Popular Tags, Blogs, and Videos about credit history

Free Credit Report . Com Dream Girl Commerical

freecreditreport.com's dream girl commerical starring ERIC VIOLETTE Well I married my dream girl. I married my dream girl. But she didnt tell me her credit was bad. so now instead of living in a pleasant suburb. we're living in the basement at her mom and dads. No we cant get a loan for a respectable home. Just because my girl defaulted on some old credit card. If we'd gone to free credit report dot com, I'd be a happy bachelor with a dog and a yard. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 0 min 31
Added : 07/09/08 06:41
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Videos (151) | Blog posts (163)

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WFMY News 2 - Free Credit Report

Protecting yourself from identity theft is free and relatively easy. You don't have to pay anyone to monitor your credit. What you do have to do, is go to the ONLY FREE website to check your credit. It's www.annualcreditreport.com. You are entitled to one free credit report a year from each company. That means you actually get three a year. You should space them out every four months so you can monitor your credit all year round. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 1 min 55
Added : 01/05/08 23:00
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General Credit & Loan Information : How to Monitor Credit

An important part of monitoring credit is asking credit bureaus to put a fraud alert on a credit report to keep someone from stealing a social security number and the credit history associated with it. Sign up with an online credit monitoring service to get monthly e-mails in order monitor a credit report with the tips in this free video on personal finance from a licensed mortgage broker. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 1 min 15
Added : 30/10/08 20:19
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The Melvins: A History of Bad Men.

Finally, a version that isn't live. Thank me later. Congratulations for 10000+ views! Congratulations for 20000+ views! Congratulations for 30000+ views! Congratulations for 40000+ views! Congratulations for 50000+ views! Congratulations for 60000+ views! Congratulations for 70000+ views! That's great for this little fella, and for the Melvins. ; ) One day the masses will hit over 100k. Magical. --- Wake up, you never looked so glum Tell me, how do we know they can't hear us coming? It's ... [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 6 min 44
Added : 11/11/07 20:13
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Free Credit Report Teaches Spelling

Offer applies with enrollment in Triple Advantage I actually started working on this back in August but I would always put off doing it. Also, I might stop putting Youtube Poop in front of all my videos. I'm testing it out with this one. #75 - Most Discussed (Today) - Comedy #33 - Top Favorited (Today) - Comedy #60 - Top Rated (Today) - Comedy [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 1 min 53
Added : 06/02/09 22:27
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Free Credit Report (Car) - OHSHC

I was watching tv... saw the awesome Free Credit Report . com commercial... had to make a vid... end of story. Anime: Ouran High School Host Club Song: Free Credit Report??? Artist: the guy... from the commercial Storyline: Tamaki buys a new car but it's a piece of junk, and is now complaining about how he wished he would have gone to the commercial's website. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 0 min 40
Added : 06/02/08 03:29
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REED ANTHONY - Free Credit Report.Com

Two Hollywood bandits open a credit card in another man's name and go on a WILD spending spree leaving him and his young son in the poor house. He should have signed up for a credit report at freecreditreport.com! :::::: For optimum playback make sure to watch the video in High Quality :::::::: [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 0 min 58
Added : 29/10/08 19:45
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Free Credit Report.Com Commercial Dream Girl

DOWNLOAD my MONEY MAKING EBOOK for FREE! Click on the link & type in the code that you see on Megaupload. It's located on top. Wait for the countdown timer to end. Then click on REGULAR DOWNLOAD. Share it with family & friends, enjoy guys! Download My Money Making EBook: www.megaupload.com My Ebay Items: (Check out my items for cool software!) search.ebay.com Ejunkie Items: www.e-junkie.com My MySpace: www.myspace.com [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 0 min 35
Added : 20/08/08 21:25
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Credit Restoration by Credit Report Advocates

Boost your credit score with credit restoration by Credit Repair Advocates. Call 1-800-601-3401. Or visit www.crawg.com and click get started to improve your credit score TODAY! Having trouble getting approved for a car, mortgate, loan or credit card? We can legally remove items from your credit report, increasing your credit score and saving you money by getting better interest rates. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 0 min 50
Added : 13/12/07 23:34
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Kennyvert's Free Credit Report Submission

Would you like to help me win... ah... maybe second place in this contest? See where it says "FreeCreditReport.com Cover Song Video Contest" in blue down there? Click it, and then search "kennyvert" to pull my video up. Then, give me a thumbs up! Thanks a bunch!!! ~Ken [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 0 min 31
Added : 30/09/08 05:37
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