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Are you short on rent this month? If you are worried about an eviction, don't wait until it happens. The disruption that an eviction can have on your life is not worth the headache, stress or interruption to your life. If you can borrow money from your family or friends, do so. If this is... [ go to Youtube.com ]
: 5 min
: 25/05/09 02:55
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MORTGAGE LOANS Bad Credit Mortgage If you're a first time home buyer, we offer a variety of loan programs to assist you in making your first time home purchase decision - even with bad credit problems or after bankruptcy. Bad Credit Home Equity Loan Our online application is the fastest and... [ go to Youtube.com ]
: 4 min
: 23/05/09 07:54
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Are you short on rent this month? If you are worried about an eviction, don't wait until it happens. The disruption that an eviction can have on your life is not worth the headache, stress or interruption to your life. If you can borrow money from your family or friends, do so. If this is... [ go to Youtube.com ]
: 5 min
: 27/05/09 02:10
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