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Creditinfocenter's credit repair tutorial continues with how to write dispute letters to the credit bureaus. You'll learn exactly what to say in your credit dispute letters and how to gather information from your credit reports. ... "credit repair" creditinfocenter.com "disputing negative items" "credit reports" "credit bureaus" "mailing off letters" [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 8 min 08
Added : 05/07/09 20:19
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Videos (18) | Blog posts (7)

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Blooper Bla Bla Idiot Smile

MN Credit Insider shares one of the many secrets on how we can remove all negative information (Guaranteed) from a credit report. ... "credit repair" Minnesota MN "credit restoration" bankruptcy foreclosure collections "short sale" "credit report" "tax lien" repossession "credit card debt" "debt elimination" Bloomington Troy "Troy Telthoester" "Remove the credit blues" "credit bureau" dispute "dispute letter" blooper bloopers ... [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 0 min 33
Added : 15/07/09 17:48
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Disputing Negative Records With Credit Reporting Agencies Part2

Disputing Negative Records With Credit Reporting Agencies Part2 OK, you've disputed with a Consumer Credit Reporting Agency - and got a reply 'verified'. This means that the record stays. What has happened? The CRA (Credit Reportin Agency - Equifax, Experian, or TransUnion) does verification by simply asking the original creditor (lender, collector) to verify information. They don't spend more than several minutes on your case. Now after CRA (Credit Reporting Agency) has verified that it ... [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 3 min 32
Added : 24/02/09 23:59
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Credit Repair Business Networking and Training Conference

www.CreditBootCamp.com Credit repair business owners used to have to search high and low for any type of information on how to properly dispute credit. At the credit bootcamp you can learn tactics and strategies; like using the faults in E-Oscar software and OCR are just a couple of the insider tips that are shared by industry leaders. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 0 min 35
Added : 23/07/09 17:00
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Credit Repair Bootcamp Live Credit Repair Training

www.CreditBootCamp.com Formal training and networking was not an easy task to put together- but according to the attendees at the live credit repair training event the event far exceeded their expectations. Credit repair industry leaders, veterans and rookies got the chance to share all their years of experience and knowledge with each other. For more information visit The Credit Boot Camp [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 0 min 50
Added : 13/07/09 21:16
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Learn How to start a Credit Repair business at The Credit B

www.CreditBootCamp.com The The Credit Boot Camp is the first venue for professional credit repair businesses to openly share their ideas, tips tricks and tactics. Credit repair insider tactics and education were presented by credit repair industry icons Mike Citron (founder of Dispute Suite), Edward Jamison and many others. For more information visit The Credit Boot Camp [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 0 min 30
Added : 14/07/09 15:13
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Amazing Credit Repair Business Live Training

www.CreditBootCamp.com The credit repair industry has some horrible stigmas associated with it, Citron visions an industry where the business owners can share information and band together to help consumers. The mantra started by Citron was “help the consumer” … That chant repeated throughout the three day live credit repair training event. For more information visit The Credit Boot Camp [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 0 min 19
Added : 13/07/09 21:36
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How to start a Credit Repair business starts at The Credit

www.CreditBootCamp.com There were many disbelievers of the credit repair event that Mike Citron had envisioned. Mike Citron thought that his concept would be a revolutionizing event for the credit repair industry… Boy was he right! The event was forecasted to have 100 attendees- but over 160 showed up!! Mike Citron, took the stage and encouraged the crowd to share secrets amongst themselves and they did. For more information visit The Credit Boot Camp [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 0 min 21
Added : 14/07/09 15:56
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How to start a Credit Repair business starts with The Credi

www.CreditBootCamp.com The The Credit Boot Camp is the first venue for professional credit repair businesses to openly share their ideas, tips tricks and tactics. Credit repair insider tactics and education were presented by credit repair industry icons Mike Citron (founder of Dispute Suite), Edward Jamison and many others. For more information visit The Credit Boot Camp [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 0 min 30
Added : 14/07/09 15:09
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Learn How to Start a Credit Repair Business at The Credit B

www.CreditBootCamp.com Credit repair business owners used to have to search high and low for any type of information on how to properly dispute credit. At the credit bootcamp you can learn tactics and strategies; like using the faults in E-Oscar software and OCR are just a couple of the insider tips that are shared by industry leaders. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 0 min 15
Added : 22/07/09 17:00
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