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New World Order Agendum Part I of II. "They who would give up essential Liberty to obtain a little temporary Safety deserve neither Liberty or Safety" Benjamin Franklin. How far down the RFID RABBITHOLE do you want to go? [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 9 min 17
Added : 15/01/09 07:43
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Videos (134) | Blog posts (44)

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FED using foreign banks to monetize debt behind closed doors

Bob Chapman talks about the dirty tricks pulled by Ben Bernanke for the federal reserve to manipulate the dollar recorded on August 14th 2009 Pressure (Countdown) Toward Breakdown www.kitco.com By Jim Willie CB My best sources of information report that some unexpected deep shocks are coming from USGovt creditor nations. They are simply fed up, frustrated, and astonished at the manner of lost control, spiraling debts, and blatant monetization amidst lies in denial of that same monetization ... [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 9 min 46
Added : 15/08/09 14:21
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Debt Slave

inflation.us Prepare for the real economic collapse! Subscribe to our Free Newsletter! TV has become a lending Library news.bbc.co.uk economicrot.blogspot.com This video (especially the beginning) is quite disturbing and is not for the faint of heart (you've been warned). It is however very powerful in making it's point - that we've all been programmed, lied to and bamboozled throughout our lives - programmed to be ignorant of the real issues that matter; to think like a herd of sheep and ... [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 9 min 53
Added : 28/08/09 20:29
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Debt Land - 45-min documentary

Watch entire doc here: http://www.booserver.com/projects.php?ProjectID=3047 Mortgages doled out to people on the breadline, loans to refugees with no English and no jobs, reams of maxed out credit cards; welcome to Debtland. But this is not America's sub-prime meltdown. We are in Australia, investigating the country's own subprime crisis, every bit as extraordinary and outrageous as America's. Produced by ABC Australia Distributed by Journeyman Pictures [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 10 min 09
Added : 15/05/08 18:12
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Eliminating Debt with Bad Debts

The national debt is making highs it hasn't seen in a long time. In fact, higher than we have ever seen. The amount of people whom owe to financial institutions like JP Morgan and Citi is very high. The amount owed to the credit card companies and any other company keeps going higher. This is because we live in a system where we charge interest and this comes from no where but the increase of debt. Because the central bankers all over the world monopolize the money system, it is impossible ... [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 9 min 35
Added : 08/09/09 17:57
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Ditch Your Debt Gremlin

Income-Based Repayment is a new way to lower your federal student loan payments starting July 1, 2009. It caps monthly payments and forgives remaining debt and interest after 25 years. And if you're a teacher or work in government, nonprofit, or other public service jobs, you could have your federal loans forgiven after just 10 years. This animated video explains the programs and tells you where to go for more information: www.IBRinfo.org. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 2 min 29
Added : 10/06/09 23:06
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Crash Course: Chapter 12 - Debt by Chris Martenson

Chapter 12 (Debt): Dr. Martenson explains how, since debt is a claim on future money, it is therefore a claim on future human labor. To put it simply, debt is future consumption taken today. Key Concept 7 is introduced, that "ever-growing debts implicitly assume that the future is going to be larger than the present." Dr. Martenson challenges this assumption, and what it means for us if that condition of growth is not met. www.chrismartenson.com [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 12 min 33
Added : 26/02/09 02:19
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Debt Outstanding, GDP and Income: Who Are They Fooling?

Credit is the lifeblood of all modern monetary systems. But debt, when it becomes excessive, chokes off growth and ultimately, if pressed too far, caused a deflationary collapse. Tickerguy goes into the debt and its composition, along with debt-to-GDP ratios, and asks: How can we avoid what appears to be a certain "second leg" downward - way downward? See the linked ticker at market-ticker.org [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 6 min 32
Added : 13/09/09 03:28
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The National Debt Road Trip

How do the Obama deficits compare with past presidents? And how did the national debt get so big anyway. This video tries to answer those questions by looking at the debt as a road trip and seeing how fast different administrations have been traveling. Historical debt data: www.treasurydirect.gov Inflation data: www.westegg.com Future debt data (2010 - 2016): www.whitehouse.gov For more, follow my Twitter account at PoliticalMath or visit my blog at politicalmath.wordpress.com... [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 2 min 47
Added : 15/05/09 13:21
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The Rise of Consumer Debt

http://consumer-debt-relief.com Consumer debt in the United States alone has surpassed Two Trillion Dollars, double what it was just 10 years ago. A natural consequence is that a record 2+ million personal and non-business bankruptcy cases were filed in the United States in 2005. Understanding consumer debt and how debt levels compare across different income levels and demographic groups is very important. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 2 min 27
Added : 27/05/08 08:11
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