$35 Credit Repair
Credit Repair Only $35 Per Month With $75 Down http://www.SourceOneCreditRepair.com Have you recently obtained a credit report to check your credit score. Did you know that the fair credit reporting act allows legitimate credit repair services to do credit repair. Credit repair after bankruptcy requires credit repair help, but don't worry because credit restoration is possible. Low credit scores, bad, credit reports, and credit check inquiries can all be fixed. [ go to Youtube.com ]
: 0 min
: 05/09/08 18:05
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Blog posts
Credit Ratings & Bad Credit : How to Calculate a Beacon Score
Calculating a Beacon score requires obtaining a credit report from the Equifax credit bureau, as each bureau has its own nickname for their scores. Access your Beacon score by submitting the appropriate forms with advice from a credit repairconsultant in this free video on personal finance. Expert: Stetson Lowe Contact: stetsonlowe.typepad.com Bio: Stetson Lowe is a credit repair expert. Known as the "mortgage insider," Lowe assists increasing credit scores for the most challenging of ... [ go to Youtube.com ]
: 0 min
: 13/02/09 19:01
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Credit Repair 101 - Fix Your Scores and Reports
http://www.lightshipmutual.com/swabthedeck.php Home mortgage. Car loan. Employment. Insurance. Your ability to obtain all of these financial goals is directly dependent upon your credit history. Do you even know what your credit scores are? Well, it's time to obtain, analyze, and repair your credit reports and to finally take control of your financial future. Learn the fundamentals of responsible credit management and remove inaccurate negative information from your credit reports. [ go to Youtube.com ]
: 2 min
: 12/10/08 16:47
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Bankruptcy Questions : How Does Bankruptcy Affect a Credit Score?
Bankruptcy has a negative affect on credit scores, which can be reestablished by obtaining an accurate copy of the credit score after the case has been dealt with. Learn to rebuild a stable credit score within 24 months after filing for bankruptcy with information from a lawyer in this free video on bankruptcy. [ go to Youtube.com ]
: 1 min
: 10/11/08 21:43
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Credit Cards, Credit Score & Credit : How to Fix Bad Credit
Fixing bad credit takes time, but obtain your credit report first and check for accurate information. Learn how to fix bad credit from a credit counselor in this free personal finance video. [ go to Youtube.com ]
: 2 min
: 17/07/08 20:04
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Auto Loan Advice : How to Get a Cheap Car Loan
A cheap car loan can be obtained at a bank or credit union, but depends greatly on a person's credit score. Find the best auto loan interest rate by researching a local financial institution or credit union with tips from a credit repair specialist in this free video on auto loans. [ go to Youtube.com ]
: 0 min
: 29/10/08 19:07
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Obtaning Business Credit, Paydex Score, etc.
http://www.businesscreditblueprint.com This Educational Clip Shows You How to Obtaion a Paydex Score for your Business and How to Obtain Business Credit in 7 Easy Steps! [ go to Youtube.com ]
: 1 min
: 16/06/08 08:51
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