10 SureFire Ways To Get a Credit Card When You Have Bad Credit
In today’s economic climate, it’s become nearly impossible to find a credit card issuer willing to cater to people with bad credit. Among the few financial institutions that do offer bad credit cards, many have tightened their qualification guidelines for approval. Although it’s easy to qualify for department store or gasoline credit cards when you have bad credit, a secured credit card is still one of the best ways to rebuild your credit. [more...]
Date: 2009-09-25 21:32:38
Blog posts
Thriving on Less - A Guide to Getting Out of Debt
“Debt is the worst poverty.” - Thomas Fuller It was only a few years ago when I was overloaded with debt – so much so that I couldn’t make all my ... that got me out of debt: 1. Canceled the credit card This item always draws a lot of debate, but I’ll say it anyway, because it’s been crucial in getting myself debt free: credit cards [more...]
Date: 2009-01-08 15:55:47
The "O" List
I’ve spent some time over the last few days trying to come up with a list of issues to be addressed by incoming President-Elect Barack Obama and his ... stimulus as required to encourage infrastructure investment and enable credit liquidity that would ... ) to determine the status of our infrastructure and the scope of the task at hand to repair it, as well [more...]
Date: 2009-01-07 22:55:00
Essential Credit Repair You Need Know For Successful Self Credit Repair
Credit Repair The DIY Way . Credit repair is a great way to improve your credit scores and get a fresh financial start. However many people cannot afford the cost of a credit repair service. The good news is that you can do credit repair yourself and get the same results as a credit repair company would, you just lose the convenience of not having to do anything. This article will discuss a few important DIY credit repair tips that you can use to get started. [more...]
Date: 2009-09-28 06:50:28
The Poverty Business
Sorry if this appears to be an older article, and not latest headlines, just thought it was interesting - loki The Poverty Business Inside U.S ... into Byrider, Tsosie drove off, jubilant, in a 1999 Saturn subcompact she bought entirely on credit ... access to credit has put cars, computers, credit cards, and even homes within reach for many [more...]
Date: 2009-01-15 00:45:24
Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae in 5th grade terms
Economic Lessons from the 5th Grade-" “The Government's view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it ... and has been discredited. The credit crisis was not the fault of capitalism but with anticapitalism ... them insuring the bad loans they were making. But how do you explain this so a fifth grader [more...]
Date: 2009-01-08 08:09:49
Devise your own Credit Repair Plan
by Rob Kosberg You found yourself in a very bad financial situation. You may feel emotional, hopeless, guilty or all of them ... . You will be particularly concerned with credit cards and perhaps small loans. List the cards with highest ... income. This is the amount of your salary that goes for necessities such as mortgage, car loans [more...]
Date: 2009-01-14 23:53:58
Avoiding Bankruptcy
Avoiding Bankruptcy completely would be best for anyone considering the options, however in some cases, ... to attain a loan again, for example, and it will in fact stay in big red letters on your credit report ... would be speaking with a credit counselor. They have the ability in helping you possibly consolidate [more...]
Date: 2009-01-16 02:11:52
tothepointnews.com Written by Sarah Palin Thursday, 24 September 2009 You can call me a common-sense conservative. My approach to the issues facing my country and the world, issues that we’ll discuss today, are rooted in this common-sense conservatism… Common sense conservatism deals with the reality of the world as it is. [more...]
Date: 2009-09-27 17:28:31
First Draft Of Stimulus Package
SUMMARY: AMERICAN RECOVERY AND REINVESTMENT Action and Action Now! The economy is in a crisis not seen since the Great Depression. Credit is frozen, consumer purchasing power is in decline, in the last four months the country has lost 2 million jobs and we are expected to lose another 3 to 5 million in the next year [more...]
Date: 2009-01-15 23:03:30
DrumBeat: September 17, 2008
Oil spikes $6 on safe-haven buying, weak dollar NEW YORK - Oil prices shot up $6 a barrel Wednesday, rebounding as fears of a spreading crisis in the U.S. financial sector sent skittish investors scrambling out of stocks and into hard assets. The big rally at least temporarily halted crude's steep, [more...]
Date: 2008-09-17 13:50:07
Bush and Obama Diss the G20 Financial Summit
The latest back-handed insult may be yet another variant of the Bush "we don't do multilateralism" syndrome. Unfortunately, as various pundits writing at the Financial Times have pointed out, the US's stranglehold on power is slipping. Even Obama in the campaign repeatedly said that a country cannot maintain military dominance if it is not a [more...]
