Popular Tags, Blogs, and Videos about credit card debt law

Fair Debt Collection - Know Your Rights!

  FAIR DEBT COLLECTION If you use credit cards, owe money on a personal loan, or are paying on a home mortgage, you are a “debtor ... Collection Practices Act requires that debt collectors treat you fairly by prohibiting certain methods of debt collection. Of course, the law does not forgive any legitimate debt you owe.   This brochure [more...]

Date: 2008-12-27 18:39:33

Blog posts (149) | Videos (104)

The Irony of Bankruptcy. The More You Have The Better It Is.

I came across an article by Ann Woolner, “Buy a Beach House for Shelter When Going Bankrupt” that was absolutely spot on ... credit-card debt. You can modify student loans. You can modify debt on a yacht,” points out Levitin ... . “Current law permits modification of any type of debt in bankruptcy except for a single-family [more...]

Date: 2008-10-17 14:54:46

Credit Card law questionable

There’s no shortage of blame for the mortgage crisis that drove the economy into the ditch ... Act of 2005, households could erase their unsecured debts by filing for Chapter 7 liquidation ... the reform, overindebted households might file bankruptcy and get rid of their credit card debt [more...]

Date: 2009-01-13 10:09:00

Obama Would Like All People Out of Credit-Card Debt – Legally Erase 50-60% of Your Past Due Debts

Are you plagued by your financial troubles? If so, how would you like to have your debt legally erased? You can! Little-known tactics along with consumer protection laws have enabled many Americans, just like you, to erase past due balances. The end result is a decrease in stress and an elimination of those past due balance letters from creditors.Last 5 posts by In the News - Sears Remodels US Army Veteran's Home - September 24th, 2009Don't Miss This Great VA Loan Benefit - No Penalty For Prepayment [more...]

Date: 2009-09-25 06:01:12

Going Down the Path of Consumer Debt - Again

At creditslips.org, Bob Lawless raises the most reasonable question I’ve seen so far about Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson’s decision to shift the ... s the question from Lawless, an expert on credit and bankruptcy at the University of Illinois College of Law school: Why? After two decades in which consumers piled debt on their credit cards without [more...]

Date: 2008-11-14 13:52:32

Collector Threatens Jailtime Over Dead Debt [Debt Collectors]

Reader R. kinda messed up his credit years ago. He's a good boy now and his credit score is 700+, ... of limitations on the debt has well passed and threatening to send a debtor to jail is a violation of Federal law ... but now RSI Claims Process Services is hassling him about a 12-year-old credit card debt [more...]

Date: 2008-10-24 21:04:06

Restrictions on Wage Garnishment for Debt Collection

Many debtors that have defaulted on their credit card debt or other unsecured loans are concerned about their wages being garnished. Often collection agencies will threaten to turn your debt over to their ‘legal department’ ... for you… at no charge. The U.S. Department of Labor has developed The Federal Wage Garnishment Law [more...]

Date: 2008-11-30 16:13:23

2005 Bankruptcy Law Finance Industry Sought has Strangled Economy

Was the banking industry screwed over by its own bankruptcy law? It sure appears to have hurt the economy.. ... that escape route and forces better-off households to continue paying credit card debt, which makes ... .“Before the reform, overindebted households might file bankruptcy and get rid of their credit card [more...]

Date: 2009-01-14 04:35:33

Best Web Sites to Learn About Consumer Law Issues -- Our Chicago Consumer Attorneys Can Assist You in Your Lemon Law, Predatory Lending, Auto and RV Fraud, Unfair Debt Collection, Unfair Wage Practices Claims and Other Consumer Rights Lawsuits

[ consumer%20protection%20m-Chicago%20Consumer%20Protection%20Attorneys%20--%20Chicago%20Consumer%20Protection%20Lawyers%20--%20Chicago%20Class%20Act ... more trouble Managing credit card debt Stopping eviction, lockouts and utility shut-offs ... consolidation options How to find effective credit counseling agencies Alternatives to filing bankrupt [more...]

Date: 2009-01-04 18:28:31

Stocking Stuffer

Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse… With the Federal Reserve cutting bank lending rates to near zero, ... and credit card debt are at anywhere from six to 20 ... tree?” My white in-laws are taller than our tree. If you’ve been capitalistic, materialistic, perhaps [more...]

Date: 2008-12-18 18:47:31

Bankruptcy - Is It the Answer?

