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Crisis Report: China Threatens to Collapse the US Dollar?!?! - Pre-report video

its stock, namely the US Dollar itself. Lets call them US Govt Dragon Bonds. The custodians desperately seek creditors to supply much needed capital in order to fund the gigantic and growing US Govt debts, which by the way are grossly understated. The last resort is to monetize the US Treasury Bond issuance, a process well along. With the aid of the US Dollar Swap Facility, the US Fed has been able to secretly bid on US T-Bonds from foreign soil, have it appear like foreign bids, and ... [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 1 min 25
Added : 02/08/09 20:19
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Videos (34) | Blog posts (126)

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by a consultant and the management for all the participants. Free cash flows require value-oriented on top management and key figures. As a result, assessing enterprise value and creating added value, both are strategically important. Rendering with high importance, value added cover refinancing and equity kicker (risk premium) of the capital. The quality of Mezzanine capital, both as equity and debt financing, is one of the first choices of SME; this method of financing has led to a ... [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 1 min 21
Added : 26/08/09 20:57
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Part 1 Debt Collection Through Communication / コミュニケーションで債権回収

Steven Gan is the president of Stellar Risk Management Services, Inc., a credit risk management consultancy specializing in commercial accounts receivable insurance, credit reports, financing, and debt collection. From 1992 - 2004, Mr. Gan was the founder and president of the first foreign owned debt collection company, Advance & Associates Co., Ltd., in Tokyo. Through numerous articles, publications, presentations, and television appearances, Mr. Gan greatly deepened the awareness and ... [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 9 min 47
Added : 14/03/09 07:30
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Part 2 Debt Collection Through Communication / コミュニケーションで債権回収

Steven Gan is the president of Stellar Risk Management Services, Inc., a credit risk management consultancy specializing in commercial accounts receivable insurance, credit reports, financing, and debt collection. From 1992 - 2004, Mr. Gan was the founder and president of the first foreign owned debt collection company, Advance & Associates Co., Ltd., in Tokyo. Through numerous articles, publications, presentations, and television appearances, Mr. Gan greatly deepened the awareness and ... [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 7 min 32
Added : 14/03/09 08:11
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Om Jai Jagdish Hareh-Bhakt janon keh Sankat----2009/2066

percentage of an invoice or receivable that remains unpaid as a result of protracted default, insolvency or bankruptcy. Trade credit insurance is purchased by business entities to insure their accounts receivable from loss due to the insolvency of the debtors. This product is not available to private individuals. The costs (called a "premium") for this are usually charged monthly, and are calculated as a percentage of sales of that month or as a percentage of all outstanding receivables. ... [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 5 min 06
Added : 11/04/09 23:44
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All about mezza- -nine in ten aspects

optimized by a consultant and the management for all the participants. Free cash flows require value-oriented on top management and key figures... As a result, assessing enterprise value and creating added value, both are strategically important. Rendering with high importance, value added cover refinancing and equity kicker (risk premium) of the capital. The quality of Mezzanine capital, both as equity and debt financing, is one of the first choices of SME; this method of financing has ... [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 1 min 32
Added : 26/08/09 18:20
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Which is Best: Debt or Equity Funding?

Which is Best: Debt or Equity Funding? www.CapitalMatchPoint.com 770-433-8250 I get this question a lot, which is right for our company, debt or equity? Well, there are two really distinct types of financing and you need to understand the benefits and the implications of each. Now, debt is an infusion of capital into your company. The expectation is that there will be a periodic re-payment, in the form of principal plus interest. The end result is the ROI for our investor, or the return on ... [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 2 min 19
Added : 30/07/09 19:39
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Credit Cards & Personal Loans : About High-Risk Personal Loan Banks

High-risk personal loans from banks are difficult to find in tough economic times because the borrower cannot be trusted to repay the loans. Learn how high interest rates make risky loans unlikely withinformation from a financial adviser in this free video on personal loans. Expert: Matthew McKillen Contact: www.innovativefg.com Bio: Matthew McKillen has more than 21 years of industry experience in arranging loans for his clients. Filmmaker: Christopher Rokosz [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 1 min 27
Added : 09/02/09 18:31
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09/22/08 - Daily Forex Market News from cmsfx.com

Dollar Falls vs Rivals as Stocks Slide, Commodities Surge, and US Debt Set to Increase Monday, September 22nd, 2008 The Dollar fell today against the Euro as the massive bailout will increase the debt owed by the US. US socks responded negatively to the plan, increasing risk aversion and the Yen, while commodities surged helping the Aussie, Kiwi and Loonie against the Greenback. News Provided by CMS Forex Newscaster: Nick Nasad [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 4 min 08
Added : 23/09/08 00:02
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Investment Finance Tips : Variable Interest Rate Tips

Variable interest rates change over a given period of time, and since the risk is higher, typically the rate of return is as well. Understand how to determine variable interest rates and make good financial decisions with tips and advice from an experienced financial adviser in this free video. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 1 min 09
Added : 11/10/08 22:00
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