Popular Tags, Blogs, and Videos about credit card debt bankruptcy

CITI Drops Opposition to Cramdown; May Help Homeowners to Avoid Foreclosure

Citigroup and key Senate members reached an agreement on Thursday that will bring the Helping Families Save Their Homes in Bankruptcy Act one step ... can be reduced by the court including credit card debt and, ironically, mortgage debt on vacation homes ... closer to passage. The proposed law, introduced by Senator Durbin (D-IL) in the Senate and Rep [more...]

Date: 2009-01-11 15:27:40

Blog posts (182) | Videos (297)

Credit Card law questionable

There’s no shortage of blame for the mortgage crisis that drove the economy into the ditch ... Act of 2005, households could erase their unsecured debts by filing for Chapter 7 liquidation ... the reform, overindebted households might file bankruptcy and get rid of their credit card debt [more...]

Date: 2009-01-13 10:09:00

Ultimate Debt Guide - Get Out of Debt With Debt Consolidation?

by Ash Ford How to get out of debt by not filing for bankruptcy or by signing up to a long-term debt relief plan which has the potential to push you ... truth about the credit card game is clear to me now and you’ll learn why numerous people remain in debt ... and be in over your head with loans, credit cards, car payments, mortgages etc. Finding a way [more...]

Date: 2009-01-15 02:47:14

get out of debt forever

DO NOT consldate your debt Elimiate It!!! Legally Removee yur credit card and other unsecured debt * WITHOUT evr making another payment to our ... ://zvyRpu.spaces.live.com/ This IS NOT: * Bankruptcy * Conslidation * Or refinancng of any kind Vist ... houshold nsecured debt to pply. * |\/|stt be a US resident.... [more...]

Date: 2008-10-23 05:40:20


Teresa Sullivan et al's book, As We Forgive Our Debtors (1989, see Chap 8, specifically) ... of points right after college. I had credit card debt, student loan debt, and an uninsured car accident ... points out that women were not even guaranteed credit in their own names until 1970 (or 1974 [more...]

Date: 2009-01-12 16:47:18

The Irony of Bankruptcy. The More You Have The Better It Is.

I came across an article by Ann Woolner, “Buy a Beach House for Shelter When Going Bankrupt” that was absolutely spot on ... credit-card debt. You can modify student loans. You can modify debt on a yacht,” points out Levitin ... . “Current law permits modification of any type of debt in bankruptcy except for a single-family [more...]

Date: 2008-10-17 14:54:46

How Do Lenders View Credit Counseling Services?

Typically consumers that have overwhelming debt have two options, either enter into a Consumer Credit Counseling Program or declare Bankruptcy ... Credit Counseling program for such reasons as it is more cost effective and easier to implement. Many credit card companies and creditors realize that it would be more beneficial to actually work [more...]

Date: 2008-12-09 00:04:36

Mortgage Rights and Wrongs

Congress has said that they want judges to adjust mortgage debt. On the face of it, this makes sense. After all, when people declare bankruptcy they get their credit card, auto loan, and personal debts adjusted. What makes a mortgage any different? Well, one difference is the law. By law [more...]

Date: 2009-01-14 05:01:08

If your credit card…

…balances are high, and you are considering bankruptcy, you should negotiate your credit balance with the card company. Usually they will waive some interest and fees to have a lump sum payment. You can also hire a debt consolidation company to do this for you. [more...]

Date: 2009-01-11 01:41:19

Weekly Roundup and Carnivals

This week check out these blog carnivals and festivals I participated in ... , have an emergency fund, and no other debt like a car loan or credit card debt. Think Simple ... of Financial Planning 12-15-08 Carnival of Bankruptcy and Debt 2nd Carnival of the Economy, Debt [more...]

Date: 2008-12-19 14:30:27

international debt

DO NOT consoldate yr debtt Eliminate It!!! Lgallyy Remove your credit card and other unsecured debt * WITHOUT ever making anothr payment to ... ://hiRMoiM89r.spaces.live.com/ This IS NOT: * Bankruptcy * Conslidation * Or refinancing of any ... in combined houusehold unseured debt to apply. * Must be a US residentt.... [more...]

