Popular Tags, Blogs, and Videos about credit card bills

Hate your Credit Card Bills ??

crushadebt.com Our solution goes further, much further. We deliver more because we know the insider secrets the credit card companies don't want you to know. Their dirty little tricks start with tons of legal jargon in the contract that governs your relationship with them -- plus the updates that change the rules of the game any time they want. We also know how they "legally" manipulate their bad debts generated by cardholders -- and how they "insure" their way out of bad debt losses that ... [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 2 min 15
Added : 14/08/09 19:55
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Videos (13) | Blog posts (26)

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Facing the Financial Crisis | KETC | How to Prioritize Debt

What order should you pay your bills? First, mortgage, then car payment, then credit cards, then any medical bills. Your mortgage, car payment and credit cards have interest charges that will apply immediately if you miss a payment, so they should always be first. Ifyou have more questions, you can call the United Way's helpline at 1-800-427-4626 or 2-1-1 for information about trusted community resources in the Greater St. Louis area you can turn to. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 1 min 15
Added : 13/02/09 00:08
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Healthcare Reform 2009 depending on your Credit Score

International issues are extremely important - but what about healthcare reform? What about companies like GE, one of the major defense contractors in the nation, being involved with this so-called healthcare reform? My video, appearing on AfterDowningStreet is legit + is unedited: http://www.afterdowningstreet.org/node/38854 [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 10 min 44
Added : 11/01/09 07:37
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What types of debts can be included in Debt Settlement

We are able to resolve any unsecured debt, meaning credit cards, medical bills, etc. Debts that are secured by property, such as mortgages, car loans, or purchase contracts cannot be included. We also cannot service IRS obligations or government-backed student loans. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 0 min 18
Added : 02/07/09 19:40
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Helping people with Credit Repair and Debt Settlement

Today I was at LIberty Health Hospital in Jersey City, New Jersey offering Debt Settlement/Debt Management to employees of the hospital. I do a FREE consultation and FREE analysis on how I can save people thousands of dollars on unsecured debt. Do you want a FREE Anaylisis? Give me a call: Guillermo 973-441-5287 [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 0 min 45
Added : 05/06/09 01:15
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Financial Stability for the Modest Income

This book is designed to assist those in need of financial stability. It is designed for the modest income to dig out from under credit card debt and loans or medical bills in an easy and understandable program. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 0 min 41
Added : 19/02/08 18:36
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If all you have are credit cards, medical bills, a car note, been through a foreclosure, then you have a very simple bankruptcy. One that is so simple that all you have to do to write-off all the debt is fill out the correct forms. www.BankruptcyDVD.com [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 0 min 30
Added : 16/04/08 00:15
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Personal Loans for Loan Consolidation

If you use most of your monthly paycheck paying off your numerous bills, or worse yet, you use all of it paying off your bills, then you may be in serious of some financial help. If you have medical bills, utility bills, credit card bills and store bills [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 1 min 18
Added : 25/04/09 16:03
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Debt Settlement Companies

Visit the Debt Settlement Resource Guide www.debtsettlementresourceguide.com to compare debt settlement companies, debt settlement program fees, and industry ratings. Find a reputable company to settle your credit card and medical bill debt. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 1 min 06
Added : 09/02/09 16:39
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How long will a debt settlement program take to eliminate debt?

http://www.howtosettledebt.org/ What timeframe will it take a debt settlement program to help you eliminate, reduce and clear all your credit card debt and medical bills? Get debt resolution now. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 0 min 30
Added : 02/01/09 15:28
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