Why is China buying our Bonds? Beck Puts The Puzzle Together; Lower deficit, Clinton goes to China
Why does it take Glenn Beck to put these pieces of the puzzle together? What is the mainstream media reporting on? Why do they not get it? Are they so much in love with Obama that their judgment and reasoning have left them, and now they are inept? I wonder how much longer they can hold this fiscal house of cards together. This is all going to catch up with us eventually; it's just a matter of time. There will be come a time when faith in the United States will end; they will not believe us ...
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: 3 min
: 24/02/09 03:54
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Blog posts
National Debt/Deficit Road Trip
Eleven Trillion Dollar Drive By Jason Goldtrap JasonGoldtrap.com 03.23.09 I will be on the Fox Business Network, Thursday, June 18 at 4pm EST. Comments with profanity will not be posted Hi. My name is Jason Goldtrap. I love America. Let's pretend I have the Trans Am from the movie Smokey and the Bandit, that'd be cool. I want to visit every state capital in the lower 48, from Maine to Washington. I have chosen a route whereby I can drive from one capital to another. I am travelling at a ...
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: 2 min
: 23/03/09 05:09
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Eliminating Debt with Bad Debts
The national debt is making highs it hasn't seen in a long time. In fact, higher than we have ever seen. The amount of people whom owe to financial institutions like JP Morgan and Citi is very high. The amount owed to the credit card companies and any other company keeps going higher. This is because we live in a system where we charge interest and this comes from no where but the increase of debt. Because the central bankers all over the world monopolize the money system, it is impossible ...
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: 9 min
: 08/09/09 17:57
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Drunk Dialing - Debt Cures Book
Sorry about the low volume on the other end of the phone. I heard her just fine while talking to her, but for some reason the recording program didn't pick her voice up very well. Either way, I decided to call about this debt curing book shit that was on TV cause they had this one REALLY fucking hot Playboy Playmate on the show. I was going to try and get in touch with her, but in my drunken state I decided to try and get in touch with the main guy selling the bullshit.
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: 9 min
: 16/11/08 02:13
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Marc Faber America Already Has Way Too Much Debt 0 Tech Ticker - 09-22-09
Ken Fisher's argument that America is "under indebted" and that more debt will be a global phenomenon in the next 10-20 years raised a lot of eyebrows last week - and quite a few catcalls in our comments section. Fisher may be technically right -- that there's appetite for more US debt, but Marc Faber, editor of The Gloom, Boom & Doom Report, scoffs at the idea that it would be healthy or smart. More debt "comes at the expense of a falling dollar...and much higher inflation rates in the ...
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: 3 min
: 25/09/09 04:37
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Debt, Bill Collectors, & Credit Report Money Wisdom Part 3
Are you tired of not answering your phones in fear that it my be a bill collector?
Are you TIRED of your Debt and ready to do something about it?
Is your credit report jacked up?
Is your credit score singing a low note?
Does your money seem to fade away immediately and you dont know where it went?
Here's a little advice that might help you.
Feel free to comment, ask questions, & provide more wisdom to help someone be free from financial bondage!
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: 9 min
: 12/09/08 17:39
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Ditch Your Debt Gremlin
Income-Based Repayment is a new way to lower your federal student loan payments starting July 1, 2009. It caps monthly payments and forgives remaining debt and interest after 25 years. And if you're a teacher or work in government, nonprofit, or other public service jobs, you could have your federal loans forgiven after just 10 years. This animated video explains the programs and tells you where to go for more information: www.IBRinfo.org.
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: 2 min
: 10/06/09 23:06
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What is Debt Settlement Video
What does "debt settlement" mean? The term "debt settlement" means negotiating with a creditor to reduce the amount of a delinquent debt down to a lower amount, that the debtor can then pay in order to fully satisfy (or pay off) the debt. The primary benefits of this strategy are to help you become debt free sooner, pay your debts on terms structured to your specific budget, avoid bankruptcy, and pay less than you would by making the minimum monthly payments....
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: 0 min
: 30/06/09 23:01
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KOTOR (DS) 18 - Taris Saving Zaalbar
In the Lower Sewers, I find one of the two journals from Outcasst Corpse (Promised Land Quest).
We rescue Zaalbar from Gamorreans - he swears a life-debt to me. I was going to say something rude... but I desperately need him so I stopped! Even a villain needs to keep good relationships with his own allies...
From now on, he'll be my best 'shield' until we get out of the Sewers!
Console: X-Box
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: 9 min
: 30/09/08 08:00
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Paul Ryan on the President's "gusher of new debt, new taxes, and more spending"
March 24, 2009 Congressman Paul Ryan, Ranking Member of the House Budget Committee: "The Congressional Budget Office gave us a startling dose of reality the other day. The CBO is telling us that not only are we mortgaging our children's future; we are mortgaging our current prosperity. The President is proposing a gusher of new debt, new taxes, and more spending. That's going to harm our economy its going to harm small businesses and families. We believe that we need to get debt under ...
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: 1 min
: 24/03/09 19:05
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