Date: 2008-10-22 23:32:46

Going Down the Path of Consumer Debt - Again

At creditslips.org, Bob Lawless raises the most reasonable question I’ve seen so far about Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson’s decision to shift the ... s the question from Lawless, an expert on credit and bankruptcy at the University of Illinois College of Law school: Why? After two decades in which consumers piled debt on their credit cards without [more...]

Date: 2008-11-14 13:52:32

Should I Declare Bankruptcy?

One of our readers, Alicia, asked: I have one Credit Card debt with a balance of $15,000 can not pay the Min amount they want like 3, ... then to have to file Bankruptcy and they get no money it’s all i can sent (not only Debt i have) should ... of my debt within the next 5 - 7 years? There are two reasons for the 5-7 year question. The first [more...]

Date: 2008-11-19 13:59:48

New Congress Looks To Add Mortgage Debt To Bankruptcies - BIG MISTAKE

Congress So we have finally flushed most of the bad debt out of our system in 2008 ... modify other unsettled obligations, such as credit card debt. While the housing market downswing ... problem on the horizon is that Congress is back in session today. Instead of looking at 2009 [more...]

Date: 2009-01-06 14:51:56

Learn More About Bankruptcy Credit Cards

by John Steed At the time when a person or organization is incapable or debilitated to reimburse his debtors, ... debtors to proceed without the assistance of an advocate. This is attributed by the mechanism involved ... in court or not. These actions can be reached at through consultations with debt advisors who know how [more...]

Date: 2009-01-14 19:30:26

The first law that should be repealed in the United States is the 2005 Bankruptcy Bill: Will Obama eliminate debt slavery?

Our centralized government representatives would like us to believe that the subprime mortgage crisis was not expected, however, ... American citizen from this scam? In 2005, they created Debt Slavery by passing The Bankruptcy Bill. After years of lobbying, the “dream bill for credit card and financial service companies” finally came [more...]

Date: 2008-11-17 18:10:02

Having Problems Paying Your Bills?

Take a few minutes off and answer the following questions.1. What financial concerns are giving you headache right now?a. Credit card billsb ... in debt, try this next suggestion. My Fapturbo is an automated trading system that will help ... 1?a. File a loan to pay other loansb. Drop the insurancec. Declare bankruptcy d. Take second [more...]

Date: 2009-01-15 20:15:28

Recourses Other Than Bankruptcy

by William Blake None of us ever plan to go bankrupt but you hear about it happening to large corporations all the time ... will allow you to make a sizeable credit card payment each month for a year or two until the debt ... . Finding an alternative to bankruptcy could save you a lot of hassle. A debt consolidation loan [more...]

Date: 2008-11-11 20:07:26

A Loophole for Medical Bankruptcy

In 2005, special interest groups pushed for, and obtained, ... for. But if you buy too much crap with your credit card, you’re on the hook, pal.What will happen bankruptcy laws ... and high debt loads? You connect the dots. I’m beginning to see where this whole “medical credit [more...]

Date: 2009-01-08 14:19:51

YouTube & Leadpile Lead Exchange

... Business cash advance Credit card processing Equipment leasing Internet marketing services Web design ... repair Debt consolidation Debt settlement Tax debt relief Bankruptcy Student loan consolidation [more...]

Date: 2008-12-17 14:49:18

Government Public Records Search - Why Your Personal Information May Not Be Safe

So how private is your private information? Did you know that your records can be made available government public records to just about anyone with ... lawsuits, employment and unemployment. Your bankruptcy filing, which also contains credit card ... to serve the interests of those seeking information on you such as financial institutions, debt collect [more...]

Date: 2008-12-12 17:38:18

More Empty Space at the Mall; Life Gets Harder for Bored Teens

The bursting of the retail bubble that we discussed on Monday continues, and at a faster pace than expected ... , that is probably a good thing in the long term. Plenty of people with too much credit card debt could ... , including Circuit City Stores Inc., Linens ‘n Things Inc. and Sharper Image Corp., filed for bankruptcy [more...]

