Popular Tags, Blogs, and Videos about debt financing

MarketWatch - Long-term financing in the face of bad debt

Anthony Domino Jr., managing director of Associated Benefit Consultants in Rye Brook, NY talks with Caryn A. McBride about the deepening market in crisis. Domino explains how long-term finance is going to be affected by bad debt. Currently it's a waiting game of speculation to see how big of a write-down may have to come towards the end of the year. For more business news www.WestchesterCountyBusiness.com For more info www.associatedbenefit.com [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 1 min 17
Added : 26/04/08 23:41
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Videos (4) | Blog posts (4)

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A Five-Year-Old in Debt: Learning with Video Games

Complete video at: fora.tv Video game designer Ian Bogost argues for the educational power of video games. He illustrates his point by remembering how his young son grappled with the responsibility of long-term debt in the Nintendo game Animal Crossing. ----- Video games are usually viewed as a form of escapism: pure entertainment and shoot-em-up fantasy. But increasingly, games are being recognized as educational tools, or as deliverers of social or political messages. This evolving medium ... [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 4 min 44
Added : 15/07/09 20:10
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The importance of paying off debt in a timely manner, especially credit card debt!

TheCorporatePlaybook.com's Alex Lindle describes the importance of paying off credit card debt as quickly as possible and setting up a 'game plan' when you need to use credit on how to pay it off quickly and no allowing yourself to get into long term debt due to finance charges and interest. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 2 min 36
Added : 07/05/09 12:08
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How to Apply for a Credit Card

Using specific Web sites, apply for a credit card that has low introductory offer rates, low long-term rates and no annual fees. Apply for the perfect credit card with tips from the vice president of a bank in this free video on credit counseling. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 1 min 25
Added : 19/09/08 21:24
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advantages of debt financing / business / corporate / consolidation / equity / definition / risk / difference between debt financing equity / disadvantage of debt financing / long term / mezzanine /