Bankruptcy - Is It the Answer? October 11th, 2008 Subscribe To Our Feed If your finances are in a mess, you may have considered bankruptcy ... to pay back a portion of the debt that is owed to creditors. Your credit will be damaged ... laws. They were allowed to file more than once for Chapter 7 so many used it to beat credit card [more...]

Date: 2008-10-11 21:47:58

Blackwater CEO Lights Pants on Fire in WSJ Op-Ed

Blackwater CEO Erik Prince's op-ed in the Wall Street Journal is so full of spin, sugar-coating, and quarter-truths, ... writes in Licensed to Kill: Hired Guns in the War on Terror. "He ran up credit card debt and worked day ... into the security industry after having careers in the military of law enforcement, Shannon just read [more...]

Date: 2008-12-17 19:14:15

Best Web Sites to Learn About Consumer Law Issues -- Our Chicago Consumer Attorneys Can Assist You in Your Lemon Law, Predatory Lending, Auto and RV Fraud, Unfair Debt Collection, Unfair Wage Practices Claims and Other Consumer Rights Lawsuits

[ consumer%20protection%20m-Chicago%20Consumer%20Protection%20Attorneys%20--%20Chicago%20Consumer%20Protection%20Lawyers%20--%20Chicago%20Class%20Act ... get them into even more trouble Managing credit card debt Stopping eviction, lockouts and utility ... while you get back on your feet. When you cannot ignore a particular debt without serious [more...]

Date: 2009-01-04 22:18:05

A Loophole for Medical Bankruptcy

In 2005, special interest groups pushed for, and obtained, ... for. But if you buy too much crap with your credit card, you’re on the hook, pal.What will happen bankruptcy laws ... and high debt loads? You connect the dots. I’m beginning to see where this whole “medical credit [more...]

Date: 2009-01-08 14:19:51

"A Creation Myth For The 21st Century"

Did anyone ever ask IVF children whether they wanted to go through life as genetic orphans? ... have been willing to pay for IVF, even if it means remortgaging the house or racking up credit card debt. And IVF ... . But Olivia compares herself to adopted children, and like them, she wants the law to recognize her right [more...]

Date: 2009-01-12 02:50:00

Obama Want You Out of Credit Card Debt – Legally Erase 50-66% of Your Debts Now!

How would it feel to have your debt legally erased? There are little-known tactics and consumer protection laws that have enabled many Americans to erase their past due balances without having to worry about another demand letter from their creditors. [more...]

Date: 2009-09-20 06:02:31

Roni Deutch Tax Center on Entrepreneur.com

Elizabeth Wilson of Entrepreneur.com recently interviewed me, and I was ecstatic to see how well the resulting article turned out ... school. In 1991 at the age of 26, with $120,000 in law school debt, Deutch rented a two-bedroom ... business services: credit card restoration, bookkeeping [more...]

Date: 2009-01-07 19:58:00

Mortgage Rights and Wrongs

Congress has said that they want judges to adjust mortgage debt. On the face of it, this makes sense. After all, when people declare bankruptcy they get their credit card, auto loan, and personal debts adjusted. What makes a mortgage any different? Well, one difference is the law. By law [more...]

Date: 2009-01-14 05:01:08

The first law that should be repealed in the United States is the 2005 Bankruptcy Bill: Will Obama eliminate debt slavery?

Our centralized government representatives would like us to believe that the subprime mortgage crisis was not expected, however, ... American citizen from this scam? In 2005, they created Debt Slavery by passing The Bankruptcy Bill. After years of lobbying, the “dream bill for credit card and financial service companies” finally came [more...]

Date: 2008-11-17 18:10:02

ScamBuster 284

Hello friend, My name is Scott Whittington, I am an American soldier, I am serving in the military with the 1st Armored Division in Iraq , as you know we are being attacked by insurgents everyday and car bombs.We managed to move part of funds belonging to Saddam Hussein’s family in 2003. The total amount is US$12 Million dollars in cash, mostly 100 dollar bills,this money has been kept somewhere outside Baghdad for some time but with the proposed troop in increase by president Barrack Obama, [more...]

Date: 2009-09-27 07:53:34

Can Collection Agencies Sue Me For Outstanding Debt?

Amazon.de Widgets The question that many people are asking is ‘can collection agency sue for a debt?’ With the amount of people suffering financial hardship due to the current economic crisis the number of people facing difficulties paying their bills is increasing rapidly and for the time being, at least, this trend shows no sign of reversing.Previously, lenders who had borrowers that had fallen into arrears would normally, only go as far as to post negative credit information upon the debtors [more...]

