Popular Tags, Blogs, and Videos about paying down debt

Cramming Down Secured Debt

A debtor in a chapter 13 bankruptcy has the ability to motion the bankruptcy court to lower the amount that you owe on nearly all secured debts to pay only the fair market value of that property and to discharge any amount in excess of that value. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 3 min 11
Added : 19/11/08 02:23
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Videos (60) | Blog posts (206)

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How To Fix an Upside Down Mortgage

How To Fix an Upside Down Mortgage and rebuild or quickly build equity in your home. No refinance mortgage; no biweekly, no change in budget. Not Ufirst. Link to action site at http://www.mortgage-b-gone.com [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 4 min 43
Added : 21/11/08 18:51
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Ambrosia: MCC Confederalism and Savings!

by Rev. Dr. James Kenneth Powell II, opensourcebuddhism.org In this episode we offer the numbers involved in paying down Ambrosia's portion of MCC debt, paying our MCC officers double, and saving $5664.60/month! [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 9 min 59
Added : 19/11/08 23:03
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Paying Down the National Debt: A Good Idea, or Not?

In this election season, some of our leaders are making us feel guilty about the national debt. Would paying it off be a good idea? The answer might surprise you. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 7 min 09
Added : 10/09/08 00:36
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Use Stimulus to pay down debt

Governor Mark Sanford talks about his desire to use the government stimulus money to pay down South Carolina State debt. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 11 min 47
Added : 12/03/09 15:55
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Finding Help With Your Money

If your list of New Year's resolutions includes "Paying Down Debt", or "Saving More Money", then you're in the right place. Today money reporter Stacy Johnson begins his series on Fiscal Fitness '08 with some advice on finding help. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 1 min 36
Added : 11/01/08 18:03
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Debt Help. Can't Pay Your Bills? Get Help While You Can.

http://www.fastdebtreducer.com If you can't pay credit card bills you are falling down a spiral of debt and will find yourself buried in an avalanche of debt at the end of it. Find out how to get out! [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 4 min 49
Added : 07/01/08 23:28
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Special Comment: How 2 Pay down Debt / Deficit

I'm being constructive and giving ideas in how to make America solvent and generate revenue to pay the extreme debt we will be in. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 2 min 55
Added : 19/01/09 04:51
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Are You Drowing In Debt?

http://www.FloridaHomeBasedInternetBusiness.com "Are you finding it hard to pay down your debts? If you've cut every corner you can to save, start EARNING more to pay those bills off!" [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 0 min 32
Added : 31/03/08 21:51
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GET DEBT FREE!! Pt 1 of 2 -Economic Collapse will take you down... Don't take the Chip!

The Chip may come just to be our "savior" from debt, but it will cost you eternity. Here's a video celebrating our success as a young married couple paying down $17,533 in debt in 1 1/2 years of marriage. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 9 min 45
Added : 04/01/09 08:42
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