Date: 2008-11-13 06:16:08
Bank of America to Receive Additional $138 Billion in Government Assistance
The situation must have been rather dire indeed. They did not even wait for the weekend.Its a nice amount of government aid for a single company. Too bad GM is not a bank.Some animals are more equal than others.BloombergU.S. Gives Bank ... the global credit crunch.Bank of America will absorb the first $10 billion of losses in the pool, of which [more...]
Date: 2009-01-16 05:50:00
China Stimulates, $34Bln Alt-A Securities Downgraded
A: With China stimulating their economy and the globe right now, we have to wonder if this is more economic Cialis? What happens after the 36 hours are up? This is $586Bln less that is available to buy up our treasuries as we issue massive supply to fund our own rescue. As I said before, this is not a subprime problem [more...]
Date: 2008-11-10 14:39:25
Consolidate Debt Online: Are You Playing With Fire or is It Safe?
Consolidating debts online has become ever more popular as a way to deal with increasing debts. The reason for this is obvious. We can log into the Internet in a matter of seconds, type in debt consolidation into a search engine and in the time it takes you to breathe out you will have before you an extensive list of on line services to choose [more...]
Date: 2009-01-16 10:23:52
Recognizing Credit Counseling Company Scams
People across the country are finding that they have used their credit unwisely and owe creditors a great amount of money that is increasing every ... to their financial problems, many people contact credit counseling companies that promise to repair their credit ... the risk of being taken advantage of by a dishonest credit counseling company. Telling [more...]
Date: 2009-01-10 05:23:38
Credit Reports can be a Teaching Tool
by Rob Kosberg If you have recently been denied credit or plan to apply for credit soon, it would be wise to obtain your credit report ... responsibility to monitor our own credit profile, have errors changed and work to repair our credit ... ever to have excellent credit. For more information check out Rob Kosbergs’ Detailed FREE Guide [more...]
Date: 2009-01-15 21:32:08
loan_origination_mortgage_fraud_ffiecloan_origination_mortgage_fraud_prevention_response_nelsonRed Flags • Critical loan processing activities, such as verification of income, employment, or deposit, is delegated to brokers. • Delegated underwriting allowed for correspondents that are new or lack an established track record with the FI [more...]
Date: 2009-01-09 15:33:10
11 July SWJ News, Op-Ed, and Events Roundup
IRAQ Turks Visit, Regional Warming Trend - Tavernese and Robertson, New York Times Turkey’s prime minister visited Baghdad on Thursday, only the second foreign head of a neighboring state to visit Iraq since the American invasion. The visit of Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan came during a flurry of announcements from Arab countries - including [more...]
Date: 2008-07-11 00:34:15
Credit Report Contents
by Rob Kosberg If you have recently been denied credit or plan to apply for credit soon, it would be wise to obtain your credit report ... to monitor his/her own credit profile, fix errors, and repair personal credit. About the Author ... ) there will be a credit inquiry to one of the bureaus. If you inquire for yourself, it will be on the report [more...]
Date: 2009-01-15 21:43:13
Assessing Your Debt Situation (3)
C. Understand Your Options for Dealing With Your Debts You normally have about a half dozen options for dealing with your debts—probably more than ... sue you or you file for bankruptcy, called exempt property, is found in Money Troubles: Legal Strategies to Cope With Your Debts, by Robin Leonard and Deanne Loonin (Nolo). Taken From : Credit Repair [more...]
Date: 2009-01-15 04:53:31
Nations Top Firearms Salesman Announced
Nations Top Firearms Salesman Announced on the eve before the opening of this years SHOT Show in Orlando Florida ... of business slumps that have befallen the automotive and housing industries. It’s credit where credit is due. Mr. Obama has consistently voted against individual rights to firearms, appointed a re [more...]
Date: 2009-01-14 11:57:24
Consumer Credit Counseling
Consumer Credit Counseling January 17, 2009 at 5:00 pm · Filed under Credit Counseling Services div style=’float: right; width: 100px; padding: ... on financed loans and credit card debt can become onerous and when you add in penalties and late fees ... impossible for anyone to compete in today’s arena without the aid of a credit card. And that’ [more...]
Date: 2009-01-17 22:00:36
You Can Implement your own Credit Repair
by Rob Kosberg One day you realize that you are in a serious personal financial disaster situation ... of your salary that goes for necessities such as mortgage, car loans, credit card payments, utilities, other loan ... . This is the income you can devote to reducing debt. Next, decide which loans and credit cards [more...]
