Popular Tags, Blogs, and Videos about clear debt

Friend eats Wasabi

My friend to clear 30 pounds of debt was dared to eat a large amount of wasabi on it's own. About the size of a clementine. In his own time and split into 4 chunks. Before this video he had eaten 2 chunks this was his third. The commentry is from my friend Sullivan Brown, the laughing is all of us. Stick through the boring build up and watch his face. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 2 min 18
Added : 05/08/08 01:19
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Videos (58) | Blog posts (168)

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Sweetheart Deal - In Spanish

John McCain is walking in lockstep with President Bush on a wide range of issues. From his early and strong support for the Bush-McCain war in Iraq to his pledge to make Bush's tax cuts for the wealthy permanent to his lack of knowledge on the economy, it's clear that John McCain would just be a third Bush term. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 0 min 57
Added : 14/02/08 23:04
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Exposing the Monetary Traditions of Men

Our monetary system has been hijacked by those who use it to enslave our nation in debt and plunder the savings of the middle class and poor. There is clear historical precedent for what has happened, and why our economy is on the verge of collapse. Join the fight today to return to honest money and a sound economy. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 1 min 38
Added : 19/12/08 20:43
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The Claims Warehouse.TV - Legally Eliminate Debt

Claims Warehouse have access to solicitors who specialise in Consumer Credit Agreements (in effect all credit cards, store cards, personal loans, secured loans and car finance agreements that were issued before April 2007 are "suspect" - the vast majority have fundamental flaws and therefore unenforceable!) Contact us on 0800 567 7888 24 hrs 0844 855 3349 [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 2 min 26
Added : 16/11/08 01:58
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Home Sweet Home [1/11]

CC FOR SUBS The movie is about a horribly disfigured madwoman (Karena Lam) who lives in the pipes and sewage system of a condominium estate. She mistakes a boy from a family who moved in recently for her long-lost son. She kidnapped the boy and the boy's parents went on a hunt to find the madwoman and rescue their son. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 9 min 07
Added : 10/01/09 16:29
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Ukraine faces gas cuts

Moscow is threatening to cut off gas supplies to Ukraine over unpaid bills. It follows a statement from Kiev that it wont be able to clear its debt to Gazprom by the end of the year. Russia says European consumers wont be affected by the dispute. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 2 min 42
Added : 25/12/08 01:14
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Re: How easy it is to become a millionaire

http://www.dotcomsecrets.com/blogs/teamturner - get over there now and sign up - IT IS FREE and you get great training. Keywords. Make money fast affiliate marketing 1 yr millionaire mlm network marketing vmdirect russell brunson $100 million dollar challenge 90 day challenge The secret to making money online [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 2 min 34
Added : 04/10/08 17:52
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Benjamin Dover Does iVillage Live: 01.02.07

In this timeless segment about holiday spending, Dover's scorched-earth attitude about dealing with debt comes through loud and clear. How to take aggressive action to handle creditors is just one of the themes on this short-lived NBC show. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 7 min 09
Added : 10/09/08 21:42
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Legally clear Credit Cards and Unsecured Loans

now ways to legally clear your credit card and unsecured loan debt. Please visit the Debtmuncher website for a radio 4 interview, BBC news clip and to contact us. ... "credit wipe" "clear my credit card" "clear my credit" debtmuncher "debt advice" debt problems "clear my credit cards" "clear my loans" "how can i clear my debts" "unsecured loan debt" "debt wipe" "credit crunch" "credit card problems" cartel "credit issues" "clear my credit history" "challenge my credit" clear creditbad ... [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 2 min 15
Added : 15/03/09 12:32
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Credit Issues have helped thousands of people to write off the entire balance of their Credit Card and Unsecured Loan through a completely legal process. Our specialist lawyers are waiting to assess your case... This is how........ [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 1 min 25
Added : 15/10/08 16:22
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