Popular Tags, Blogs, and Videos about poor credit

Think bums are poor? They’re actually richer than you!

Donald Trump and his daughter, Ivanka, were driving one-day and on the corner of a street they spotted a bum ... to it. Chances are that you are paying more interest on things like your credit card than what you are earning from the bank. So instead of making the minimum payment on your credit cards each month, pay [more...]

Date: 2008-12-15 03:38:37

Blog posts (3) | Videos (3)


Rising loan losses, the threat of more regulation and tougher competition adds up to another year of poor profits for banks BY DAVID ELLIS ... a significant deterioration in the health of their credit cards and home equity loan portfolios ... bad the outlook for 2009 is just as dismal. It may seem hard to imagine how 2009 can be worse than [more...]

Date: 2008-12-22 15:14:10

Free Credit Score Online!

Credit Score is an important factor considered by creditors, money lenders and other financial institutions ... a good credit score: The Potential lenders, banks, credit card companies and employers measure ... not be under this misconception that a bad or poor credit score will always remain poor. You can improve [more...]

Date: 2009-01-14 10:33:46

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