you do it? On the third date? After meeting her parents? Half-way through the first date? When it just feels right? ... . But unlike family ties, it can be nearly impossible to sever yourself from bad credit. This column ... significant other about his or her credit score probably makes you squeamish, but it’s a subject [more...]
Date: 2008-08-19 10:00:00
Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae in 5th grade terms
Economic Lessons from the 5th Grade-" “The Government's view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it ... and has been discredited. The credit crisis was not the fault of capitalism but with anticapitalism ... them insuring the bad loans they were making. But how do you explain this so a fifth grader [more...]
Date: 2009-01-08 08:09:49
The Secrets behind the FICO Score
by Ty Crandall Your credit score is the most important number in your life. How much you pay for car and health insurance, car payments, your rent and mortgage payments, house utilities, and even whether you get hired for a job or not, are ALL based on your credit profile and credit score. This article will help you understand each component of your total credit score. For more details on your credit score you can see this article and more at [more...]
Date: 2009-09-28 13:26:56
Snoozer’s Jolt
The debate was a snooze that changed little. Except maybe one thing. McCain trotted out his proposal to have the government get in the corner of people with bad mortgages, and renegotiate to keep them in their houses. While the pointy-headed media types are working themselves into a lather over “that one, [more...]
Date: 2008-10-08 14:04:01
Detroit Auto Show Days, Snow Days, Slow Days
Detroit is down shifting. It was not long ago that the Big Three were best known for speed, horsepower and big hefty torque. So 2008 ... to approach repair. We need to stop giving credit to pundits who are great at criticizing, yet ... surprising is the Lincoln C-Concept with a 4-cylinder EcoBoost. Yet, the word about town was how [more...]
Date: 2009-01-14 05:28:25
China Announced $586 Billion Stimulus Plan
We have gotten so large to throwing large numbers around in the US thanks to the various Fed facilities that the significance of the Chinese move ... , the official Xinhua News Agency said Sunday night. It was unclear how much the plan, which will target 10 areas from rural infrastructure to low-cost housing, represents new spending and how quickly [more...]
Date: 2008-11-09 20:39:11
Batten Down the Hatches - it’s Guitar Center Trip Time…
These things never end well, even though they generally start pretty well. First, let me bring you up to date on New Stuff<tm>. The best moment had to be the Peavey Xmas Tree Amp. It’s probably not called that, at least by Peavey, but it was clearly visible across the room because it did a fantastic impersonation of an xmas tree [more...]
Date: 2008-12-15 03:02:56
What Has Happened to Real Estate Prices?
by Mary Bush Back in the late 1990’s and in the early part of the 2000’s banks had tougher guidelines to purchase a property when using conventional financing. Banks would lend you money based on your debt to income ratio and your credit score ... in addition to your residential mortgage payment. In some cases, the banks would stretch the loan [more...]
Date: 2008-12-21 13:24:48
What Has Happened to Real Estate Prices?
by Mary Bush Back in the late 1990’s and in the early part of the 2000’s banks had tougher guidelines to purchase a property when using conventional financing. Banks would lend you money based on your debt to income ratio and your credit score ... in addition to your residential mortgage payment. In some cases, the banks would stretch the loan [more...]
Date: 2008-12-29 12:10:23
Even Celebrities Can Fall On Hard Times And Face Home Foreclosure
When you think of Ed McMahon, you don’t exactly associate or lump him with big time wasteful spenders like MC Hammer and some of the other well ... their money into bankruptcy on trivial pursuits. No, when you think of Ed McMahon, you think ... bubble and credit crisis seems to be quite merciless and universally brutal, even to those who simply [more...]
Date: 2008-06-09 01:18:36
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