Date: 2009-01-07 18:01:37

What Would Happen if You Get Into Financial Trouble

With new technology constantly coming onto the market, the prices of everything rising, and the introduction of more and more credit cards, it is very easy to understand why an increasing number of people are finding themselves in debt. Personal bankruptcy is at all time high because now people are having problems paying for their homes. However, individuals who see quickly that they have a debt problem then there is help available. [more...]

Date: 2009-09-25 09:05:07

Debt Management Programs– best way to get out of debt.

A debt management program collectively takes all the loans of various amount and interest rates and forms into a new loan which is released to you. After that, only a single installment is required to be paid every month on a fixed rate of interest. This process is known as debt consolidation. Usually, debtors opt for bill consolidation scheme from the fear of bankruptcy. The problem originates with the use of many credit cards or taking multiple loans from various banks for personal or investment purposes. [more...]

Date: 2009-09-08 05:51:11

How To Get Out Of Debt FAST Without Bankruptcy Or Debt Conso

Discharge and eliminate 100 percent of your Credit Card Debt without Bankruptcy, Consolidation, or Refinancing. [more...]

Date: 2009-01-03 02:50:45

Bankruptcy - Is It the Answer?

Bankruptcy - Is It the Answer? October 11th, 2008 Subscribe To Our Feed If your finances are in a mess, you may have considered bankruptcy ... to pay back a portion of the debt that is owed to creditors. Your credit will be damaged ... laws. They were allowed to file more than once for Chapter 7 so many used it to beat credit card [more...]

Date: 2008-10-11 21:47:58

A Wall Street Bailout Might Be Necessary But It Makes Me Mad As Hell

I was sitting here this morning and it occurred to me how utterly ridiculous the Wall Street bailout is. Let’s look at a quick timeline ... Sues Credit Card Service, Alleging Bias. The article ... rewarded for limiting access to debt solutions like bankruptcy and then making billions of dollars [more...]

Date: 2008-09-23 17:39:27

House shines light on student bankruptcy

“Earlier this week the House held a hearing on private student loans and bankruptcy, shedding light for the first time on a rather unknown yet devastating aspect of student debt. Did you know that because of legislation dating back to 1976 under the Higher Education Act private student loans are unable to be discharged through bankruptcy? In other words, feel free to run up the credit card and splurge, but take out loans to pay for education? That’s just reckless. [more...]

Date: 2009-09-29 02:57:21

Bankruptcy and the Bible

The Bible and Bankruptcy Let me preface this by saying, while I have been in deep debt, ... . While I am sure most of them are credit card companies and other lending institutions, it is not an excuse for doing something wrong. If the businesses themselves forgave the debt, it would [more...]

Date: 2008-07-23 11:27:50

Small Business Stimulus Package Financial Giveaway @ The Roundup

Financial Giveaways With Cool Prizes #1 A Small Business Stimulus Package, ... , much like everyone else’s stock. Ugh! The Sun’s Financial Diary: How to Use Your Credit Card ... of Family Life Review Bloggers Carnival Best of Me Symphony Bankruptcy and Debt Carnival Carnival [more...]

Date: 2008-12-10 23:04:15

A Formalized Chapter 13 Repayment Plan

A Washington State Chapter 13 bankruptcy is type of “payment plan” bankruptcy ... . If utilized and crafted properly, a Chapter 13 should enable you to catch up on your unsecured debt ... of our clients first attempt to negotiate an informal payment plan with credit card companies and their other [more...]

Date: 2008-12-27 15:58:40

Declare Bankruptcy, or Tough It Out?

One of our readers, Jill, had this question for us: Mr. Credit Card, We have kept up all our payments and haven’t been 30 days late in 5 years ... us any? We currently owe 38,000 in unsecured debt, 116,000 on two mortgages on our home which is valued ... go about taking that path first, then we’ll look at the reverse situation. Right now, you are [more...]

Date: 2008-11-11 09:45:44

Bankruptcy - What To Consider Before Filing

Bankruptcy - What To Consider Before Filing Posted By William Blake on @ 9: ... debt burden, and it’s sometimes the first method they reach for. Well, it may well relieve the burden ... , and these should be carefully considered. You will lose any credit cards that have outstanding [more...]