Date: 2009-01-14 23:27:42
How to Resolve Credit Bureau Reporting Errors
Photo courtesy of neoliminal A couple months ago my wife and I started a passive search for a new home ... it resolved through the credit bureau. Write a letter to the credit reporting agency. In the letter ... idea to check your credit report to make sure things are being reported correctly. Inaccuracies [more...]
Date: 2008-10-23 11:00:30
Bad Credit Unsecured Personal Loans – Credit Score Repair Helps
Bad credit unsecured personal loans can greatly assist you in making ends meet financially. The one thing that most borrowers worry about when it comes to personal loans is the interest rate. To lower your interest rate credit score repair greatly helps. It is very surprising how many borrowers attempt to get a personal loan without even knowing their credit score. [more...]
Date: 2009-09-29 22:33:44
Man Feels Opportunities Credit Union Screwed Him Over For $125 []
This will come as a serious blow to a number of our commenters, but we have a bad story about a credit union. Gasp, shock, horror, it's true ... Credit Union accessed the bill. Whoopsies. Here's Rick's letter to the Credit Union president, asking ... . Opportunities Credit Union of Vermont, where reader Rick has his mortgage, told Rick [more...]
Date: 2008-09-12 20:47:02
Review: Repair My Credit
I agreed to review this website called Repair My Credit Now. This site helps those who have bad credit but are looking for help ... on your credit report. Everyone knows that bad credit can cause you to have higher insurance rates, be turned down for a job, and make getting more credit difficult. Thus repairing your bad credit score [more...]
Date: 2008-07-12 02:48:01
DrumBeat: July 19, 2008
Small, developing nations feel impact of food and energy crisis The Marshall Islands said Friday electrical power in the small Pacific nation may be switched off in September when its fuel supplies are expected to run out, as high food and energy prices have begun to hit hard some developing countries, [more...]
Date: 2008-07-19 13:19:50
Credit Card Offers For People With Bad Credit Or Poor Credit History
Updated List Of The Best Secured and Unsecured Bad Credit Cards For Credit Improvement Credit card usage is a fact of life whether you agree with ... has morphed into a mish mash variety of credit card rewards, airline credit card miles, and balance ... room reservations to car rental bookings. Credit card numbers are also necessary for frequent [more...]
Date: 2008-11-20 18:01:07
The End of the Financial World as We Know It
This is the best article I have seen on describing not the financial crisis, which is a symptom, but the demise of our nation’s value system and lack of leadership. I am in search constantly of “the why” behind this crisis, why people have gotten so greedy at the expense of others, why enough is never enough [more...]
Date: 2009-01-10 14:09:15
Credit Reports can be a Teaching Tool
by Rob Kosberg All of us have probably been informed that our credit report is a very important document ... on each report, locate any and all errors. It is up to each individual to monitor his/her own credit ... credit. We can obtain copies of our credit report for free, on an annual basis, from the three major [more...]
Date: 2009-01-17 15:18:02
Agency Open
Agency spreads are opening 4 basis points to 5 basis points wider in New York trading ... . They now have the nearly full faith and credit benediction of Treasury high priest Hank Paulson. Swaps represent credit exposure to the banking sector. That sector will busy itself for the foreseeable future [more...]
Date: 2008-07-16 13:25:08
Recession Proof Small Businesses
In times of economic trouble people’s minds turn to recession proof small businesses as career ideas There are some recession proof small businesses ... : consumer credit counseling services; companies that repair credit; headhunters, temp agencies or other ... to fix it. If you have repair or handyman skills [more...]
Date: 2009-01-14 11:00:30
Credit that Returns some Agencies
When that try to repair my credit I have been said that it was impossible to make this alone. It was a total Lie ... of the credit and excellent credit. It is not just possible, during the night. My tips to earn your life and your credit is behind a “knows your credit.”Second, examine your report every year [more...]
Date: 2009-01-08 01:37:20
Should You Apply For A Mastercard?
by Lewis Arbour Currently there are a huge number of credit cards flooding the marketplace and even if you unfortunately have a poor credit history, ... in a bad credit predicament will discover that Mastercard and Visa are the two financial institutions ... of these you should apply to first - a Visa credit card or a poor credit Mastercard? At one time [more...]
Date: 2009-01-17 09:28:32
Paulson Translated
After listening to and reading the text from Paulson’s speech this morning, ... at a tipping point. Credit markets were largely frozen, denying financial institutions, businesses and consumers access to vital funding and credit. He uses past tense verbs, but I’m not sure [more...]