Date: 2009-09-29 11:34:48

How to Curb Credit Card Frauds

Of late consumers in UK are facing financial crunch due to the escalated fuel and food costs and falling global economy. Also, they are very much concerned about the current employment situation and economic development and are willing to spend more than what their income permits. With raising claimant count, the lenders have fixed up more stringent borrowing conditions for giving credit. As a result, consumers are seeking expensive credit and are facing tough terms and conditions. [more...]

Date: 2009-09-25 02:26:57

How to Research Debt Collectors & Understand the Law

This is the first guest post in a special How to Fight Debt Collectors series on Bargaineering.com. So you’ve received a debt collection call or letter… In this day and age where you have rampant foreclosures, layoffs and job losses, it is simply inevitable that an individual may come across a debt collector, and frankly even without these external factors, it may just happen by a chance wrong number or even being related to someone going through a hard time financially. [more...]

Date: 2009-09-28 11:02:18

Air Chapter 11: 5 tips for surviving the bankrupt skies

September 27, 2009 If I were a bettin’ man, I’d put some money on a big airline filing for bankruptcy protection in the not-too-distant future.My oddsmaker is Robert Herbst, who publishes the Web site AirlineFinancials.com. “Based on my analysis,” he told me, “US Airways and United Airlines look to have the greatest challenges over the next year.”Enough of a challenge to push them off the Chapter 11 cliff? Perhaps. Point is, one day — maybe soon — you could be flying the bankrupt skies. [more...]

Date: 2009-09-27 11:08:03

US dollar set to be eclipsed, World Bank president predicts

Flashback: Bilderberg Wants Global Currency Now | Dollar to fall under scrutiny at G20 summit | IMF approves $13bn gold sale to boost lending fund | UN wants new global currency to replace dollar | G20 agrees to continue economic stimulus measures; Geithner shops international reserve accord | China Set to Buy $50 Billion in IMF Notes | Medvedev Unveils “World Currency” Coin At G8 | China calls anew for super-sovereign currency | No one talking about dumping dollar: China minister [more...]

Date: 2009-09-28 23:29:59

A Lot Of Action In Advance Of CARD

Anyone who has a credit card knows by now that card issuers are clamoring to enact new rules before the CARD act becomes effective in February. Congress Wants To Head Them Off At The Pass Now comes word that some of the original proponents of the CARD act want to amend it to take effect even sooner.   The Wall Street Journal reports , that Representatives Barney Frank and Carolyn Maloney will propose a bill that would move up the implementation date by two months to December 1st from February 1st. [more...]

Date: 2009-09-25 00:00:33

New US Credit Card Legislation Has Allowed Credit Card Companies Too Much Time!

Amazon.de Widgets President Obama’s credit card legislation, although welcomed during these times of harsh economic woe, unfortunately will probably fall just short of what every American has been screaming out for, a strong leash on the credit card industry. Legislation to regulate the credit card companies from imposing financially sapping interest hikes and reducing credit lines without warning, will shortly be announced, and not a moment too soon as a battle weary American public continually [more...]

Date: 2009-09-29 12:31:20

The Situation of Credit Card Regulation

Situationist Contributor Adam Benforado recently published the following op-ed, titled “Time to Rein in Tricks of the Financial Trade,” in Cap Times . * * * I have a confession: I teach contract law, and I do not understand everything in my credit card agreement. If business law professors are getting lost in the fine print of consumer financial products, we have a fundamental problem. Back in the early 1980s, the average credit card contract filled up a single page. [more...]

Date: 2009-09-28 04:01:16

G20 nations meet as protests flare on issue of international banking regulation

Again, the summit is being presented as a way to get the bankers, when it is in fact a further centralization of banking power. The picture below tells you much of what you need to know about the G20. And for new readers, it’s not that banks are inherently bad. But at the international level, economies are being governed now by a syndicate of privately held central banks that operate above the law and print money with which to acquire real equity. [more...]

Date: 2009-09-24 22:35:28

Credit Cards

by Bob Jones The emergence of the electronic age made almost everything more possible. Diagnosing and curing previously deadly illnesses became widespread; reaching uncharted territories became a possibility and most of all, people’s everyday lives was made easier by technology. We now have more convenient stores, more comfortable means of transportation and a range of labour-saving gadgets that makes work and pleasure almost effortless. [more...]

