One sale for every 12.500.000 Spam messages sent…
Computer scientists from University of California, Berkeley and UC, San Diego (UCSD) have been spamming us. They admit it too ... when people actually submitted their credit card details. They found out that only 28 people actually bought ... a year. Not bad but not huge either. As the researchers concluded: “The profit margin for spam may [more...]
Date: 2008-11-10 16:05:42
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spooked by a highflier loses altitude, deceleration
Intel's profit sank 90% as sales dropped 23% amid a rapid deceleration in computer demand and pricing pressure during the key holiday season ... NOCERAThe extent of the credit crisis that unfolded from the morning of Sept. 17 to the afternoon of Sept ... bad is it? Well, I’ve never seen financial insiders this spooked — not even during the Asian crisis [more...]
Date: 2009-01-17 20:54:51