Date: 2008-11-13 04:08:18
When Should I Start to Debt Consolidation Firms for Help?
When Should I Start to Debt Consolidation Firms for Help? Financial problems aren’t always the result of poor money management ... about debt consolidation. Regardless of which firm you seek to obtain credit repair or debt relief ... the rates of interest on your loans, or credit cards. Some people believe that non-profit debt [more...]
Date: 2009-01-15 15:31:22
Rapid Credit Rescoring - What it Can and Cannot Do For Your Score
by Cliff Pape Are you worried about qualifying for a loan or just paying too much interest due to inaccuracies on your credit report? ... from your credit report can cause your credit score to drop! So they cant make promises. 3. They can try ... There are companies that specialize in rapid credit rescoring which will give you a recalculated [more...]
Date: 2009-01-07 20:38:09
6 Step To Improve Your Credit Score Now
credit cards Your credit score is probably the single most important number in your financial life ... . Use of your credit report has infiltrated areas we never thought it would - from job applications to insurance premiums. I recently learned the impact credit score has on interest rates after finding [more...]
Date: 2008-12-02 17:06:27
Qualifying for an FHA Home Loan
If you’re in the market for a home or looking to refinance, you might want to check into an FHA home loan ... to include re-modeling/repair costs in the amount of the loan, no pre-payment penalty, and possible ... of you’ve maintained good credit in the mean time. It’s also easier to use gifts to cover [more...]
Date: 2008-08-13 13:29:02
Credit Report Problems?
We all know that nobody is perfect. With the imperfections comes financial irresponsibility and as a result your credit report takes a hit. It is bad enough to start taking hits on your report because you know that something is wrong ... fixed. Do you need credit repair? Now we have a company that will do the work [more...]
Date: 2008-08-30 19:34:00
Barack Obama: The Outdoor Wire's "Gun Salesman of the Year"
By Jim Shepherd In recognition of the unprecedented demand for firearms by nervous consumers, ... the automotive and housing industries. It's credit where credit is due. Mr. Obama has consistently ... when a gentleman came and said he'd never wanted to own a gun before, but wanted to get one while [more...]
Date: 2009-01-16 05:10:00
McKinney, Nader debate
Democracy Now! played some of the questions and answers from the last Presidential debate with McCain and Obama, followed by a two minute reply by Green Party nominee Cynthia McKinney and Ralph Nader The host, Amy Goodman stopped the candidates when they were headed down the way-over-two-minutes path [more...]
Date: 2008-10-20 04:33:33
Online Credit Reports
Every time you ask for a mortgage, make a payment, ask for a personal loan or use a credit card, the information is recorded in your credit report. A credit report has all kinds of information about your credit status, mortgage or billing information, legal issues and more. It is the first thing lenders look at when considering [more...]
Date: 2009-01-16 06:17:32
A Review of Free Credit Report
More and more people have got a credit card now. It is very easy and convenient to pay for bills with credit card ... , I can avoid identity theft which affects my credit score. And remove credit report errors in time ... . Let me introduce you Credit Nexus, one of the biggest free credit report providers online, which [more...]
Date: 2009-01-11 12:16:50
Gates of Vienna News Feed 11/9/2008
Don’t miss Bill Ayers’ op-ed in the Toronto Star.Also worth looking at: the “Axis of Evil” countries love Obama. Kenya is expecting a quid pro quo from its favorite son. Corzine is rumored to be in line for Treasury. And the recession hits China.Thanks to Abu Elvis, C [more...]
Date: 2008-11-10 04:33:00
Dallas, Where It's AT(&T)
what Beck Ventures is planning to do in the area. But there wasn’t one word spoken about Beck and its plans, and the meeting fell a bit flat. (Though we do believe we've cracked the Beck plans and will have more in coming ... days?) In fact, the biggest news of the meeting had nothing to do with Deep Ellum, [more...]
Date: 2008-06-27 05:28:56
200+ Tools for Surviving the Economic Crisis
With Wall Street’s recent decline and the economy in such an uncertain place, many people are fearful of losing their jobs and lifelong investments ... in that it aggregates your different accounts from banks and credit cards, lets you budget and also [more...]
Date: 2008-10-16 22:24:58
Friday Digest - Vol. 09 No. 02
Friday Digest — Vol. 09 No. 0216 January 2009THE FOUNDATION"We should never despair, our Situation before has been unpromising and has changed for the better, so I trust, it will again. If new difficulties arise, we must only put forth new Exertions and proportion our Efforts to the exigency of the times [more...]
Date: 2009-01-16 17:15:00
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