Date: 2009-09-25 15:07:36

Need a Credit Card?

by Bob Jones The commencement of the electronic age has made almost everything more possible. Diagnosing and curing previously deadly illnesses became widespread; reaching uncharted territories became a possibility and most of all, people’s everyday lives was made easier by technology. We now have more convenient stores, easier means of transportation and a range of labour-saving gadgets that makes work and pleasure almost effortless. [more...]

Date: 2009-09-26 19:32:31

Dollar to fall under scrutiny at G20 summit

Apparently the French Press is the only major media outlet that wants to address this issue. Under the pretext of correcting trade imbalances and aiding developing nations, The UNCTAD and Chinese proposals, below, would have the effect of getting SDR bonds into circulation by monetizing international debts, purchasing investments in local currencies, and so creating an international currency based on a floating basket of investments. [more...]

Date: 2009-09-24 21:18:13

Credit Cards

by Bob Jones The emergence of the electronic age made almost everything more possible. Diagnosing and curing previously deadly illnesses became widespread; reaching uncharted territories became a possibility and most of all, people’s everyday lives was made easier by technology. We now have more convenient stores, easier means of transportation and a variety of gadgets that makes work and pleasure almost effortless. [more...]

Date: 2009-09-26 19:27:11

Carney says G20 must stay the course on stimulus

Those reading the transcript of the interview may be surprised to discover that, for all the lip service Carney gives the US dollar, Canada holds 40% of its reserve currency stocks in Euros. Holding Euros is not recent - government reports online dating back to 1999 indicate at the time 24 million in Euro reserves were held. there was a coordinated attempt to prop up the Euro in 2000, an effort in which Canada was a player. In 2008, the figure was 238 million . Just a little history. [more...]

Date: 2009-09-25 15:36:08

Divinity, Love & Living!

Last week I announced that we were going to be embarking on a fabulous new adventure — & here we are! My amazing friend & psychic advisor Joycelle will be doing weekly readings right here! Am I on the right path & is this a viable career choice? I’m feeling as if the relationship I am in is falling apart, just wondering what to do & if the right person is ever going to come along. [more...]

Date: 2009-09-29 01:04:07

Where has the Bailout Money Gone? Good Billions After Bad

Where has the Bailout Money Gone? Good Billions After Bad Vanity Fair by Donald L. Barlett and James B. Steele As the Bush administration waned, the Treasury shoveled more than a quarter of a trillion dollars in tarp funds into the financial system—without restrictions, accountability, or even common sense. The authors reveal how much of it ended up in the wrong hands, doing the opposite of what was needed. Just inside the entrance to the U.S. [more...]

Date: 2009-09-28 06:17:36

Several Tips About How To Talk to the Internal Revenue Service

Author : Vlavladi Vishnu That first phone call to the I R S may feel as if you are Luke Skywalker approaching Darth Vader for a final showdown After all, this is the federal government we’re talking about here! This is the same department that put Wesey Snipres away for tax evason, you know the courageous guy from Psassenger 57 All rgiht, so we know right away that of all the call center representatives you could smart-off to, this is not the one Adfter holding patieently and finlly [more...]

Date: 2009-09-25 05:06:03

More on ACORN plaintiffs

Earlier today, a report said that the information on the lawsuit by former ACORN employees Shera Williams and Tonja Thompson against James O’Keefe, Hannah Giles and Andrew Breitbart wasn’t online yet. This afternoon, I found the information online and posted it here . In doing so, I did a search on the plaintiffs’ names trying to find the lawsuit information. There were some other interesting facts about the plaintiffs involved. I later found a PDF of the actual lawsuit . [more...]

Date: 2009-09-24 21:36:54

Go Over All Your Three Credit Reports

September 26, 2009 | By Jesse Hughes In Finance | by Jesse HughesCredits and loans are used by individuals when purchasing their needs. A car loan is applied for to get a car, a mortgage is taken to get a house, a student loan is taken to get an education and a credit card is used to get about just anything else. Cash is barely needed nowadays to purchase your needs.Getting a loan or any other credit for that matter is not so simple. The bank that will issue the credit will not do it blindly. [more...]

Date: 2009-09-26 18:02:55

Find Out What Debt Validation Means And Why It’s Important

Imagine getting a phone call or a knock on the door, and when you answer it, a person called Victor says that he been authorized by someone name Joe to collect a debt that you owe him, and it’s true that you do owe somebody called Joe some money. Even if you had the money, and knew that you owed it, would you pay this new person on the scene? I’m pretty sure that you wouldn’t even consider for a moment giving Victor any money, until you were 100% sure that he was really acting on Joe’s behalf. [more...]