Date: 2008-09-17 14:25:20

Why Debt Consolidation Is Doomed To Fail

http://www.TheCreditCardSolution.com and view FREE videos by Bob Lindsey on a remarkable plan that has helped thousands of debtors eliminate their ... credit card debt without bankruptcy debt arbitration debt settlement attorney lawyer debt erase ... credit card debt. Debt consolidation agencies are not the answer. This approach is 100% legal [more...]

Date: 2008-12-01 16:41:48

Can Collection Agencies Sue Me For Outstanding Debt?

Amazon.de Widgets The question that many people are asking is ‘can collection agency sue for a debt?’ With the amount of people suffering financial hardship due to the current economic crisis the number of people facing difficulties paying their bills is increasing rapidly and for the time being, at least, this trend shows no sign of reversing.Previously, lenders who had borrowers that had fallen into arrears would normally, only go as far as to post negative credit information upon the debtors [more...]

Date: 2009-09-29 11:34:48

How to Research Debt Collectors & Understand the Law

This is the first guest post in a special How to Fight Debt Collectors series on Bargaineering.com. So you’ve received a debt collection call or letter… In this day and age where you have rampant foreclosures, layoffs and job losses, it is simply inevitable that an individual may come across a debt collector, and frankly even without these external factors, it may just happen by a chance wrong number or even being related to someone going through a hard time financially. [more...]

Date: 2009-09-28 11:02:18

Air Chapter 11: 5 tips for surviving the bankrupt skies

September 27, 2009 If I were a bettin’ man, I’d put some money on a big airline filing for bankruptcy protection in the not-too-distant future.My oddsmaker is Robert Herbst, who publishes the Web site AirlineFinancials.com. “Based on my analysis,” he told me, “US Airways and United Airlines look to have the greatest challenges over the next year.”Enough of a challenge to push them off the Chapter 11 cliff? Perhaps. Point is, one day — maybe soon — you could be flying the bankrupt skies. [more...]

Date: 2009-09-27 11:08:03

Credit Cards After Bankruptcy: Is It Feasible?

Getting any kind of finance after going through a bankruptcy process is not an easy task. When it comes to credit cards, given that they constitute an open line of credit, there are even less chances of getting approved since the lender has little control on the repayment process and thus, the risk is greater. Yet, it is possible to obtain a credit card after bankruptcy under certain circumstances. One of the things that need to be made clear is how long after bankruptcy you are applying. [more...]

Date: 2009-09-26 20:20:28

How to Be Aware of What Credit Counselors and Consolidators are Really Offering

This is a guest post from Matt B . Matt writes about all aspects of personal finance at Financial Methods . Please visit the site and let him know what you think. If you are at a point in your life where you have realized that the debt you lug around behind you weighs you down too much, good for you. If you are stuck at the beginning of the battle and not sure where to go next, just know that there are plenty of options. [more...]

Date: 2009-09-28 11:01:51

Sunday Money Roundup – Colorado Rockies Edition.

And by Colorado Rockies, I mean the baseball team, not the mountain range. While living in New Mexico is/has been fun, there is one thing I truly miss – and that’s professional sports. See, NM doesn’t have a SINGLE professional sports team, and I have never lived somewhere where I couldn’t get a ticket to a game within an hour or 2 drive. So this weekend I went to a Rockies game with my best friend and his 4 year old son in Denver and we had a blast. [more...]

Date: 2009-09-27 13:30:29

The Key To Wealth Is Staying Out Of Debt, And Similar Garbage

Try Living Without A Credit Card   Around seventy five percent of the Fortune 400 say that the key to wealth building is getting and staying out of debt, but the members are seemingly totally out of contact with day to day living, and apparently have no idea of what it’s like to live Related posts: Learn About Debt Validation And Why You Should Use It Bankruptcy, Debt Settlement Or Debt Consolidation? Innovative Way To Pay Less Interest On Your Credit Cards [more...]

