Popular Tags, Blogs, and Videos about debt collectors

Taking on the Banks 2 - Talking to a debt collector

Btonbadger's quest continues, as he wonders what would happen if he treats the debt collection agency in exactly the way they've treated him. If they can harrass without any legal proof of a debt, then surely he can too? Maybe they'll be intimidated enough to pay the non-existant debt... after all that's how debt collection works isn't it? [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 1 min 25
Added : 21/08/08 17:29
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Videos (3) | Blog posts (10)

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Collection companies and Debt Settlement

Why are my creditors saying that they won't work with you? Most likely the person who is telling you that is a paid collector who is self-interested and makes commissions or bonuses on what they receive from you. They may tell you they won't work with us just to get you to send money directly to them. Once you become a client, you will direct all creditor calls to the law firm. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 0 min 18
Added : 30/06/09 22:33
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It was a debt collection agency which one of the members of the household is never around to listen to. So no harm done. Also, we've both worked for one of these agencies. lawl. [ go to Youtube.com ]

Time : 0 min 27
Added : 16/09/08 01:34
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