Date: 2009-09-26 20:20:24

United States Economy Collapsing

foreign banks as financial agents of Federal Government with full law enforcement authority over the citizens in the US. Section 3 (b) allows the US Secretary of the Treasury to put any kind of debt, including credit card, home loans, personal loans, automobile loans, etc., into the TARP programme. Section 112 allows the US Secretary of the Treasury to astoundingly extend financing to foreign banks to purchase the debt of the American people. Section 112 (1)(a) allows the US Government to … [more...]

Date: 2009-09-27 17:08:41

Why Is There a Need to Review All Three Credit Reports?

by Jesse Hughes Much of the purchasing made by individuals are done with the use of credits or loans. You get a car through a car loan, a house via a mortgage, your education through educational loans or just about any other need through the use of credit cards. Gone were the days when you had to carry load of cash to buy what you require. Getting a loan or any other credit for that matter is not so simple. The bank that will issue the credit will not do it blindly. [more...]

Date: 2009-09-26 18:02:50

What is a Cosigner?

A person who is allowed to legally sign loan papers or documentation with another person who is having difficulty for obtaining a loan, or sometimes getting a lease for an apartment or rental unit is referred to as a cosigner . Being a cosigner, the person makes a legal agreement that he or she would be jointly responsible for repayment of the loan if the first signer fail to pay debts in a timely fashion. [more...]

Date: 2009-09-27 17:00:15

Inflation and the Dollar’s crash

Posted By: admin| 2009.09.28 foreign banks as financial agents of Federal Government with full law enforcement authority over the citizens in the US. Section 3 (b) allows the US Secretary of the Treasury to put any kind of debt, including credit card, home loans, personal loans, automobile loans, etc., into the TARP programme. Section 112 allows the US Secretary of the Treasury to astoundingly extend financing to foreign banks to purchase the debt of the American people. [more...]

Date: 2009-09-28 04:10:06

Inflation and the Dollar’s crash

Posted By: admin| 2009.09.29 foreign banks as financial agents of Federal Government with full law enforcement authority over the citizens in the US. Section 3 (b) allows the US Secretary of the Treasury to put any kind of debt, including credit card, home loans, personal loans, automobile loans, etc., into the TARP programme. Section 112 allows the US Secretary of the Treasury to astoundingly extend financing to foreign banks to purchase the debt of the American people. [more...]

Date: 2009-09-29 13:08:58

ScamBuste 286

NOTIFICATION OF PAYMENT VIA ATM CARD This is to officially inform you that we have verified your contract/inheritance file presently on my desk, and I found out that you have not fulfilling the obligations giving to you in respect to your contract payment. Secondly, you are hereby advised to stop dealing with some non-officials in the bank as this is an illegal act and will have to stop if you so wish to receive your payment immediately. [more...]

Date: 2009-09-29 08:54:51

Wall Street Breakfast: Must-Know News

Chugging along towards a bailout. After multiple false starts, sources say an auto bailout could be unveiled today that would see General Motors ( ... through their credit arms, GMAC (GKM) and Chrysler Financial. Yes We Can (fix the economy)! President ... potentially lowering General Electric's (GE) AAA credit rating, sending shares down 8.2%. The [more...]

Date: 2008-12-19 12:18:35


SACRIFICESJ. Crofthttp://freedomguide.blogspot.comSacrifice. The ugliest word in today’s ‘murika’-because it means giving up something, to the point where it’s presently painful. A lot of times not even for your own benefit. Which is understandable given how we’re literally programmed by mass marketed consumer culture that we deserve everything [more...]

Date: 2009-01-13 17:56:00

Corporate Greed: Opposition to Employee Free Choice Act

Pundits, journalists and even economists have strained to find the reasons for our nation’s economic meltdown, ... on their homes or piling up credit card debt for non-essentials, millions of Americans had no choice ... stumbling over tortured concepts like “structured investment vehicles” and “collateralized debt.” [more...]

Date: 2009-01-12 19:29:58

What REALLY makes up your Credit Score?

What REALLY makes up your Credit Score? by Ty CrandallYour credit score is the magic figure behind most aspects of your life. How much you pay for utilities, mortgage payments or rent, insurance, your car, and even whether you get hired are all dependant of your credit score.This article will assist you with understanding each individual component of your credit score. For extra details on the credit scoring system you can see this article and more at www.PerfectCreditFast.com. [more...]

Date: 2009-09-24 19:14:42

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