Popular Tags, Blogs, and Videos about credit information

Credit Scores & Reports : How to Repair My Credit Rating

Repair a credit rating by repairing any inaccurate information on a credit report, lowering the debt-to-income ratio and avoiding over-extending finances. Pay debts on time and in the correct amounts to boost credit scores with tips from acertified financial consultant in this free video on credit counseling. Expert: William Rae Contact: www.hbwfl.com Bio: William Rae has been licensed in the insurance and financial fields for more than 30 years. Filmmaker: Christopher Rokosz... [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 1 min 59
Added : 14/03/09 16:16
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Videos (77) | Blog posts (69)

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Blooper Bla Bla Idiot Smile

MN Credit Insider shares one of the many secrets on how we can remove all negative information (Guaranteed) from a credit report. ... "credit repair" Minnesota MN "credit restoration" bankruptcy foreclosure collections "short sale" "credit report" "tax lien" repossession "credit card debt" "debt elimination" Bloomington Troy "Troy Telthoester" "Remove the credit blues" "credit bureau" dispute "dispute letter" blooper bloopers ... [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 0 min 33
Added : 15/07/09 17:48
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The Travis Show #107: "A No Good, Very BAD Morning..."

So- I woke up to find out that my credit card information had been stolen. Somebody tried to make some online purchases with my credit card but luckily it was declined. This isn't the first time it's happened to me! The credit card is now cancelled, *sigh*. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 5 min 59
Added : 03/04/09 17:58
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Legal Information : How to Report Credit Card Fraud

When reporting credit card fraud, contact the issuer of each credit card immediately or notify the Federal Trade Commission. Retain money and avoid fraudulent credit card spending with advice from a certified family mediator in this free video on legal information. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 1 min 22
Added : 17/10/08 20:25
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Boring but helpful prime credit card information

Prime credit cards and what to expect. Dont trust a big credit line and a smile. To buy the DVD go to mycreditpuzzle.com and get lifted. I would rap the information but the hip hop police might arrest me. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 5 min 39
Added : 29/05/07 17:01
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Gilbert Fiorentino, CEO TigerDirect on Fighting Credit-Card Fraud

TigerDirect talks about why they are a member of The Global Fraud-Fighting Community, and how they collaborate with other retailers using a social networking approach to fraud management. TigerDirect CEO, Fiorentino, encourages competitors and non-competitors alike to join the community because he knows that if all merchants participated, they'd have near perfect information and know who is a fraudster, who is a legitimate customer, and who is a potential risk, once and for all bringing a ... [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 6 min 01
Added : 31/10/08 11:06
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Underground Fraud Market posted by onlineguards.com

Identity thieves trade the stolen credit card information and bank account details obtained by Phishing scams and other scams in these forums. These underground markets are also known as carding forums. For more information about fraudsters and innovative scams, check the topics on our website. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 6 min 49
Added : 25/02/08 10:03
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CAP's Derek Douglas on the impact of Credit Card Debt

Center for American Progress Associate Director of Economic Policy Derek Douglas discusses the impact of credit cards on US consumers. For more information on the Center's work on credit & debt please visit: http://www.americanprogress.org/issues/domestic/debt What if 40 hours a week were enough? Contribute to the collective genius www.americanprogress.org [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 0 min 48
Added : 28/11/06 22:07
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Credit Cards, Credit Score & Credit : How to Fix Bad Credit

Fixing bad credit takes time, but obtain your credit report first and check for accurate information. Learn how to fix bad credit from a credit counselor in this free personal finance video. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 2 min 51
Added : 17/07/08 20:04
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Lesson 120 - Business Credit Cards

Professor Cardworthy explains the benefits of using business credit cards. For more information or to ask a question, visit CardTrak.com . Play "Test Your Card Smarts" for a daily gift card giveaway and a chance to win $5,000. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 1 min 28
Added : 08/07/07 02:31
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