Popular Tags, Blogs, and Videos about student loan debt

Student Loan Scam -- from Rocky Mtn Homelessness

If you're thinking that taking out loans will help you to get an education, you may be right. But what you'll learn may also surprise you. Many college graduates are learning that the reality of the "American Dream" is actually a nightmare. Unless you want to ruin yourself financially, DON'T DO IT!--DON'T TAKE OUT LOANS IN ORDER TO GET A COLLEGE DEGREE! Seriously, there is no guarantee that you'll get a job, much less a high paying job, upon graduation. There is also (and few people are ... [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 4 min 45
Added : 19/03/09 22:03
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Bad Credit Solutions Consolidate Your Debt Payment Loans & Lines of Credit Debt Management

Digging Yourself Out of The Hole Is a Lot Easier Than You Think Whether you have NO Credit, LOW Credit, or BAD Credit Don't let it stop you from taking charge and reclaiming your life. Like I said, this may be the most important information you'll read this year, because I'm going to show... [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 4 min 46
Added : 12/05/09 09:37
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Financial Education and Tools Credit and Debt Debt Consolidation and Credit Counseling Personal

How I Turned Around My Credit Score... Not long ago I was in a huge financial mess. My personal credit was horrible; I couldn't get a loan, and I was struggling just to pay the high interest payments on my credit cards. The bank wouldn't finance me for a house, and I had to purchase my car... [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 4 min 22
Added : 12/05/09 02:54
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