Date: 2009-09-29 13:23:18

How To Repair Credit After Bankruptcy Chapter 7

So how to repair credit after bankruptcy Chapter 7 ?  Restoring good credit, avoiding future financial trouble, and restoring a debtor’s reputation can take months, and sometimes even years, before the records are washed clean. Bankruptcy Chapter 7 can be filed by any individual, company, partnership or sole proprietorship in the United States as long as the debtor has not missed a court appearance regarding a prior bankruptcy filing within the previous 180 days. [more...]

Date: 2009-09-26 14:20:45

Does Getting Out of Debt Take a Miracle?

The world seems to be full of “get out of debt quickly” solutions, yet most of these solutions are nothing more than smoke and mirrors. This leaves a lot of people asking the question: does getting out of debt take a miracle? The truth behind the matter is that getting out of debt is not only easy to do; it’s also easy to understand. You don’t need a miracle in order to reduce the amount of debt that you currently have. What you do need is some plain and simple logic that you can easily follow. [more...]

Date: 2009-09-26 20:20:39

Where has the Bailout Money Gone? Good Billions After Bad

Where has the Bailout Money Gone? Good Billions After Bad Vanity Fair by Donald L. Barlett and James B. Steele As the Bush administration waned, the Treasury shoveled more than a quarter of a trillion dollars in tarp funds into the financial system—without restrictions, accountability, or even common sense. The authors reveal how much of it ended up in the wrong hands, doing the opposite of what was needed. Just inside the entrance to the U.S. [more...]

Date: 2009-09-28 06:17:36

What to do if you’ve been turned down for a loan

Turned Down For a Loan?  Improve Your Loan-Ability! This article was written by Becky House, Education Manager for American Financial Solutions. For more information about credit scores, budgeting or managing your debt, visit MyFinancialGoals.org or contact Becky at 1.800.894.3946. Two years ago, someone with a 600 (poor) credit score could qualify for a mortgage or car loan. Now, reputable lenders will not even consider lending to someone with a score below 700. [more...]

Date: 2009-09-26 14:37:00

Credit Card Debt Relief

by Glen Pearson The secret is creditors do not want you to have any plan at all with your money. Credit card debt relief starts with new habits. The first habit to start paying cash for everyday things. Do not charge your grocery bill and you’ll start spending less. Habits are easy, if you just start them. A new way of thinking is, the next time your DVD player breaks, save up for a new one. There is nothing wrong with watching reruns on TV until you do that. [more...]

Date: 2009-09-27 11:37:53

Top Bankruptcy Alternatives You Can Choose

If you are considering filing bankruptcy, you know that it feels like the hardest decision you’ve probably ever made. There are many questions - whether it will really help you get a fresh financial start, what the credit results are after bankruptcy, how bad it will be for your financial future, whether it’s really the right thing to do now. Finding out more about bankruptcy is the only way to determine for yourself whether it’s right for you. [more...]

Date: 2009-09-27 08:14:19

Find Out What Debt Validation Means And Why It’s Important

Imagine getting a phone call or a knock on the door, and when you answer it, a person called Victor says that he been authorized by someone name Joe to collect a debt that you owe him, and it’s true that you do owe somebody called Joe some money. Even if you had the money, and knew that you owed it, would you pay this new person on the scene? I’m pretty sure that you wouldn’t even consider for a moment giving Victor any money, until you were 100% sure that he was really acting on Joe’s behalf. [more...]

Date: 2009-09-26 20:20:24

Why Is There a Need to Review All Three Credit Reports?

by Jesse Hughes Much of the purchasing made by individuals are done with the use of credits or loans. You get a car through a car loan, a house via a mortgage, your education through educational loans or just about any other need through the use of credit cards. Gone were the days when you had to carry load of cash to buy what you require. Getting a loan or any other credit for that matter is not so simple. The bank that will issue the credit will not do it blindly. [more...]

Date: 2009-09-26 18:02:50

Immediate Credit Card Debt Relief

September 29, 2009 | By Ross Taylor In Finance | by Glen PearsonThe secret is creditors do not want you to have any plan at all with your money. Credit card debt relief starts with new habits. The first habit to start paying cash for everyday things. Do not charge your grocery bill and you’ll start spending less. Habits are easy, if you just start them. A new way of thinking is, the next time your DVD player breaks, save up for a new one. [more...]

Date: 2009-09-29 16:46:32

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