Popular Tags, Blogs, and Videos about credit problems

Car Loans

by Amanda J. Keppel Buying a car needs a reasonable amount of money which many persons cannot afford ... face problem of an adverse credit history. The lenders hesitate in offering a car loan to bad credit ... . Taking help of the car financers or dealers does not work as a good option. They charge high [more...]

Date: 2008-06-22 22:33:47

Blog posts (10) | Videos (1)

Credit Card Companies Are Closing Unused Accounts

Several GRS readers have written lately with the same credit card problem — but not the one you’d expect ... on to the accounts since they help my credit history. I just got some bad news about my oldest credit ... . And for my past loyalty they’re willing to potentially make me take a major hit on my credit score [more...]

Date: 2009-01-06 19:00:00

How Can Lawsuit Funding May Help To Avoid A Bad Credit

Many lawsuit plaintiffs have financial troubles while they wait for a settlement problem that could make more low their credit level . Credit reports are piled up by firms named credit bureaus that get reports directly from lenders about their customers paying practices. Founded on a debtors history of paying bills and the amount of debt the man has , credit bureaus go with a credit score for each man . [more...]

Date: 2009-09-30 13:20:28

Drug Addiction Denial Red Flags Part 1

Drug and alcohol addiction can seem like it sneaks up on the person who’s addicted ... be in the future when you begin to notice these kinds of situations. Law Enforcement - San Diego photo credit ... these behaviors need to stop to prevent problems in the future.  Continued Drug Use Despite History of Life [more...]

Date: 2009-01-06 18:31:14

Build your dream home

Are you planning to build your own dream home? If yes, this post will really help you to start up with that plans. One big problem many people face is getting home loans because lenders look at the credit history ... about a website that is providing home loans for bad creditors. badcreditloanshop.com is easily the best [more...]

Date: 2009-01-16 01:47:44

Running Criminal Background Checks Explained

by Glen Pearson Ever wondered what went on in someone’s past, but it wasn’t appropriate to ask them? ... about a given person, and may include their criminal record, address history, credit report, marriage ... s all accurate. If you find any errors, you can easily get the right contact information and correct the problem [more...]

Date: 2009-01-04 10:38:51

Obtain A Second Chance Checking If You Have Financial Troubles

by Steven J. Talrechi If you’ve had financial problems that have made you ineligible for a checking account, don’t despair. You’re not alone ... or Visa credit cards do. If you opt for just the debit card, a voided check will be included in your set ... , as can a bad credit history. If you’ve been reported to one of these systems and you can no longer [more...]

Date: 2008-09-24 19:43:06

What Did Hank Know? And When Did He Know It?

The indispensable Carol Loomis takes on AIG in Fortune. Having an overview of the government’s bailout (and re-bailout) ... . Greenberg created it and used it as a cookie jar for earnings. For most of its history, FP gave longtime ... this problem. But the true agent of doom was FP, which wrote close to $80 billion of credit default swaps [more...]

Date: 2008-12-25 15:00:41

The foreclosure crisis has brought a particular set of issues to Latino immigrants in the Kansas City area. Because of language barriers and the lack of a credit history, many immigrants are vulnerable to predatory lenders. They haven’t faced more foreclosures than other groups. But when they do have housing problems, there are a few places where they can turn for help.

Aggregated by HispanicTips :: Hispanic & Latino News & Information [more...]

Date: 2009-09-30 18:06:00

Learning from history?

Mary Anastasia O’Grady wonders why we haven’t learned how to approach our problem from Chile’s 1983 financial crisis ... , not like that.One alternative to the Paulson plan would be to provide secured loans to troubled ... result: It spooked holders of dollars around the globe, and by Thursday credit spreads had widened [more...]

Date: 2008-09-29 07:36:52

10 Results