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PANIC GROWING AS TESTING BEGINS OF NEW IRS TECHNOLOGY, PROMPTING THOUSANDS TO ESCAPE HIGH TAX STATES SUCH AS NEW YORK & CALIFORNIA. Click HQ button for higher quality. If you're interested in raising or rising taxes or revenues, without budget cutting or cuts in government spending to reduce the national debt now in the trillions, then you might like this funny parody video. It's comedy, a joke. Some people will get it, like peter schiff, jim rogers, marc farber, max keiser, glenn beck, jon ... [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 1 min 39
Added : 11/03/09 22:29
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Videos (4) | Blog posts (6)

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McCain vs. Obama on the United States Economy

Good American Economy presents Dick Alexander and Dr. Ravi Batra, Economics Professor at Southern Methodist University, as they take a deeper look into the past economic policies, and how Republican economic efforts have led to the current United States economic declines in income, job growth, and other problems. For more information go to: www.goodamericaneconomy.com [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 9 min 39
Added : 25/09/08 22:54
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National Debt Exploding under Bush (pushing $10 TRILLION!)

The Republican addiction to tax cuts is going to mortgage this country into bankruptcy. Less than zero just six years ago, President Bush and the Republicans' policies have pushed the exploding deficit into overdrive, threatening the very future of our nation. Visit the BI30 Blog: blog.bi30.org [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 3 min 12
Added : 15/07/06 23:24
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Pro Bush

Thousands dead, largest national debt in history, tax cuts for the rich, out of controll spending, still no univeral health care, New Orleans still in dispair, Enron thiefs go free, and ON and ON and ON...... [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 2 min 50
Added : 11/02/08 14:26
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